Sentences in memory of college alumni
Two dependencies for one lifetime
2023-04-08 14:04:52
Sentences of friendship

1. I have a diary, which records some embarrassing things about me and my friends in college. Every time I read the diary, they always suddenly remembered and laughed.

2. The past is remembered, and after all tired, standing on the peak, I can't look far away from the residual tears in my eyes. I can't stand for a minute and a second. The blurred line of sight is suddenly lost, and I can't find your back. For a long time, tears are beginning to dry up. The clear things are that you leave strange scenery and strange life.

3. When time passes, we forget that we once loved someone without hesitation, forgot her loveliness, and forgot everything she did for me.

4. Time didn't wait for me. You forgot to take me away. The firefly in my left hand is unforgettable. In my right hand is a long meditation for ten years.

5. For this world, I was struggling weakly, but I lost to him in the end.

6. University, I finally want to say goodbye to you. I said goodbye to sleeping late, to truancy, and to the summer of slippers.

7. Quietly hunched the heart without letting the aftershocks fade. My mind is in a tangle. Suddenly the sadness poured out again.

8. I love playing truant with my friends, stealing water bottles together, and staying up at night together. I always forget that I said I really miss it.

9. In those years, the group of crazy people who accompanied me crazy, I think, I will never forget.

10. When there is no trace to follow in the passage of time and the cycle of time, when you look back, you will find that there is something hidden behind the time play. The look back of this book is: university.

11. Now the student days I grew up with are finally leaving me. It's sad and I miss it. The school records a lot of things about me, but it's a big deal.

12. If you have youth, you will have a natural and elegant style; With youth, you will have a bright and smiling face.

13. What we said, what we did, the way we walked, the people we met, every present is our future memories. There is no need to remember yesterday, no need to expect tomorrow, as long as we carefully live each today. Say what you can say, do what you can do, follow the right path, and meet the people you want to see. Keep your feet on the ground, don't ignore, don't waste your time, be lucky or not, everything goes with luck, keep a good mood, even if your heart is broken, you should have the most beautiful attitude.

14. Who deletes his/her address book with one click, and who deletes his/her chat record with one click, and then puts the other person's number in the blacklist. What I most fear to see is that two people who know each other and love each other become strangers, never contact each other again, and will not cause a ripple because of each other's name. In fact, you know that people in memory cannot be seen. When I see you, my memory will disappear. People change. Love or friendship.

15. You are my unfinished song in this life, which cannot reach the end but is hard to part with.