36 sentences praising food
Not confused
2023-06-05 02:08:16
Complete sentences

1. Small cakes, like chewing moon, are crisp and delicious.

2. Sichuan people use celery sprouts, and miscellaneous dove meat.

3. In the middle of the night, under the moon of the river, the beauties burn fish heads with their slender hands.

4. Eating 300 lychees a day, I never stop being Lingnan people.

5. When I asked for wild shepherd's purse around the wheat field, I tried to cook mountain soup for the monk's house.

6. The color is like a jade version of a catfish, and the taste is like a hump oxtail.

7. The Yangtze River surrounds the country and knows the beauty of fish. Good bamboos connect mountains and smell bamboo shoots.

8. Green bamboo shoots welcome the boat out, and white red fish come into the food.

9. Dongmen buys dried bones and sautees with sauce. Steamed chicken is the most famous, and its beauty is not limited to fish and turtle.

10. No bamboo makes people vulgar, no meat makes people thin. Not vulgar and thin, braised pork with bamboo shoots.

11. Fresh crucian carp with silk slice, celery and green water soup; Sichuan wine is strong and invincible, and the river fish is beautiful.

12. It is natural to eat, chew quietly, and savor gently.

13. The pepper and salt crusted shrimp has a strong taste, which is fragrant, dry and crisp, white and red inside.

14. The time to enjoy delicious food is happy, but the time to wait for delicious food is the happiest.

15. When you first visit Tang'an, you can eat barley and cook without losing your beauty. It is as big as amaranth and as white as jade. It is slippery and full of spoons.

16. Xinjin has no leek in the world, and its color is more than three feet like goose yellow. The Dongmen pork is even more unique, and its plumpness does not reduce the crisp Hu sheep.

17. In autumn, frost and dew fill the east of the garden. Raphanus begets children and mustard begets grandchildren. I am satisfied with He Hen, and I don't know why I have to eat chicken and dolphin.

18. This dish is colorful, which makes my mouth water. I was dazzled by other dishes.

19. Small chaos, small, thin skin, as long as you get into the boiling water, you can put it into a bowl and eat it, it's delicious!

20. Cooking food is like being a man. You must have real food materials and choose the best from the wrong. Only carefully cooking can become a delicacy.

21. When the sauerkraut fish comes up at one end, the pungent fragrance will come to you immediately. The fragrance will be all over the room, making your mouth water.

22. Those candied haws are red and shining in the sunshine, attracting many children's eager eyes.

23. The fish with pickled cabbage is very beautiful. There are many hot peppers on it, as well as many moist and smooth fish with pickled cabbage.

24. The sponge cake roll is very soft and soft, with a light orange flavor. It has a happy taste in your mouth.

25. Show scenery, food, work, love and children. Open everyone's microblog friends circle, it seems that everyone has a good life.

26. The black skirt fish is fresh, tender, white and low in fat. The method of eating is simple, especially steaming, which is more palatable, with fewer thorns, and especially suitable for the elderly and children.

27. As long as you eat soft cheesecake, you will have no depression. Soft and fragrant, it is the best small gift to comfort yourself or reward yourself!

28. I hope you are a delicious food. I will make a vacuum box to keep you fresh in my heart forever. No one can do that. You are my exclusive memory.

29. Watermelon is not only delicious in meat, but also in skin. Remove the green skin and leave the white part. Cut it into pieces and stir fry it. It's really a delicious dish.

30. Watermelon is full of treasures. The watermelon skin is fried as a vegetable. The melon flesh can quench thirst, clear the fire, and the seeds can be fried for leisure. Watermelon is not full of treasures.

31. Zongzi is wrapped in white glutinous rice and red dates with green reed leaves. After cooking, peel off the reed leaves. It seems that there are several dark red and shiny agates embedded in the rice dumpling, which is very beautiful.

32. The white, tender and tender fish slices in the red oil soup make you feel hot and numb. By the way, you have eaten it. Is the fish fillet fresh and tender? It will be melted when imported.

33. Roasted sweet potatoes are burnt and covered with grass ash. Smell it, and the fragrant smell will immediately enter your internal organs, making your mouth water

34. First put a piece of bean curd, then add some soup, and then some delicious fish. It is tender, oily but not greasy, hot and sour, leaving a lasting aftertaste. This sauerkraut fish is really delicious!

35. The meat of this fish is tender. The soup is sour and delicious. It is slightly spicy but not greasy. The fish fillet is tender, yellow and smooth. The fish soup is covered with a layer of fresh red pepper, which makes the white fish meat very attractive. Put a piece into your mouth. It is sour, tender and tender. The taste is wonderful.

36. This watermelon is big and round, like a big leather ball. Its skin is green, with black patterns on it. When the watermelon is cut open, the red flesh appears immediately, and at the same time, the watermelon juice flows out. There are many black seeds embedded in the flesh. At this time, my mouth is watering. I wish I could have a bite at the end to quench my thirst.