Copy of coaxing girlfriend (90 long sentences selected from the copy of coaxing girlfriend)
Half city snow
2023-07-09 17:03:28
Complete sentences

1. Other people change their minds when they see something different. But from the first time I saw you, I refused to stop.

2. Maybe now you think you are in the most difficult period of your life. In fact, after three years and five years, when you look back, you will find that the bad days will always pass, and that is nothing.

3. Forget the sour smell of love, you just need to remember the fragrance of money!

4. Everyone has his own forest. Maybe we have never been there, but it has always been there, always there. The lost people are lost, and the people we meet will meet again.

5. Clever people have sweet tongues, while annoying people will perform. And you can't do anything, so you can only be cheated.

6. The most humble thing is probably: you ignored me for a long time. I was very sad, but when you started talking to me, I was happy as if nothing had happened.

7. The years are quiet, and I want to grow old with you safely.

8. Perhaps, for the world, you are a person, but for me, you are the whole world. When you are, you are everything. When you are not, everything is you.

9. Maybe I can meet better people, but now you are standing in front of me, like a waterfall hanging upside down from the sky, deafening at 360 degrees. I really can't see anything except you; After many roads and places, only by your side can you take root.

10. Time will take you to the right person. Please love yourself first, and then the person who doesn't know where will pick you up. good night!

11. I smiled strangely because I thought of you.

12. If I had never met you in my life, I would not believe that there is a kind of person who feels warm as soon as I know him. You are the sweetness in the warmth. You don't need romantic words to love you. You only need the beauty of your whole life. Good night, dear!

13. Life is ordinary, sometimes interesting, sometimes boring. Don't find meaning all day long—— Huang Yongyu

14. My girlfriend said that I was too motherly, and I was very angry. She would not dislike my mother if she wanted to have a big fight with her. Finally, she didn't quarrel with her, and she cried angrily.

15. "This place of peace is my hometown". Happiness comes from one's inner satisfaction, and peace of mind is the best life. Peace of mind is the greatest happiness!

16. Life will give you candy and scars. Later, those wounds will fade away and become the most inviolable place on your body.

17. Since the fate cannot escape, it is better to collide with it with devotion, or be crushed into dust in defeat, or shine thousands of sparks to illuminate your pride and dignity.

18. Ideals are like underpants. You should have them, but you can't prove them to everyone!

19. Your name is easy to write and easy to read.

20. Life cannot live by mood, but by mentality.

21. Your name is only two words. Although it cannot form a sentence, it has filled my heart.

22. I am the same as I was before, but our feelings are no longer the same.

23. I will keep away from you gradually until we are completely irrelevant.

24. The cause should not be earth shattering, but successful; Love needs no sweet words, but sincerity; Money doesn't have to be taken out, just enough; The body does not have to live forever, just healthy; Friends need not be counted, but bosom friends!

25. Maybe he never loves you as much as you think. Habit is not like, dependence is not love. It's time to be more self aware and less self indulgent. It's all right to leave, and be well [sad]

26. I don't want to talk about poetry and distance anymore. It's good for people like us to have a day.

27. The right shoes are only known by the feet, and the right people are only known by the heart. There are thousands of ways to go, and only one is suitable. One person is enough to meet all kinds of people.

28. The most dangerous enemy in life is not others in your eyes, but yourself out of control.

29. Being coquetry means that you are aware of the possibility of being favored, and convergence means that you know that you and he are impossible—— Not enough Convergence