Reflections on Going Out of Africa
The sunset is beautiful
2023-09-10 06:43:32
impressions of after reading

At that time, I accidentally saw a "20 movies a woman must see in her life" in 360 browser, and this one was among them, so I downloaded it back. After three or four months, it was really boring today, so I took it out to see it. Women really should see it. Karen, the heroine, feels a little like Scarlett in Gone with the Wind. They may be the representatives of women in the new era. They are brave, confident and dare to rebel against old ideas.
The film is based on Karen's marriage and love. At first, because his lover cheated her and didn't want to marry her, she was very sad. Then she told her lover's brother, her friend Bohr? Bis asked to marry her. She didn't love him, but wanted a marriage. She wanted to have a man on her farm in Africa. As a result, she is not happy with him. The appearance of Dennis changed her. They hunted and camped together. She felt very happy with him. Later, they really stayed together for a long time. Dennis really loved her. But the representatives of women in the new era are always strong, they are used to occupying, and everything should be done according to their ideas. There was a quarrel between Karen and Dennis, and I agree with Dennis. Karen is a smart woman. She knows that Dennis doesn't always leave to hunt, but only to leave. She thinks that this goes against the true meaning of love, because she believes that love is possession. She hopes Dennis will marry her. She thinks that Dennis is her. Dennis disagreed. He said, "I won't be closer to you and I won't love you more because of a piece of paper.". Yes, love is beautiful and shouldn't have any restrictions. Famous psychologist M? Scott? Parker said, "True love is a free choice.". The people who really love each other do not have to live together. At best, they just choose to live together. " In the end, Karen must understand this truth!
In addition to love and marriage, Karen's attention to the lives of indigenous people in Africa is worth mentioning. She has advanced ideas. She knows that learning is very important for the children there. I think she is not the only one who knows this. () But only she has made efforts and actions for it. She was very kind to the people there. In the end, she had nothing, but still wanted to fight for a living land for the residents there. So when she left, people would be reluctant to part with her, which was also a kind of reward.
This is also an inspirational film. Although decades have passed, Karen's integrity, frankness, kindness, determination, courage to break old ideas and her independent character are also what we women in the new century need to learn. We are women, but many times we need to be brave and tough like men. There should be no clear definition of what men and women need to do, nor should we rely too heavily on a person. Independence is a good quality that a person must have. Without independence, there will never be anything.
From now on, try to be an independent woman. Independence does not have to be strong at any time. A successful woman can deal with the relationship between strong and weak. I hope I can become such a woman. This road is far from me, but I will go in this direction.