The most touching qq personal signature
A rose that never withers
2023-07-16 11:07:49
Complete set of signatures

1. If the outcome is not what I want, then give up everything.

2. Behind each wound, how many memories of pain to suffocate.

3. The pain of parting and disappointment has lost its voice.

4. Don't let time dilute the yearning, and don't let distance tear off the implications.

5. Although I can't bear to part with you any more, I still lost you.

6. We are nearsighted, blurring the happiness closest to us.

7. My heart, your world. It was just a busy moment.

8. Is there a person who suddenly makes you miss him.

9. If you don't care, no matter what you say, you are still nothing.

10. If the heart hurts, it means that love doesn't go away, it just hides.

11. Listen to what used to impress me most. At the moment, I am as calm as a Buddha.

12. When you can't hold on, remember to tell yourself and hold on.

13. In the east of the bridge, the bowl of Mengpo soup has broken many people for a long time.

14. Affection is a burden I can't bear, and love words are just lies that are realized accidentally.

15. Once we, now to their own happiness, and then regret old.

16. Every heartless person has a history of making heart and lungs for someone.

17. The familiar name, the familiar dialogue, unconsciously recalled your shadow.

18. I thought it was my pride to be behind you all my life. I was nothing.

19. There is no forget grass in the world. Even if there are some things, it is impossible to forget them.

20. The bravest thing in the world is to smile, listen to you, the love between you.

21. It is always after saying goodbye that I begin to understand how reluctant I am to part with you.

22. Life is not easy. It's all about acting. You can play the role as yourself and lose your memory.

23. The moonlight outside the window is gorgeous with my loneliness, and it also slowly hurts my memory.

24. Some things, some people, if you really want to forget, you will forget.

25. I suddenly want to miss someone very much, but find that I only have the right to miss.

26. Even though I know that there is some vexatiousness, I just want to prove my importance.

27. Youth is a funny word. With a smile, with love, with sadness.

28. Smile so brightly in front of others, and wipe away tears after others without knowing the pain.

29. Too beautiful things are never suitable for experience, because once experienced, they cannot be forgotten.

30. Love is such a thing. Although it can't kill anyone, it can put a needle in the most painful place in my heart.

31. The happiest moment for a person is to find the right person who connives at your habits and loves everything about you.

32. Life is just a process. Sadly, it cannot be repeated. Unfortunately, it does not need to be repeated.

33. Later, after what you said, after what you said. I just chuckled: after you, I never expect.

34. Be nice to yourself, because it's not long; Be nice to people around you, because you may not meet them in the next life.

35. When I feel a little wronged, I pretend to be very wronged. When I feel really wronged, I find I can't say anything.

36. I can't help being sad, so I gradually learned to hide. Because I didn't want to be stabbed again, I gradually learned to disguise.