81 words of meditation
Harsh gentleness
2023-06-25 05:58:16
Complete sentences

1. Life, a road, a person walk, a person realize.

2. Don't make trouble if you don't have trouble. If you have trouble, try to solve it.

3. Life is not a movie, there won't be so many unexpected encounters.

4. The world is just an inn, a short night's sleep.

5. It's shameless. If you do it well, you will have excellent psychological quality.

6. The world of mortals is rolling, and the cold smoke on the street. The predestination of the past life, meet this life.

7. The past is yesterday, and the new page is still sunny.

8. If you can't find the right person, in fact, it is likely that you can't change your wrong self.

9. A curtain of clear rain dropped a stream of tears, a lingering, broken heart.

10. How many times when I look back, without you, my silent emptiness hurts my eyes.

11. Learn to be yourself and let go of everything that doesn't belong to you gracefully.

12. Repentance and humility are very important, but more important to your love.

13. I will not be kind to everyone. People will change their hearts. Everyone knows the truth.

14. Meditation is a kind of beauty, happiness, purity and clarity.

15. There are many turns in life, and each period has its own color.

16. When we give love, we will feel satisfied instead of waiting for others' love.

17. Unable to see your figure, loneliness began to stir up and devour my soul.

18. In ancient times, people who made great achievements not only had extraordinary talents, but also had indomitable ambition.

19. Happiness winding in the long way of love, drunk at sunrise, also drunk at sunset.

20. To modify oneself is to modify the world. Everyone changes, and the world will change.

21. The simple life is to take things as they are and enjoy what you have. Smile and accept everything.

22. Gradually, it was discovered that what was lost could not be returned, and that having it was not eternal.

23. Keep alert at all times, work independently, logically and in line with your conscience.

24. Cultivate one's morality by being quiet, and support one's morality by being thrifty. It is impossible to express one's ambition without being indifferent, and it is impossible to reach the future without being quiet.

25. You can't covet anything. Once you like it, you should stick to it and be carefree.

26. To love someone, take care of him, protect him, and give him freedom is really elegant love.

27. True feelings, sincerity, sincerity; Appreciate, be loved, love, this is the meaning of words.

28. Recalling the meeting in spring, it seems that a beautiful and sad picture emerges from my mind.

29. There is nothing out of the mind to watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; There is no intention of leaving or staying, but the clouds roll with the clouds outside the sky.

30. The best way to change is to communicate with internal forces, and then it will change us.

31. What I fear most is the person I always think is important, but the most important person is not me.

32. Life is often like this. What you think of as hope is actually just a deeper despair.

33. In the morning of parting, if you lose your heart and send you away, use messy words to express your lovesickness under the blue sky.

34. When we extend love, kindness, tolerance and understanding to others, we create heaven.

35. In order to criticize the world and correct others, we can live a busy life and become exhausted.

36. Listen attentively, take a deep breath, fireworks rain, pear blossom month, send a ray of wind fragrance, and stay away from the noise.

37. The world is too big and life is so short. It's right to live it as much as you want.

38. Life is just a journey. You pass me, I pass you, and then move forward and practice separately.

39. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Change the future, from now on. To change the present is to change the future.

40. Learn the initiative spirit, decide the best time to make a move, be decisive and use your developed wisdom.

41. Looking at the beauty of the past, it slowly fades away in the destruction of years. In the bottom of my heart, there is only empty loss.

42. We are not the body or the person, but wisdom and love, which are extremely sacred qualities.

43. Whether you will also search in the crowded streets, looking forward to meeting at the entrance of Wuyi Lane with the setting sun.

44. On the independent river bank, the clothes are not cold. In the light of the evening breeze, sadness is sparkling on the river.

45. People, in fact, do not need too many things. As long as they live healthily and love sincerely, they can also be regarded as a kind of wealth.

46. If we think we are weak, we will become weak; If we think we are great, we become great.

47. The villain regards his own fault as the fault of others, and every time he complains about the sky, he will be the best; A gentleman regards others' mistakes as his own, and blames himself every time he bows back.

48. If you feel tired, the best way is to make yourself more tired. Only when you are thoroughly tired can you get out of it.

49. Just remember the past; Some memories, put away, fleeting years, I just want to face the sea in spring.

50. The waves are misty, and the willow is leaning. Who is standing in Tingzhou, full of apple blossoms, looking through the water, singing broken away from the war, leaving people still did not return.

51. Choose to be brave and be a heroic hero. Don't lower your noble head and be willing to surrender to small obstacles.

52. I want to spend all my youth's charm and gentleness in the flowing red leaves, dance a tune of neon clothes and feather clothes, and get drunk in your arms.

53. The stars are turning, the moon is waning and round, the vines of missing are crawling all over my heart, and the ferry of missing is still waiting for me.

54. Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs your own fulfillment.

55. True love is that others do not feel our existence, do not occupy their space, do not bind them, and the closer we are, the more comfortable we will be.

56. Since then, there has been a palace in the sky. Wash all the lead, and watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; Look at the sky.

57. We should be grateful for the pain and frustration. It is our lesson. We should train from it, and then make breakthroughs. Only in this way can we truly be relieved.

58. Sometimes, you choose to keep a distance with someone, not because you don't care, but because you know clearly that he doesn't belong to you.

59. Dear self, you have just picked yourself up. Please don't let yourself down again. Nothing is worth your sadness, please be happy.

60. Real happiness does not come from secular lofty status, book knowledge or wealth, but only from enlightenment.

61. On autumn night, an old chapter opens the curtain of memories. It turns out that the collection in the time book is not all gray, but also some bright colors.

62. Silence is better than meditation. There are too many distractions and noises in life. Put them in the bottom of your heart, feel calm, and experience meditation.

63. Love and humility are the best tools for us to communicate with others. They will make us invincible. With love, we can move everything and win everything.

64. Once enlightened, everything becomes simple. We naturally think fast and do it quickly, and have the opportunity to respond correctly when appropriate. This is the key to success.

65. To modify oneself is to modify the world. We are born to be useful. We are an important program in the whole universe. Believe in your potential.

66. I can feel your heartache. You have no choice but to act indifferent. The more you act like this, the more painful I feel.

67. I admit that I am a cheapskate. I don't want to see any kindness from you to others. I really want to know how important I am in your world.

68. In this world, everyone has different views on the same thing. For the things in front of you, it depends on your emotions. A good mood is naturally pleasing to the eye.

69. One day your edges and corners will be smoothed by the world, you will pull out the thorns, you will learn to smile at people you hate, and you will become a quiet person.

70. Happiness in misfortune is like a rose with thorns. We can't care about thorns all the time. We should look at flowers. All pain does not come from external circumstances, but from our attitude.

71. Put yourself in the realm of meditation, read and record colorful, natural, noble, pure and beautiful feelings of the soul, and feel very beautiful, happy, and happy!

72. Quietly learn to listen and appreciate with one heart. Just like the autumn water of that lake, a few faint ripples can carry the sun and moon for thousands of years and attract thousands of miles of floating clouds.

73. Put yourself in the realm of meditation, read and record colorful nature, noble humanity, pure heart, and beautiful feelings, and feel very beautiful, happy, and happy!

74. Lonely people always remember everyone who has appeared in their life with heart, so I always think of you more than I can chew. Every night when the stars fall, I count my loneliness again and again.

75. At first, the gentle breeze ushered in ripples, and then restored the original calm. Looking at the clean water under the lotus leaves, my heart was also calm. For the time being, I will forget all the disturbances, just like the calm after the ripples.

76. Meditation and silence. Gently close your eyes, use your ears to catch the sound waves interwoven around you, and carefully outline the world around you. This is the feeling of listening. Listen to the music of meditation.

77. In the late night, listen to the words of heart under the lamp. The bright eyes in the dream reflect the calm silence. Listen to a piece of cloud water, give half a life of meditation, whisper with yourself gently, and learn to stay alone with your heart in the beauty of the world.

78. My heart is calm. I feel so good. I only wish that when spring comes, I could go to the green mountain with the gentle wind, Buddha and willow trees, play a simple song and recite some elegant poems; Under the water like star, invite Chang moth to play chess, drink with Yue'er slowly, drink thousands of cups when waking up, and enjoy a dream when drunk alone.

79. Meditation is like water. It is not like riding the wind and waves bravely to control the sails, but like a still pool of water, it is quiet, serene and slow ripples. In this way, people who meditate like water often show a broad and profound state of mind when they are still and deep.

80. Let your heart slowly immerse itself in the bottom of your heart, immerse itself in the current, and let your heart be stranded on the beach. The mind is as still as water, without noise, without troubles, without thoughts, without blessings, without prayer, without missing. Only now can we know that there will be no slight waves after the heart is calm, and no ripples after the heart is calm.

81. I have always felt that it would be great if I could find a quiet place, meditate, realize, think quietly, look at the beautiful sky from time to time, taste the tea from time to time, shake the ink from time to time, let the pen dance on the paper, and use the quiet music, quietly, quietly, think about the day, life, and everyone.