Parallelism 36 junior high school sentences
Old Moon by the River
2023-06-21 09:53:26
parallel sentences

1、 Nature is our mother, our home and our destination.

2、 Music has no borders, no restrictions and no end.

3、 My heart is with you, your heart is with him, his heart is with her, and her heart is with me.

4、 Companion is the most moving confession, the most beautiful confession, and the most gentle force in the world.

5、 With perseverance, you can get out of the darkness; With perseverance, you can travel in the sea; With perseverance, you can climb to the top.

6、 Struggle is a pen, writing the light of life. Struggle is light, illuminating the dark street. Struggle is a street, and go out of your own way.

7、 The sea is a natural sapphire, a treasure that breeds rich resources, and a holy land where civilization originated.

8、 Time is a running river, a galloping horse, a wheel in the world of mortals, and an hourglass that cannot be reversed.

9、 Entering the beautiful campus, there are bright classrooms, green trees, busy teachers and diligent students.

10、 Grass feels the grace of the earth, and then you can get its green; The flowers are gorgeous only when they feel the rain; If you feel his kindness, you will grow stronger! Thank you, thank the people we love!

11、 We will never allow those who agree to execute, those who disagree not to execute, those who do not obey orders, those who have prohibitions, and those who have policies and countermeasures.

12、 Nostalgia is a phone call. I am here and my mother is there; Nostalgia is the moon of the fifteenth year, and I will be ready to miss my relatives every Jiajia Festival; Nostalgia is an air ticket, and it's like an arrow to return.

13、 Missing is a cup of wine. Taste it carefully; Missing is a picture, painted with heart, thick ink and heavy color; Missing is a song, humming gently and thinking quietly.

14、 Selfishness is a piece of cloth, which covers one's own eyes and cannot see the pain of others; Selfishness is a layer of glass, which looks transparent, but always separates each other.

15、 My cat is very cute. It always makes it shabby on the clean floor of the house, sometimes playing with wool balls; Sometimes catch a mouse; Sometimes it makes our whole family laugh.

16、 Dream is a piece of sweet candy. After tasting it, you will be very beautiful; Dream is a cup of tea. You need to taste it gradually to understand its taste; Dream is a sailboat, we need to use our hearts to control it!

17、 Love is a sweet spring that makes the unfortunate forget the bitterness of life; Love is a beautiful ballad, which makes people who live a dull life feel the joy of life; Love is a spring water that breaks the ice gate, which shocks the heart of stone.

18、 Your love is as warm as the sun, as warm as the spring breeze, and as sweet as the spring spring. Your love is more severe than father's love, more delicate than mother's love, and more pure than friendship. You, the teacher's love, is the greatest and most noble in the world.

19、 Books are delicious food for people to enjoy. Chinese books are beautiful music for people to enjoy; Books are sweet and mellow wine, making people have endless aftertaste; Chinese books are simple music scores that are catchy; Chinese books are capable teachers and make people knowledgeable.

20、 Thanksgiving, let us be content to observe and cherish the people, things and things around us; Thanksgiving, let us gradually dull numb days, life is so rich and rich; Thanksgiving, let us understand and taste the gift of fate and life.

21、 The soul is a blue sky, containing everything in the world: the soul is a snowflake, scattering peace and beauty: the soul is a calm lake, but occasionally ripples will appear. The soul, which carries the good, evil, beauty and ugliness of the world, will also bring warmth to people.

22、 With a grateful heart, look at the society, parents, relatives and friends, you will find how happy you are. Open your mind and let the rain wash away the pollution of your heart. Learn to be grateful, because it will make the world a better place and make life more fulfilling.

23、 Opportunity is a sea, sometimes surging, sometimes calm; Opportunity is a lamp, sometimes shining, sometimes unknown; Opportunity is a tree, sometimes green and lush, sometimes sparse branches and leaves; Opportunity is a road, sometimes rugged and winding, sometimes broad and unimpeded.

24、 Trust is a piece of sunshine shining in winter, which makes the poor feel the warmth of the world; Trust is a cool wind blowing gently on the face, which makes the hot and unbearable people feel cool; Trust is a silver moon hanging in the night sky, which makes people who are upset get incomparable peace!

25、 The spring breeze, like a naughty child, wakes up the sleeping earth and gets up and puts on green clothes; The spring breeze, like a long journey back here, with a full bag of fragrance, embellishes the fresh air; The spring breeze is more like a pretty beauty, adding a touch of beauty to itself with beautiful flowers.

26、 Love is the indoctrination of the young with no regrets, though dull and ignorant; Love is selfless loyalty to your lover, no matter how hard the mountain falls or how dry the sea is; Love is the concern for the elders day and night, though poor and sick, but not abandoned; Love is the endless attachment to the motherland, which can never be forgotten.

27、 In June, the lotus bloomed, just like waking up, shy and unwilling to see people; In June, cicadas called, as if talking about the hot weather, which was very annoying; In June, the rainstorm came, just like falling beads, pouring down; In June, plants, flowers and insects are full of vitality.

28、 Because of suffering, we pursue happiness. Pursue what your heart really wants; Because of suffering, we pursue happiness. Eager to change their situation with their own struggle; Because of suffering, we pursue happiness. I hope that one day, the world will be a little different because of us.

29、 Some people say that the land at the age of eighteen is full of vitality; Some people say that at the age of eighteen, the ocean is full of waves; Some people say that the sky at the age of eighteen is gloomy; Others say that the valley at the age of eighteen is lonely and secluded. I walked through Jiangnan and said that eighteen years old is like the water in Jiangnan. It has seasons and life.

30、 I want to go beyond inferiority. No longer self belittle for lack of ability, but lack self-confidence. I want to go beyond inferiority. Try to learn all kinds of knowledge to arm yourself, make yourself strong and confident. I want to go beyond inferiority. Treat all cynicism with a normal attitude and respond with the strongest attitude.

31、 If I have never met you, the road ahead will be more distant; If I don't know you, my journey will be more lonely; If I didn't know you, I would move more slowly. Thank you! If I do not know the arrival of spring, I will pray for flowers; If I don't know the rain, I will bless the grass; If I don't know the warmth of the light, I will shelter the fields from the cold.

32、 What is filial piety? Filial piety is like a half grain of sugar slipped from a child's mouth to his parents, kind and pure. What is filial piety? Filial piety is like a cup of wine to repay parents, warm and sweet. What is filial piety? Filial piety is like a flower in full bloom of the soul. It is more lasting and eternal than the blooming nature, and always emits fragrance.

33、 Moving is a pair of warm hands in the winter cold wind; Moved by the fragrance of flowers in the spring breeze; Moving is the lovely spray in the cool summer wind; Moving is the withered and yellow leaves in the autumn wind... Moving is a noble nutrient. It is like a wisp of warm sunshine in the dark, shining directly into your heart.

34、 Trust is the nectar made by the blood drop of will and the sweat of struggle - lasting fragrance; Trust is a rainbow woven with unfailing hope and eternal yearning - brilliant; Trust is an iron wall built with eternal perseverance and tenacious tenacity.

35、 July is a fire, burning wantonly. The fiery July is coming to us with dreams; July is full of stars and the sky. The starry July is coming to us with splendor and hope; July is the wind, gently blowing, the wind of July with cool and comfortable to us; Fire is the courage that never dies; Stars are the eternal expectation; The wind is the care of the moment; July is a beautiful day.

36、 Kinship is a guiding light, which can light up the front for you in the dark night. Family is a concern, no matter where you go, there will always be a thread to connect each other's hearts. Kinship is a bottle of water. You can drink it to quench your thirst if you are thirsty. If it is dry, you can nourish the dry spring in your heart. Familiarity is a box of family changes. She can show you the magic you need. Family love is a kind of happiness, a kind of happiness!