Qq say 85 mood phrases
This feeling is worth recalling
2023-06-11 19:57:37
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1. It is as thin as paper to appreciate human feelings, and it hurts to see through the world of mortals.

2. Don't wet today's sunshine for last night's tears!

3. Other people vomit truth after drinking, but I only vomit food after drinking.

4. I would rather regret having done it than having missed it.

5. The world is never perfect, time will not give you two opportunities.

6. Hope, only when accompanied by diligence, can we be even more powerful.

7. What stands in the way of growth is not childishness, but maturity.

8. The deepest loneliness comes from the unforgettable happiness.

9. This world is inherently painful, without exception.

10. Women are used to hurt, men are used to support their families!

11. To be a good monster, you must defeat Altman at all costs.

12. If you want others to respect you, you must first learn to respect others.

13. Life grinds us round to make us roll farther!

14. Life is like an old movie, always black and white.

15. After looking at Xiyangyang, I found that they didn't wear clothes.

16. There are two basic points: a little more unrestrained in case of trouble, and a little more muddled in the world.

17. Sometimes love is possession, sometimes love is letting go.

18. Tired of living? Just tired! Comfort is for the dead.

19. Why are all the handsome men in the barber shop, while the beautiful women are in the red light district?

20. If you want to run, you can't run away, not if you want to get away.

21. A result is not necessarily a success, but no result is a failure.

22. You can only rely on yourself. Others can help you for a while.

23. You can have love, but don't be persistent, because separation is inevitable.

24. Diligence is the code of your life, which can translate your magnificent epic.

25. If you want to be the best person, you must meet the best opponent.

26. Three elements of success: first, persistence. The second is shameless. 3. Insist shamelessly.

27. It doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail, as long as you know who you are.

28. I can't see my opponent with binoculars, and I don't care who I compete with.

29. We have gone the opposite way to you and look forward to our unexpected encounter.

30. You will never know how powerful you are until there is no way out.

31. If you don't always think about whether you are happy, you will be happy.

32. Freedom is not doing what you want to do, but not doing what you don't want to do.

33. It is not someone who worries me, but I worry myself with someone's words and deeds.

34. Don't think I'm stupid, but I see something in my eyes and bury it in my heart.

35. Don't think there is something better behind you, because the one who likes you is the best.

36. The key to learning many things is not to learn many things at once.

37. Even if there is no beauty of the city, there must be pride in destroying a city.

38. The weak should wait for opportunities, the strong should create opportunities, and the wise should seize opportunities.

39. Imagination is beautiful, reality is sad, and we should follow the sorrow in the end.

40. Love is not an accessory. Nobody belongs to anyone. I just want to belong to myself.

41. It is not necessary to say all you know, but leave some words; Don't be too strict with others. Leave some space.

42. Sometimes, I really want to come to an incurable disease to see who really cares about me.

43. People always feel happy when they are close to happiness, but they are worried about gains and losses when they are happy.

44. I like a piece of music for a period of time, and I miss a period of time when listening to a piece of music.

45. We have set a goal and will work hard for it until death!

46. Every night before going to bed, I kiss my underwear because it has been helping me to pack.

47. If life gives me countless faces, I will always choose the most painful one to touch.

48. Real almsgiving is to separate your troubles and worries and let go of your persistence.

49. The modest people use diplomas to spur themselves, and the guilty people use diplomas to show off themselves.

50. If you miss it, you will miss everything. Even if you try hard, you will never return to the past.

51. Don't challenge my personality with your temper, it will make you die with a sense of rhythm!

52. Jealousy is a knife. It is either inserted in others or in your own heart.

53. Instead of rejecting the fact that it has become, you should accept it. This is called resignation.

54. Eating more food will make your body strong or fat, and learning more knowledge will make your brain strong or fat.

55. Long life with many disasters and diseases is suffering, and long life with many blessings and health is happiness.

56. Hope and trust are lizards' tails. Even if they are cut off, they will grow again.

57. The belief in success acts like an alarm clock in the human brain, which will wake you up when you need it.

58. Good people practice evil law, and evil law is also good. Evil people practice good law, and good law is also evil. All things are created by idealism.

59. Look at your happiness and pretend that you don't care, but what hurts is yourself. Eventually he became a deserter.

60. Even if the world has a thousand reasons to make you cry, you should have a thousand and one reasons to smile.

61. When you know confusion, you are not pitiful. When you do not know confusion, you are the most pitiful.

62. All the hardships you have experienced are meaningful, because they are a harbinger of your heavy responsibilities.

63. Belief is more difficult to shake than knowledge; Love is more difficult to change than respect; Hatred lasts longer than hatred.

64. How far away, how entangled, how missed, how indescribable. You can't see pain and madness.

65. A small accident is like pepper noodles in a dish. You can sneeze twice, but still feel happy.

66. Success is not in the future, but accumulated from the moment you decide to do it.

67. Every kind of trauma is a kind of maturity, which makes people think, make people strong, and make people more appreciative.

68. The arrival of night after the busy day is to let you have a better rest and adjust to meet the new tomorrow.

69. Adversity is a necessary process for growth. People who are brave enough to accept adversity will grow stronger and stronger.

70. Don't live in the mouth or eyes of others, but hold your destiny in your own hands.

71. I keep an ambiguous relationship with you, afraid that I will fall in love with you and that I will cry after you leave.

72. Pick up your mood and go on. If you miss flowers, you will reap rain. If you miss them, you will meet them.

73. The most painful feeling in the world is not lovelorn, but when I give my heart to you, you cheat me.

74. If you work hard, you may fail, but if you don't work hard, you have already lost.

75. When a man shows his gentlemanly demeanor to you, he largely appreciates himself, not you.

76. Silence represents everything; There is pain in my heart, but I don't know. Tears pour out everything.

77. If a woman's dream is to get married, then a man's dream is to get married.

78. Don't talk aggressively, don't be destructive, don't praise your ability, don't praise others' evil, and naturally you can turn enemies into friends.

79. I usually laugh again after I get angry. In fact, I also want to be cool and ignore people, but I can't help it.

80. If you can find your own shortcomings as accurately as others' shortcomings, your life will be extraordinary.

81. Memory is like water poured into the palm. Whether you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers.

82. For men, the most beautiful woman is not available. For women, the most handsome man is already owned.

83. Most of the time, when I inadvertently know something after the event, I pretend to be indifferent and hide it with a smile. In fact, my heart hurts more than anything else.

84. Where there is something, there is a way; Breaking the fire and sinking the boat, one hundred and two Qin passes will eventually return to Chu; If you work hard, the sky won't fall; Sleeping on the brushwood and tasting the gall, three thousand more can swallow Wu.

85. All the questions in the world can be answered with "it's none of your business" and "it's none of my business". Suddenly, I feel very busy.