84 messages of lovers' classic blessing
The protagonist of thought
2023-04-25 20:55:53
SMS Collection

1. You are the greatest happiness in my life. Every day I have you, I can feel very happy. You are the only one in my life. Will you marry me?

2. Holding your hand, rushing together, our love is unstoppable; Close to your heart, always follow, always match, our love can break gold.

3. The flowers are just right, the birds are singing, and the sun shines brightly; Sleep, smile and get rid of tiredness; The mobile phone rings and the message arrives. Look carefully, sweetheart: I wish you a happy mood every day!

4. There is always a scene in life called meeting, and there is always a plot called falling in love. Life is like a play, and you are the protagonist in my play. You are the person I am looking for.

5. Must be: I love you and love you endlessly, this is my confession; I can't kiss you enough, this is my wish; I'm always good to you. It's necessary.

6. Where are you who loved me so much? I can't bear to erase the memory of you from my heart. I hate myself for thinking of you. I hope you can live well.

7. You ask me how much I love you, missing is extending; You ask me how much I love you, and the care is still true. May we lead a lifetime of happiness! Be my bride, will you?

8. I put my love with you on the balance, hoping to keep balance, but it always inclines to me. I think this is if there is no equal love, let me love more!

9. Put that oath on your finger gently. From now on, two people will live forever. Take a closer look at your beautiful appearance tonight. It will be the only name in my future arms.

10. Since I met you on the way of life, my life has been colorful. You are my only one, I will accompany you all my life. No matter how big the storm in this life, we will never be separated.

11. Meeting you is God's arrangement. Meeting you is a gift. Meeting you is my destiny. Falling in love with you is my destiny. I only want to stay with you forever in this life!

12. How are you? I miss you again. Do you miss me? The time of missing always passes slowly. I really want to see you soon. Take good care of yourself when I'm not around.

13. More peace and tolerance, learn to be kind to yourself. Cherish life and pay attention to health. Always be grateful and cherish what you have. To live is to choose easily. Free and easy life, live your own life.

14. Sentiment of love and precipitation of missing; Understanding love makes care sweeter; Understand love and be tolerant; Appreciate love and go far with happiness. Dear, I will cherish you forever.

15. I miss you, and I want to give you all my love, so that you can slowly appreciate the taste of love, and be happy like a spoiled child. I believe that with you, I will own the whole world.

16. Some roads can only be walked alone. The green apples brush the skirts, and the green clouds wet the promise. Mountain and water can forget each other, and the sun and the moon can have nothing to do with each other. At that time, there was only one person in the floating world.

17. Counting down the snowflakes silently, I would like to write my love for you into the future when I think of you in the past. My dear, marry me and carry on the present perfect tense.

18. One day I missed you so much. I miss you so much when I am separated from you. It's hard to say in a few words. You are the only one who loves you all the year round. Five blessings for you. May you have a smooth day on June 6 and be with me on July 7.

19. You are my comma of hope, just like I am waiting alone, drunk and hazy footprints, looking for the guide of your soul, from spring to autumn, listening to our mutual charm, and then holding hands.

20. Your true feelings touched me, your smile warmed me, and your greeting cared about me, but you never expected to return. Today is the wife's day, dear wife, hard work!

21. Because of you, my sky will be wide; Because of you, my land will be far away; Because of you, my life will be colorful; Because of you, my world will be different. I love you!

22. There are busy and idle jobs, and reasonable collocation is the key; Love is full of joy and pity. It is fate to meet and disperse; Life has its ups and downs. Don't regret it if you taste it carefully; SMS has its own advantages and disadvantages. It's the most cost-effective way to convey missing.

23. Let our love step through the endless white sand, through the clouds, sow in the fertile blue fields, irrigate with sweet stream water, and grow into the sky and cypress under the warm red sun. Happy May Day!

24. I don't want to talk to myself and keep secrets. If I don't want to be doomed to tragedy, I have to give up, let alone act in front of others and cry in silence. Just want to tell you loudly, the ends of the earth, please take me, no matter where!

25. The breeze is my hands, the sun is my arms, the stars are my eyes, the drizzle is my missing, the longitude and latitude lead the way, the white clouds bridge, and the message sent my voice, dear, I want you to pull!

26. Clouds will finally disperse, and the sky will remain blue; The sea is still wide. Miss in the dream, with your smile; The vicissitudes of life, love you will never change. May our love be sweet and happy forever.

27. You said that Liu Yiyang was a good man. You said that you wanted to find a man like him. I said that I would be better than Liu Yiyang and love you. I just asked you to give me a chance to take care of you and love you. Please marry me!

28. The sky is very clear, the smile is very clear, the time is very calm, missing is very natural, the language is related to you, change has nothing to do with me, love you for so many years, still as before, dear, love you.

29. Peach blossoms fade the spring red, which does not reduce their love; The willow catkins are floating in the shadows, and there is no lack of love clock; Swallows dance in alleys, bringing endless love; Warm blessing sent, open love heart: this life I only love Nong!

30. The empty blue is filled with the uniqueness of the sky. My heart is extremely worried. When I miss you, I always hate the separation. Love indulges in a strong lovesickness. My dear, I sincerely hope you are happy every day.

31. Your appearance is too beautiful. Let me lose my soul. Since I was conquered by you, I would like to spend my whole life with you. When you don't see your heart scratching during the day, you always feel less time at night. Dare to ask what is the love in the world. It is good to care about each other.

32. Cold days, yearning hearts, and all short messages convey true feelings; Flying snow, falling temperature, deep blessing in my heart; In the cold winter, you are beautiful. All your life, you will enjoy good health, happiness and happiness!

33. The sky is vast and the wild is vast, and love is strong and affectionate for a long time; The wind is rustling, the rain is coming, and the truth protects the wind and rain; The mountains are green, the water is blue, love is always in spring, sweet and long, and we have loved each other happily for a lifetime.

34. Recall the love day, miss love, love of love, many changes. It is happiness to love first, then chase, and then fall in love. However tired, however heartache, sad god, without you and me. You and I, recall love, is sweet, is happiness.

35. With a touch of yearning and greeting, my best wishes are the most sincere and simple greetings: I hope those who read messages will grow old safely.

36. There is a person who knows each other and accompanies each other. There is a person who is always engraved in my mind and will run out accidentally; In this life, if you don't leave me, you won't give up. In this life, you only hold this hand.

37. Loving you is the beginning of happiness and joyful heart; Loving you is the carrier of happiness, with infinite sweetness; Loving you is the fusion of the soul, with infinite tenderness; Loving you is a cry from the bottom of my heart, true love is infinite: dear, I love you!

38. The night is heavy, blooming in the boundless darkness, spreading the past like the wind; Miss thick, blooming in the tide of Acacia, spread, love thick. Recalling the past, thoughts fly, wish you all the best.

39. No matter how many promises you make, if your heart is not there, even if you promise to be forever, your love will not last forever. No amount of vows can compare with sincere treatment. If you feel it with your heart, you will realize the true meaning of love. May you be happy and treat each other sincerely!

40. Jade inkstone and ink are in the prime of life, and bamboo slips are engraved with the world. The curtain is rolled up, full of paintings and calligraphy. The white sleeve waved to make tea, which was gentle and elegant. It's just a flash after writing. If you don't look at others, this world of ink is elegant.

41. Just receive a blessing; If you are busy, don't go back; I love you very much, just know; Today's you, happy is the most important. Wife, I wish you happy forever!

42. Love is like a cup of boiled water. Sugar is sweet, salt is salty, vinegar is sour, coffee is bitter, and pepper is hot. What's your love like? Come and taste it!

43. Meeting you, meeting warm love, lingering warm breath around; Feel you, feel the warmth, there is no lonely trace in my heart; Dear, I will always be intoxicated in this warm love to draw sweet!

44. Chairman Mao, the great leader, taught us that if we want to know the taste of pears, we should taste them personally. This is the absolute truth that is universally applicable. Do you want to know the taste of love? Let's go and have a taste.

45. The day before yesterday, you held my hand and said that you would always keep me in your heart. Yesterday, you held me in your heart and told me that you would be sweet with me for a long time. Today, you climbed on my back and said: It's my turn finally. Today, you want to be my cow.

46. Missing you is a painful expectation. I am not beside you. You should pay attention to your health no matter whether you are busy or idle, and live a good life no matter whether you are tired or comfortable. I miss you from afar, my lover in my heart.

47. With you, life becomes beautiful; With you, life becomes romantic; With you, the world becomes happy; With you, everything becomes warm. Love you without a thousand words, just one: I love you!

48. The marriage in a previous life made me meet you in this life, making me feel that you are my most beautiful accident. The craziest thing in my life is that I fell in love with you, and the happiest thing is that I hope you can accompany me crazy all my life! Honey, will you marry me?

49. The train that loves you is not late, the stars that miss you are not blinking, the sweet journey has no end, the romantic voyage has no end, overlapping your heart, overlapping your eyes, and the light and shadow of love are always gorgeous. Love for you, kiss, love you.

50. Love can withstand wind and rain, but can not withstand insipidity; Friendship can stand flat, but can not stand wind and rain. To treat love: small quarrels are enjoyable, big quarrels are harmful; Treat friendship; Everything is empty and the mind is as still as water. Wish you happy experience!

51. Sweet, sticky and sweet, yearning is like smoke; Circle circle circle, care about water like clear spring; Cool in the heart, happy as tiger wings; Thick fragrance rings around the beam, happiness is better than summer inflammation. Ice lolly love wish you cool.

52. I am used to seeing red and white, and I miss the warmth and sweetness of the countryside; Accustomed to the ups and downs of the world, I miss the subtle innocence of my heart; Accustomed to the hypocrisy and flashiness of communication, I only wish to give you the most sincere greetings: when the weather is cool, pay attention to clothes.

53. You are like a cloud on the edge of that day, wandering and uncertain, making it difficult to find; You are like the duckweed in the water, flowing everywhere, which makes me unable to ponder. Can you tell me? How can we catch up with you? How can I stay with you?

54. I am the morning. You are the dew. Without you, the morning will be sad! I am rice. You are the porcelain bowl. Without you, there is no place for rice! My dear, you are my left heart. My life will be brilliant with you!

55. Light pay, light return, light memories, light fatigue, light missing, light wishes. Today is the Sun Day, a light blessing for you. May you be calm and have nothing to ask for, and live without troubles or worries.

56. I like you inexplicably, protect you with all my heart, take care of you with all my heart, and love you without hesitation. Maybe I am not your favorite in this life, but you are the only one in my life! Baby, wish you happy every day!

57. An inch of emotion, a yearning, such a big world, I have brewed Acacia painstakingly and turned it into a treasure in my heart. In the world of mortals, in cold and warm autumn, I use my foolish hope to keep a circle, and you are on the center of the circle. Kiss, miss you!

58. It is February in spring when you like a person, and there is a bud that spits out its pistil. This kind of shallow liking is like drinking tea, quietly falling silent, and picking off lanterns. It is the pure snow in a silver bowl, but listening to the cloud flute across the water, it is particularly touching.

59. A girl is a man's rib. Without you, I will cherish her; Girl, is a drop of mountain spring, I want you to refresh my heart; Girl, is a bench, love you let me rest. Rose Valentine's Day, just want to hold your hand, always together.

60. If I were a dragonfly, I would look at you with a thousand eyes; If I were a centipede, I would embrace you with a thousand arms; If I were God, I would send an angel to wait for you; But now I can only miss you silently!

61. A small heart, with your love, will be very warm; Disappointed face, with your encouragement, will smile. With your smile, life will have a ray of sunshine; With my message, all your troubles will be gone.

62. Having experienced the wind and rain and the sweetness, understanding makes love more intimate; Encountered a quarrel, resolved the trouble, trust let love not trouble; Facing challenges, surmounting difficulties and supporting make love extraordinary. Weekend, love together!

63. I was the one who said that I was the one who loved you. I will chase you after three times, and I will not regret being besieged on all sides. The five viscera and six viscera beat for you, and the seven ups and eight downs worried about you. They overcame all difficulties in life, and walked hand in hand on the streets.

64. Asking what is love only makes people agree with each other for life. Thank God for letting me find you in the boundless sea of people, and I will cherish you with my life. If love lasts long, it will last day and night! Marry me, I will protect you with my life.

65. 2 It is happiness to be happy with each other, and it is a friend to be happy with each other. You are the only one in my heart. I am not loyal to you. I hope we have never had 2 in our life, and fate is definitely 2. I am not short of 2 if you have 2. May we both be happy forever.

66. The missing for you is too long. Let February take one more day to make up for it; Too many blessings for you, let April double to grasp; My greetings to you are too true. Let the Year of the Dragon take 29 more days to tell Chen. May your wishes for the Year of the Dragon come true and be happy every day!

67. Fold a curved boat. The boat is full of blessings and thoughts. It shakes off troubles and sorrows. Finally, take the sail of greetings and concerns to let peace float to your side. I always wish you happiness and peace!

68. It's really difficult to propose. A love word is hard to kill; Blushing, heart beating, and sweating; But true love can't be let go. I promise to take care of you all my life; Close your eyes and gnash your teeth to make up your mind. Say out loud: Honey, will you marry me?

69. If I have no ears, I can still hear your voice; If there is no nose, I can still smell your breath; If there were no eyes, I could still see you; But I can't do without my arms, because I want to hug you!

70. One person went fishing and put a leaf on the hook, but no fish got hooked; Another piece of bread was put on the hook, and no fish was hooked; If you put on earthworms, no fish will bite! He was so angry that he took out a hundred yuan and threw it into the water: buy what you want!

71. silently stay with you, cherish every second of time, you can lose everything, but not without you. You are the sustenance of my soul, you are the dependence of my soul. Why are you so attached to you? It's very simple. Without you, who can send me food! Bring food quickly!

72. If the flowers don't sprout, how can they make the world laugh? If the cattle eat grass, they may not have enough to eat. If there is no gunpowder in the world, how can you come from the mortars of Japan? If you can smile at me, you will be drunk and faint. If you don't like me, hang yourself!

73. Smiling with tears seems crazy, competing for novelty and beauty. How could it break your heart. It is as beautiful as crying blood, which makes people cry. When tears fall, flowers are drunk. A little cinnabar, two Luopas, and three or five wild geese confuse the four seasons. Six strings and green ripples, seven stars hanging, eight or nine lovesickness, ten years of lazy pipa.

74. Emotions need to be treated with heart. If you love someone, you should try your best to make him happy. No matter whether you are together or apart, we need to use a way to let life present all feelings, learn to remember, learn to be grateful, and make love happy.

75. By the river, a couple of lovers open their hearts. The man said, "With me, you are safe." The girl said, "My Prince Charming, you belong to me. They love each other in their hearts."

76. Love is like a cup of coffee with sugar, bitter and sweet; Love, like a bright moon, has its ups and downs; Love, like a beautiful story, has joys and sorrows. Even if I miss love again and again, I still believe in love after all!

77. Not giving you roses is not stinginess, but fear of withering; Not sending you a love letter is not perfunctory, it is afraid that the handwriting will become shallow. I will take you to climb mountains, smell the fresh air and see the mountains, just to give you a "green" Valentine's Day.

78. If you want or don't want me, I miss you all the time. If you love me or don't love me, I love you deeply in my heart. If you leave me or don't leave me, I am waiting for you in situ. If you answer or don't answer my SMS, I am writing a SMS to bless you.

79. Love is just a feeling, but it startles my little heart; Love is only illusory, but it still makes us dream; Love is just a memory, but it is always deeply engraved in my mind. I still believe in love, after all, it has changed my life.

80. Dear, I love you. There are no gorgeous words, only practical actions; There are no luxury houses and BMWs, only warm and cozy homes; There is no colorful diamond ring, only a sincere love for you. Marry me, I will give you the best happiness I can do!

81. I don't have much money, but your health is my most valuable wealth; I have no achievements, but your happiness is my greatest happiness; I have no dream, but being with you is my most arrogant ideal. My dear, you must be healthy and happy with me!

82. Hold you only, whether it is everlasting or not; Just think of you, no matter whether the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten or not; I only love you, no matter whether I am determined or not; Only love you, whether there is the end of the world in 2012 or not; Anyway, I just want to stop at the moment of 2 (love) 0 (you) 1 (yao) 2 (son)!

83. I will always love you. "I" is the person who said that, "will" is a sincere commitment, "forever" is always endless, "love" is true, and "you" is the person who sees that: Marry me.

84. lsquo; There is love and true love in the heart. Love shows deep concern. The beauty among people is incomparable. The end of the day is accompanied by a warm heart. The end of the day is accompanied by a warm heart. The end of the day is a sincere guardian of love. The end of the day is always true. The end of the day is always true! May lovers get married!