Camel Xiangzi: 1500 words after reading
The sunset knows the autumn
2023-10-30 06:01:03

When I first read Camel Xiangzi, I liked and praised him for his diligence, tenacity, simplicity and stubbornness like a camel. I also admire Xiangzi, who fights for his dreams and never bows his head before difficulties come. But at the end of the story, Xiangzi, who had gradually fallen, let me down again. [At first Xiangzi was a young man with dreams. He was confident, hardworking and indomitable.

He has spent three years to realize his dream of "becoming a top driver alone". For three years, he lived a frugal life. Even if he was ill, he had no money to buy medicine. He persevered and eventually became heavier and heavier. In the past three years, he has earned 100 yuan! He finally got his new car! But just as he pulled the car hard and happily to open the factory, the news of the war came! Dream and reality always run counter to each other. At that time, he was not allowed to have any illusions in the society of warlords in China. In less than half a year, he was caught by the deserters and lost the car he earned with his hard-earned money! In the end, he only brought back three camels and got thirty-five dollars in exchange. All the other money he got was taken away by the soldiers.

But Xiangzi was not discouraged. He has camel like tenacity and stubbornness. He decided to start from scratch. He pulled the rickshaw harder and harder. However, he worked hard and hoped to buy a rickshaw earlier. But when all his savings were blackmailed by detectives, everything went to waste.

Xiangzi had his own car again, and he paid the price of his misshapen marriage to Tigress. Good days are not long. Tigress delivery is difficult. Xiangzi spent a lot of money, but Tigress died and her car disappeared.

Xiangzi was hit hard by life and began to hate pulling cars. Finally, he learned that his beloved Joey had been hanged, and he had no courage to live.

Life teased him, and he began to play with life. He began to cheat people, just for a few dollars, and began to indulge himself in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. He had completely degenerated from stubborn and simple Xiangzi into social garbage, into a walking corpse without an honest soul.

But none of this was Xiangzi's fault. Xiangzi had been fighting and persevering. It was this shabby and repressive old society that reduced Xiangzi to social garbage. This gave Xiangzi a heavy blow and killed his dream again and again. He just wants to stand in his own car. Why is it so difficult?!

However, although we condemn and hate the evils of the old society, we should still admire Xiangzi, who is as tough, upright and brave as a camel! He was an unfortunate man, living in the background of ruin and depression. But he never gave up under various blows. He raised money to buy a car, which was all the hard-earned money he earned from pulling cars again and again. He pulled the roof again for a few cents. How did he get $100?! In a "beautiful" society, how many people can fight for a dream?

The car he bought with the hard-earned money was robbed by the deserters for no reason. He also left a scar in the end. He managed to escape and paid only 35 dollars with three camels. When I returned to the city, other people thought that they had made "ill gotten gains". I could not imagine what would happen if I met these things. But Xiangzi! The strong man has started again! He is willing to work hard and sweat - just for his dream!

He was defrauded of all his hard-earned money by detectives. If such a double strike attacks anyone in the world, who will not fall, who will stand up?! But he did not fall down after such a huge double blow.

It was during the decline of the old society that Xiangzi finally became a tragedy. But he has been working hard to pursue his dream. He never gave up. Even if he is hit hard by life again and again, even if he can never realize this dream.

But today's society is like the difference between heaven and hell. Now there is no war, and the society is stable and harmonious. At that time, there was no darkness, hardship and insecurity, but the dream still exists.

But why are so few people like Xiangzi afraid of setbacks in their dreams?

In today's society, most of us are like plants and flowers in a greenhouse. We have not experienced too much wind and rain, nor such heavy blows and setbacks. There is no reason for Xiangzi to become a walking corpse in the book. But why do so many people think that they have only experienced a few minor setbacks and setbacks and then suffered a huge blow, their life has been overshadowed, and their future is hopeless?

I think, in fact, the reason for failure is to give up and retreat, right? Those who give up their dreams just yield to the difficulties in life, don't they? Think of Xiangzi's frustration! Think of Xiangzi's persistence along the way!

There is no injustice in today's society. Don't blame others! If you have a dream, don't give up. This is just a proof of cowardice in your life. Work hard! hold one's own. battle! What you have encountered is only some minor difficulties. Hold on, don't give up your dream and success. If you don't pay or stick to it, you think it's impossible! [Difficulties will always pass, setbacks will always happen - this is life! Learn from Xiangzi Camel! He gives you not only the sweat of dreams, but also the persistence of success. He also gives you the inspiration of life! Xiangzi's downfall is due to the dark old society. Living in a completely different environment from the old society, why give up halfway?! Fight! Dream and success will be closer to you!