Reading "Outlaws of the Marsh"
A thousand years of flowers bloom on the other side
2023-05-11 04:39:01
Junior two
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Reading the classic - Water Margin 400 words:
Senior Wu Dianheng
"Outlaws of the Marsh" is a book written by Shi Naian of the Ming Dynasty. It is a chapter style novel and one of the four famous books. It is also called "Biography of Jianghu Heroes".
In The Outlaws of the Marsh, "Water Margin" means the water border, and "in the wilderness" means the story happened at the water border.
My favorite person is Wu Song, and my favorite story is Wu Song fighting against tigers. The reason why I like Wu Song is that he is a righteous man, has excellent martial arts, and is also a tiger fighting hero. Today, our society still needs many such people. Of course, there are many such characters in Outlaws of the Marsh.
There are 108 heroes in Liangshanbo. My favorite ones are as follows:
Song Jiang: Be loyal and filial. Wu Yong, a wise man, can always come up with a good idea. He is intelligent, has excellent martial arts, and is upright. Wu Song, I have already said that. Gongsun Sheng knows magic and martial arts.
There are also many interesting nicknames in the book, such as: Ruyunlong Gongsun Sheng. The dragon is very powerful, but the dragon entering the cloud is a coward. Zhiduoxing - Wu Yong, the homonym of Wu Yong is useless, but every method is useless. Songjiang - It rains in time. Songjiang is homophonic for sending the river. It rains in time, but it doesn't work.
On the whole, this book is very well written. It uses vivid voice and action. The interesting nickname makes this book vivid and interesting, making readers fascinated.
400 word composition after reading Outlaws of the Marsh:
Cai Lulu, Grade 5
Hello, everyone. My name is Cai Lulu. I am 12 years old. I am a student of Class 4 (6) of Experimental Primary School. I have been rated as a five-star Chongzheng Youth by many scholars. My hobbies are painting and Latin dancing. My goal is to study hard, achieve good results, become a five-star Chongzheng youth, and walk on the red carpet at the beginning of school.
During the summer vacation, after reading The Water Margin, I was deeply attracted by the wonderful contents of the book. The book tells that when Lu Zhishen was drinking in a restaurant, he immediately put five liang silver he brought with him on the table and borrowed money from Shi Jin and Li Zhong to help him escape. Then he killed Zhenguanxi with three punches to eliminate the harm for the people. It can reflect that Lu Zhishen has a strong spirit of resistance, and acts in a chivalrous and righteous manner.
Lu Zhishen's demands on Zheng Tu's meat cutting became more and more strict, and every sentence showed his dissatisfaction and provocation to Zheng Tu. He did not directly engage in armed conflict with Zheng Tu. Instead, he used "buying meat" to arouse the anger of his opponents, which turned him into an active and righteous fight, from which we can see Lu Zhishen's wisdom. When Lu Zhishen hit Zhenguanxi, his three fists were more powerful than one, and each hit hit the point. His actions reflect his recklessness and bravery.
"Outlaws of the Marsh" narrates one story after another. These stories, large and small, are relatively independent, and each story is organically linked. Sometimes, a major hero appears in every story to write his character development and life path. I like this book very much.