Sad copywriting
Know how to lose
2023-03-11 00:09:38
Complete sentences

1. After leaving, my biggest understanding is not how good I am, nor how bad you are, but that I have seen myself clearly and understood the meaning of two people together. Good love is always the efforts of two people, not one person's compromise.

2. Once upon a time, I thought I had found the happiness I wanted, but when I gave without reservation, I found that it had always been my wishful thinking.

3. People who don't love you don't love you as much as you think!

4. I finally got through that period. Everyone looked like you, and everything I saw missed you. The songs I listened to were all about your days. Fortunately, I could finally go smoothly. I didn't ask for the return date, didn't contact you, and didn't wait for you anymore.

5. Don't open the wound to irrelevant people easily, because others are watching the excitement, but they are hurting themselves.

6. If you don't love someone, please let go so that others can have the opportunity to love her; If the person you love gives up on you, please let go of yourself so that you can have a chance to love others.

7. There is only so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but when you left me, you asked me how to smile at others in the future.

8. Silly wait so long, finally to this day, I don't want to take the initiative to contact you, just I know you will not contact me. We will never meet again. I will remember those wonderful experiences together. After all, I really tried, but you didn't know how to cherish them at that time.

9. Sometimes, love is a process of enjoying the cool when others plant trees. But I teach you to love, not to love others.

10. Two people are together for happiness. Breaking up is to alleviate pain. You can no longer make me happy, and I have to leave. When I leave, it is also very painful, but you must be more painful than me, because I said goodbye first, and I was the first person to pursue happiness.

11. Deteriorated feelings are like cigarettes. They have no nutrition, but they cannot be lost. They are left to erode themselves little by little.

12. Something. It is a great grievance to hide in my heart. When I talked, I felt that nothing was worth mentioning.

13. It's hard to say such a deep love. It turns out that if you really love someone, you will be unable to speak because of your sour heart. Most of your sweet words will be spoken to irrelevant people.

14. You can earn wealth in a way you don't like, or you can cure diseases with medicine you don't believe in, but you can't get happiness from people you don't love.

15. My unhappiness, my unhappiness, I try my best to stay with myself, and I never expect anyone to love me and carry all for me.

16. You are smart enough to know that I love you. Maybe you are not so smart. I still love you even after breaking up.

17. I am not used to showing my pain to others, because I am afraid of being comforted by others and do not want to be pitied. I prefer the pride and being looked up to by the strong to the talk and cry of the weak. Dark clouds are gathering in my heart and my face is still. Even if they are misunderstood, they do not clarify, explain or care about them. These are the current strength.

18. Give yourself some time to forgive yourself for doing many stupid things. Accept yourself and love yourself. All the past will pass, and all that should come is on the way.

19. It is slowly learned that the sincerity of a person may or may not be rewarded, and the person you ignore may be the one who values you most. The saddest thing is that I can't help watching you leave.

20. Sometimes, although I can think clearly, I just can't accept it. Everyone knows the great truth, but little emotions are hard to control.

21. Affection is a burden that I cannot bear, and love words are just lies that are realized accidentally.