2023-10-19 13:44:02
Junior two

Just on the way to the competition, I couldn't help staring at various signs along the way. These signs are in Chinese and English, Chinese and Japanese... This makes me feel that the cultural concepts of countries around the world have penetrated into various fields of China in various forms. This trend of integration is beneficial to some extent. Therefore, I think it is necessary to open the door to the world and let "integration" become the theme of China and the world. First of all, before "integration" enters the world stage, we should understand why we want to integrate? From a historical perspective, the "closed door" and "self-sufficient" way of life has long been spurned.
Now, under the good situation of opening up to the outside world, China has also become more and more prosperous. Foreign brands have successively settled down in China. It must be possible to see the situation of Chinese brands entering the international market abroad, such as "Haier" and "Lenovo". From a positive point of view, this kind of survival mode will certainly coordinate the relationship between China and other countries, promote common development, and expand our economic vision. China should not be confined to its own land, but should integrate with other countries to enhance the international competitiveness of its own brands. But does integration only stop at the economy? Of course not. It also permeates Chinese culture. The works of "Shakespeare", "Gorky" and other literary giants of various countries can be seen in textbooks of all grades, and the refreshing flavor of the integration of Chinese literature and foreign literature can also be smelled in libraries and bookstores.
However, is there no hidden danger behind these positive effects? Of course not. When I see convenience supermarkets in various countries take the place of local supermarkets on the streets, and foreign front-line or unheard of brands seize the position of local brands in shopping malls, I can't help worrying. If this situation continues, will this local culture and local brands lose their foothold in their own countries? Of course, my solutions to these concerns focus on how to integrate. I think "integration", "integration", not only "integration", but also "integration". If it runs counter to its own development prospects and ideas, the country and the government will certainly use its own way to make it leave China's integration road.
The country will not allow Chinese cultural brands and other things to lose their leading position in China. From this point of view, my concern is superfluous. But do we really have no way to access foreign things? Obviously not. Therefore, as an individual, "integration" should have a certain degree, support local products, absorb the essence of foreign countries on the basis of Chinese literature, so that the integration of the two can produce subtle chemical reactions, and make their own better development. All this can only rely on the efforts of the Chinese people. Under the general background of "integration", continue the road of "integration", absorb foreign beneficial things, stabilize China's position in the world, and promote China's sustainable and stable development on the premise of ensuring the status of China's essence.
I think that at that time, the triumph of "integration" will continue to play on the international stage!