Reflections on The Battle of Dragon Balls
A good horse will not turn back
2023-07-28 04:45:44
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

Recently, I read the book "Dragon Ball Battle" and was moved by the stories and characters in the book.
The Battle of Dragon Balls tells that in the Middle Ages, due to the role of some mysterious force, the dragon bead that had been hiding in the secret land of the dragon suddenly burst into two halves, then disappeared without a trace, and the power of the dragon family suffered a heavy defeat. Because the dragon ball is the sacred object of the dragon family, a powerful energy source and endless life essence of the dragon family. In order to find the fragments of the dragon ball and recover the dragon ball, the dragon family and his friend Locke in the Kingdom of Locke made unremitting efforts. In the process, they first met the insidious fake Hyde, and then met the despicable Enzo and the shameless Cullen... But the difficulties did not scare these Locke and dragon family warriors. In Lodge, who values love and justice, and Shanai, who cares about the overall situation, With the help of the heroic Lulu, they defeated the evil forces and the black wizard Enzo.
Through this story, I learned one thing: for peace, all risks are worth taking. However, we should not only be brave and resourceful, but also consider the overall situation, for friends, not for our own selfish desires, regardless of everyone's feelings, let everyone suffer!