Summer vacation "Love Education" word after reading 800 words excellent article
How tender is unrequited love
2023-11-13 15:01:59

Education seems to be a serious and sacred word with various forms. But behind education, there is also deep love.

One summer vacation, I went to my grandmother's house, where something happened that changed my thinking, character, and even behavior. That matter is still fresh in my mind.

It was a sunny noon with 38 ℃ high temperature. The whole family stayed in the room to enjoy the cool air conditioning. But I thought the room was too stuffy and wanted to go out to play for a while, so I slipped out while my mother and grandmother were taking a nap. The scorching sun is unbearable to me, but it's good that there are trees lined groves. I was excited to see the green. I am like a curious child, walking through the thick grass and into the woods. To my surprise, the forest is so cool! I looked at the sky. The sky was covered by tall branches. They seemed to merge into one. Some halos shine on the ground through the gaps of leaves, forming bright spots. I immerse myself in the beauty of nature and feel very comfortable!

After a while, I thought it was time for me to go back. Before I got home, my neighbor's grandmother called me eagerly: "Ying, your mother and your grandmother are looking for you everywhere. Go back as soon as possible!" So I hurried back home. Grandma was lying on the bed, gasping and wiping sweat with a towel. Mother was also nearby, pressing her forehead with her hand, as if in pain.

I didn't know why, so I asked, "Grandma, what's wrong with you?" Grandma said slowly, "Where have you been on such a hot day? You have to stay at home irregularly, and I have to find you everywhere with your mother!" Grandma said this with a very serious expression. I was afraid that she would hit me, so I said: "I went to the woods to play, I thought you and your mother would not find it." Speaking of the following, my voice became weaker and weaker. Grandma frowned, sighed, and pointed to the position beside me to sit down. After I sat down, she said to me, "I won't hit you this time, but you need to know what to do if you get sunstroke in such hot weather? Have you ever thought about the consequences? Your mother and I have been out looking for you for so long, but they haven't found you. Do you know how anxious we are? Now you have grown up, you should be more thoughtful and think far away! You can review yourself!"

I hung my head and cried, "Grandma, I'm sorry. I really didn't think so much about it. I will never do such things that make you worried again! Please forgive me!" Grandma patted me on the shoulder and said earnestly, "It's a good child to know that you can change your mistakes! Grandma taught you and controlled you because she loves you! You know? The next time you go out, you should tell adults what to do, and don't let others worry about you! " I nodded gently.

Grandma's education to me is her endless love for me. She expects me to become useful and always protects me. Grandma, thank you for your love for me. I will remember your teachings and make myself better!