Genius on the left, madman on the right
Plain is true
2023-12-19 21:46:31
third year in high school
reaction to a book or an article

When I first saw the title of the book, it was on the website. Readers spoke highly of the book. I thought it was a theoretical book, telling the story of genius.
After my classmates bought this book, I realized that it was a record of interviews with mental patients. To be honest, seeing such content actually somewhat dampened my enthusiasm, and I didn't feel so eager to see it at that time.
Because I think what the mental patients can say must be some crazy words. I am a normal person, and I can't understand their ideas. I even began to doubt the meaning of this book. But when I thought about it, so many people liked this book.
Open the catalogue of this book and see several interesting statements, two of which are most impressive.
In the mirror, a female patient said that she had been sitting in front of the mirror for two days and had been looking at the mirror. She found that it was not her in the mirror. Her movements were not moving at all, and the people in the mirror were laughing at her, which was dirty. The female patient said that she could not move. Thanks to the choking of water, she ran away quickly.
To tell the truth, I was a little scared when I saw the dialogue between the author and the female patient. Sometimes I felt a little flustered when I looked in the mirror for a long time. In ancient India, there was such a punishment that criminals were placed in rooms full of mirrors around. A few days later, people became crazy.
Looking in the mirror for too long may be a little uncomfortable, but it is not as exaggerated as this female patient. It should be to magnify his anxiety.
Another interesting statement is Eternity. The author thinks that the mental patient is a teacher, but she has stayed at home for a long time and has been observing static things. She thinks that stones are alive, but they can't be moved easily. They are easily broken and lose their lives. She thinks that stones can't feel our existence, because our life is too short for them, and their life is too long. Our life in their world should be a flash.
In fact, I kind of agree with her. Everything may have life. When scientists failed to prove that flowers and plants have life, I thought they were inanimate.
In my heart, I am a little resistant to my agreement with this statement, because she is a mental patient and I am a healthy person. I agree with her statement. It seems that I am abnormal. I don't want to admit that I agree with her. It is contradictory.
Some patients' ideas are really beyond the normal logic of thinking. Their conceptual theories are more abundant than ours. I don't understand quantum mechanics at all. Maybe only the author who has rich knowledge can communicate.
After reading it, it's still shocking. Although some people can't understand it, I think it's reasonable.
Reading always brings some different feelings. Read more books, read good books, and you can see things you have never seen before.