Who is the cutest person
Drunken by Red Rim
2023-05-08 07:38:07
fourth grade

When danger strikes, they march forward bravely to save lives; In the face of sacrifice, they rushed to the scene of disaster relief without hesitation. They are all running on the race track against the god of death. They are firemen.
That day when I was at home for lunch break, suddenly a loud siren sounded downstairs. It turned out that the house on the opposite floor was on fire, and thick black smoke came out of the window, like a ferocious black snake. The burning flame flashed on the window from time to time, accompanied by the sound of "crackling" things exploding, which made me hold my mother tightly and dare not move. At this critical moment, the firefighter uncles in orange clothes arrived. Two firefighter uncles with heavy equipment jumped out of the car quickly and rushed into the corridor full of smoke without hesitation. After a while, they moved out two large gas bottles. At the same time, other firefighters skillfully opened the door of the fire truck, took out the water gun, connected the water pipe neatly, and sprayed towards the burning house. The water poured through their clothes and the smoke blackened their eyes, but they were not afraid to rush forward until the fierce flame was extinguished... The fire was extinguished, and there was warm applause at the scene, and they all raised their thumbs to praise them. This is all the credit of the firefighters' uncle. Without them, the danger would be unimaginable.
Some time ago, there was a huge forest fire in Liangshan, Sichuan. Most of the people who appeared there were our lovely firefighters. In the camera, the smoke blackened their faces, scorched eyebrows and hair, muddy fire-fighting clothes, and choking sleeping posture, all of which made people moved and cried. What is more distressing is that 27 firefighters lost their precious lives in the fire fighting and disaster relief. The whole country mourned, sad and proud! They are the backbone of our nation and the great force for the revival of our Chinese civilization!
These firefighters fighting on the line of life and death, they use their own lives to protect the lives and property of the people of the motherland. Their selfless, defend the country, and selfless spirit is worth learning from us. They are the most lovely people around us!