Mountain scenery verse
Wind chasing fireworks rain
2023-02-20 19:07:47
Complete Poems

1. Look at the colored mountains from afar, listen to the silent water from afar—— Wang Wei's Painting

2. Let's see each other off in the mountains, and cover the firewood at dusk—— Farewell by Wang Wei

3. The trees are all autumn, and the mountains and mountains are only sunset—— Wang Ji's Wild Hope

4. Thousands of mountains and birds fly away, thousands of paths and people disappear—— Snow on the River by Liu Zongyuan

5. Only the sky is on top, and there is no mountain—— Kou Zhun's Ode to Hua Mountain

6. Green mountains cross the northern wall, and white water surrounds the eastern city—— Li Bai's Farewell to Friends

7. I happened to visit the old man Lin, and there was no time to return—— Wang Wei's Farewell to the South

8. The pond is covered with grass and the pond is covered with water, and the mountain is filled with setting sun and cold ripples—— Lei Zhen's Village Evening

9. Green mountains and green waters, white grass, red leaves and yellow flowers—— Bai Pu's "Tian Jing Sha Autumn"

10. The mountain atmosphere is good day and night, and the birds fly together—— Tao Yuanming's "Drinking: The Fifth"

11. The city is picturesque, and the sky is clear at night—— Li Bai's "Autumn Climbing the Xuancheng Xieyu North Tower"

12. The sky is vast and the moon is clear along the Chengjiang River—— Huang Tingjian's "Climbing the Fast Pavilion"

13. Looking at the landscape of Dongting, there is a green snail in the silver plate—— Liu Yuxi's Watching Dongting

14. Long mountains and wide rivers know where—— Yan Shu's "Butterflies Love Flowers, Curtained Chrysanthemum Sorrow, Smoke Orchids Cry Dew"

15. The apes on both sides can't stop crying, and the boat has passed over the mountains—— Li Bai's Early Departure to Baidi City

16. The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind is blowing, the life experience is ups and downs, the rain is hitting the ping—— Wen Tianxiang's Crossing the Ocean of Lingding

17. Green mountains are together with clouds and rain. How can the moon ever be two villages—— Wang Changling's Delivering Chai to the Imperial Servant

18. May Tianshan snow, no flowers only cold—— Li Bai's Six Songs of Frontier Song, One of them

19. After several times of hurting the past, the mountain shape still sleeps the cold current—— Liu Yuxi's Nostalgia in Xisaishan

20. The north of Gushan Temple is Jia Tingxi, and the water surface is initially flat and the cloud feet are low—— Bai Juyi's Spring Trip to Qiantang Lake

21. The water protection field will be surrounded by green trees, and the two mountains will be lined up to deliver green—— Wang Anshi's "Mister Yin's Wall at Shuhu"

22. If you want to cross the Yellow River and the ice blocks the river, you will climb the Taihang Mountains with snow—— Li Bai's Difficult Travel - One of them

23. What is in the mountain? There are many white clouds on the mountain—— Tao Hongjing's "The Imperial edict asks why all the poems in the mountain are written to answer"

24. In the evening, the mountain and the moon come back with people—— Li Bai's "Down the South Mountain and Across the Husi Mountain, People Stay and Drink"

25. You can't see the king in the mountain circuit, and there is a horse riding place in the snow—— Cen Can Send Judge Wu Back to Beijing with a White Snow Song

26. Eight stars away, in front of the rain mountain at two or three o'clock—— Xin Qiji, The Moon on the West River, Walking on the Yellow Sand Road at Night

27. Unlimited rivers and mountains cry, who says the world is wide! Knowing that the spring road is near, it is difficult to leave home—— "Farewell to the Clouds" by Xia Wanchun

28. It rained at the third watch last night, and I had to spend another cool day—— Su Shi's "Partridge Sky, Forest Broken Mountain, Bright Bamboo Hidden Wall"

29. The hills overlap and the golden light disappears, and the sideburns are like the snow on the cheeks—— Wen Tingyun, Bodhisattva Man, Hill Overlapping and Gold Vanishing

30. Egrets fly in front of Xisai Mountain, and mandarin fish is fat in peach blossom and flowing water—— Zhang Zhihe's The Fisherman, Egret Flying in Front of Xisai Mountain