Classic copywriting signature
Go to the seaside together
2023-07-27 22:30:20
Complete set of signatures

1. No matter how much you like it, don't let the old love rekindle. From the moment you hurt me, I knew that you would never consider my feelings.

2. Suitability is really more important than liking. Later, you chose the right one, but I lost to liking.

3. Don't always take the past memory to torment your present self. You can love heartrending, or you can walk away simply.

4. Every time I want to find someone to accompany me, I find that some people can't find me, some people shouldn't find me, and others can't find me.

5. There are two impulses in life: one is unrelenting love; A trip that takes you on the go.

6. I would rather let others think that you are Transformers, invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, tireless in every aspect, than let others see you sad, tired, falling down.

7. After waiting for a long time, I finally understood that sometimes, some people, some things, we have no choice but to say goodbye.

8. The reason why you feel lonely is not that no one cares about you, but that the person you care about doesn't care about you.

9. If you don't understand my weakness, don't destroy my strength; If you can't be my shield, don't take off my armor.

10. May you have good luck, if not, may you learn compassion in misfortune; May you be loved by many people. If not, may you learn tolerance in loneliness.

11. The goodwill between people is so fragile. When you close the door a little louder, I feel you hate me.

12. There is always a song of Fei Yan, there is always a love story of Fei Jiu. Lonely people listen to other people's stories and shed their own tears.

13. If you are not happy, go out for a walk. The world is so big. The scenery is beautiful, there are many opportunities, and life is short. Don't curl up in a shadow.

14. Time is really the best span in the world. It makes the pain pale, and the persistent people choose to leave. After going through the vicissitudes of life, people come and go, and you will understand that everything is life.

15. The three hardest things in the world are: Don't waste time; keep a secret; Forget about the harm others have done to you.

16. I can make no secret of my embarrassment and sadness. You choose to pretend to be invisible, because you believe that I can face it bravely, but I will never tell a third person about this embarrassment and sadness.

17. Because you are my best friend, we can go together without any distance.

18. Why do you feel wronged to go along with a relationship that cannot see light? What you really need is a person who can hold you even when the light is bright.

19. There is no talent at all. What stands out is perseverance.

20. The funniest thing in the world is that when I know the truth, you are still lying and telling so true and deep.

21. Meeting depends on fate, getting along depends on sincerity, and deep friendship depends on character.

22. When a true friend dies, help him; when a false friend dies, shout.

23. Childhood friendship is just like childhood clothes. When we grow up, we don't want to wear them, but we have no choice.

24. It's not love that won't let you go. It's not memory that won't let you go. It's fate that won't let you go. It's yourself that won't let you go.

25. I can't say how much I like you, but I know in my heart that I would rather quarrel with you than love others.

26. You have your pride and I have my self-respect. I can reason with you with a smile or let you kneel to listen to me.

27. A true friend would not hesitate to use the whole world as a gift in exchange for your smile.

28. Your good fortune lies in your strength and your unknown efforts. The harder you work, the luckier you will be.