A Complete Collection of Fire Fighting Slogans (70 selected sentences)
The sunset is beautiful
2023-05-10 07:44:53
A complete set of slogans

1. Fire fighting from primary school to create a safe home.

2. Enhance the awareness of fire safety and improve the ability of self prevention and self rescue.

3. School is my home, so we should pay attention to fire prevention.

4. Strengthen fire control work and revitalize Liaoning economy.

5. Don't pay attention to burning incense and offering sacrifices, or the god of fire will lose his temper.

6. The hidden danger of safety self inspection shall be the responsibility of self correction.

7. Everyone knows fire fighting knowledge, and every family welcomes lucky birds.

8. Pay attention to fire fighting, eliminate fire hazards, cherish life, reduce disasters and take refuge.

9. Don't forget fire alarm 119, a true friend in dangerous times.

10. Strengthen the awareness of urban distress and learn the emergency skills of disaster prevention and risk avoidance.

11. Smoke, burn incense and light candles, and keep away from combustibles in the bed.

12. Popularize fire protection knowledge and enhance fire prevention concept.

13. Fire is like a tiger, which can be prevented from burning.

14. Fire safety is a responsibility, for oneself, for home, for others.

15. Fire safety is no trivial matter, and you should pay attention to it all the time.

16. Fire regulations are life, and conscious compliance is the guarantee.

17. Don't worry about a fire. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel.

18. Negligence in fire fighting can ruin a happy life.

19. Fire without mercy will kill people, and prevention is the most important.

20. Care for vulnerable groups and create peace and harmony.

21. Anti violation, fire prevention, safety protection and production promotion.

22. The most important thing to escape from the fire is not to lose your life for money.

23. The fireproof fitting room is safe for life.

24. Enhance the awareness of fire prevention and master the common sense of escape.

25. Multiple fire prevention preparations can reduce the loss of life and property.

26. Learn a little fire fighting knowledge to ensure safety.

27. The corridor is free of sundries, and the fire fighting is not backward looking.

28. What should we pay attention to in family fire prevention? Check gas and power frequently.

29. It is the first thing to escape life in a fire. Never covet things and money.

30. Don't throw cigarette butts, and the fire prevention string is tight.

31. The fire prevention work is well done, and a better life will accompany the old.

32. Do a good job in fire prevention, and the whole family will be happy.

33. Everyone knows fire prevention and everyone is happy.

34. Implement fire safety regulations and do a good job in safety production.

35. Fire fighting connects you, me and others. It is up to everyone to ensure safety.