Self - criticism Text
Solitary Clouds in Far Water
2023-05-06 09:39:23
fourth grade

Dear class teacher
In the morning, I had a fight with my classmates because of a small matter. It was my fault. I hope the teacher can forgive me.
Now, I deeply regret it. After a thorough review, I think that the fatal mistakes hidden in my thoughts are as follows:
1. Low ideological awareness and serious lack of attention to important matters. Even if there is awareness, it has not been really implemented in action.
2. The life style is usually lazy. If it wasn't for laziness, carelessness and low memory, how could I forget what the teacher said.
3. When I called my niece, I couldn't think about the consequences. Someone said, "Nothing, young man is young". Otherwise, what about being young? I should have restrained my feelings, if only I could.
After deep self reflection, I decided to take the following personal rectification measures:
1. Strengthen communication with classmates, class cadres and teachers. Ensure that there will be no violations of school discipline and rules in the future.
2. Raise awareness, pay close attention to implementation, and vigorously carry out criticism and self-criticism. I admit that I should bear the unshirkable responsibility for this fight. At the same time, it also reveals that the awareness of abiding by the school spirit and discipline is not enough.
3. Change when you are ashamed, make up for it when you are lost, and pay close attention to the implementation. I will use this fight as a mirror to constantly check myself, criticize and educate myself, and consciously accept supervision. I want to learn to be ashamed and forge ahead, make up for lost sheep, pay close attention to implementation, turn shame into motivation, and study hard.
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