67 sentences after dithering 90
Rose with thorns
2023-05-12 03:54:58
Complete sentences

1、 Don't burden yourself too much, be yourself.

2、 No matter how big your circle is, talk to me well.

3、 It is better to run into a wall than to stay at home.

4、 Those boring vows, you keep listening.

5、 Face is given by others, but lost by oneself.

6、 Never indulge yourself and make excuses for yourself.

7、 May you have no joys and sorrows for the rest of your life.

8、 Passing through youth for a while, I was stranded in my memory for a lifetime.

9、 May my dream still exist when I am in my thirties. Don't wake up alone.

10、 I want to be good enough to smile confidently when I see you again.

11、 Step on the accelerator of courage and throw the bad luck thousands of miles away.

12、 Turning at night is daytime, turning at sadness is happiness.

13、 He knows that you are reluctant to leave, so he hurts recklessly.

14、 Behind every hard work, there will be double rewards.

15、 Youth is always more sentimental, cool time, hurt the heart.

16、 The eyes flowing through tears are brighter, and the heart dripping blood is stronger!

17、 Now I feel my heart is free and my body is ready to move.

18、 It's never too late. If you can meet it, you can meet it. If you can't meet it, you can.

19、 Forget how beautiful they used to be. They won't swear or hide swords in a smile.

20、 If anyone dares to interfere in my love, I will cut your leg.

21、 Both people and dead people are people, but they are just a promise and a rest!

22、 The beauty of learning is that no one can take it away from you.

23、 May you be less hurt when you are stubborn, and may you be disillusioned when things are people.

24、 The mature side is for outsiders, and the childish side is for lovers.

25、 I don't need too many complicated plots, just hope you will be in my story.

26、 Someone has been looking for you, but the road is too dark and far away, you have to wait.

27、 Don't expect anyone to accompany you all your life. Even the shadow will leave you when there is no light.

28、 I'm not afraid that the road is too far to find the end, or that two worlds cannot be drawn into a circle.

29、 If you don't like your favorite Songlan Street, it's just like if you don't like you and treat everyone as well.

30、 Successful people learn from others, while unsuccessful people only learn from themselves.

31、 No matter how strange we are, our kindness to you is true.

32、 Ninety percent of the losers were not actually knocked down, they just gave up.

33、 Some people seem to be very flirtatious, but actually they all have the shadow of someone.

34、 Coming is accidental, leaving is inevitable. So you must follow the fate unchanged.

35、 There is always a wave of people who judge others by the standards of saints, but demand themselves by the standards of saints.

36、 The fun of life is that the greatest pain of yesterday is likely to achieve the greatest strength of tomorrow.

37、 Don't talk to me in a commanding tone. After all, our relationship is not up to scratch, and you are not mine.

38、 Most of the years that we never forget are because we are carefree and have a favorite person around us.

39、 The slowest person, as long as he does not lose his goal, also walks faster than the person who wanders aimlessly.

40、 You can never wake a person who pretends to sleep, just as you can never move a person who doesn't love you.

41、 The best state of life is just one person, quiet and rich, two people, warm and practical.

42、 There are some things you can't get around. If you escape now, you will spend ten times more energy to face them later.

43、 Those who have a modest, cheerful and sincere attitude, coupled with patience, are very lucky.

44、 Overdrawing tears, we will laugh heartlessly. If someone can rely on, who will be willing to be independent.

45、 Do what you want to do. Even if it is not worth it, even if it is really a waste, it is what you want to do.

46、 We hate a person, often because they are too similar; We like one person because they are too similar.

47、 Each encounter is a new acquaintance for her, but for him, it is waiting for another hundred years of reunion.

48、 Faced with many choices, we are always too late to think about them. The result is either to give up or to regret.

49、 Go some way before you know how hard it is; Experience comes only after some things; It takes a lifetime to know happiness.

50、 Don't be angry because others can't be what you want them to be, because you can't be what you want yourself to be.

51. You always try to become what he likes, but you ignore that the person who loves you all is the one you should love with all your heart.

52. Yesterday is an abandoned check, tomorrow is an outstanding deposit, and today is the only cash you can dispose of.

53. Don't be angry and try to win, don't see through and try to make a breakthrough, don't be jealous and appreciate, don't ask for delay and be positive, don't get excited and take action.

Fifty-four, you should believe this in your whole life: you don't need to exert yourself if you can keep it, and you don't need to exert yourself if you can't keep it. Come and go according to circumstances.

55. In the journey of climbing the ladder of life, we are not afraid to slow down, but to stop. As long as we don't stop, the slowest speed can reach the peak.

56. I don't like to complain about too many trivial things in the world of mortals, and I am calm to face the wind and rain. I only wish that everything would be as peaceful as before in the years to come.

57. Live your life calmly. If you don't live a vigorous life, you can feel at ease. It's not that we don't pursue, but that we don't demand.

58. Luck is an opportunity that happens to bump into your efforts. Only by making full efforts and encountering good opportunities can you achieve good luck.

59. You will never know that the most courageous thing I have ever done is to give up the chance to be friends and just let you know that I like you.

Sixty, that summer, I met the best of you. The moon set in my dream and the clouds were crowing. When I recalled you in time, you said you were wandering, and I said it was a lifetime.

61. Only now do I understand that in love, it is as simple as giving love or money. Don't love till the end, so that you have nothing.

62. If you have a prick on your body, others will take care of your feelings; The constant praise, tolerance, compromise and occasional resistance become the main culprit of the self.

63. Sometimes the best time is to sit quietly somewhere, read a book, drink a cup of tea, or just think about him in your mind.

64. No hypocrisy, no mask; No publicity, willing to be indifferent, sincere, true, true. Glory or disgrace, everything will pass, don't hurt yourself, hurt your heart.

65. I am just a little girl. Why should I care about the feelings of so many people? If I like you, I will treat you well. I want to give you the world, but you don't. What can I do.

66. Good love doesn't need to be forced, let alone tied. It's your inability to run away, not your inability to stay any longer. Although it's a bad street sentence, it always shines with the light of truth.

67. We in love will eventually live as we once hated ourselves. Those who wait can't wait. When they wait, they may not be the ones they really like, and they may not be able to go to the end.