Reading Day after Day First
Dusty memory
2023-06-09 11:03:54
Junior 1

His works are countless, including Wandering, Scream, Morning Flowers and Evening Picks... His articles are full of ups and downs, and his articles are lingering. What interests me most is Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering.

"Morning Flowers and Evening Flowers" was written by Lu Xun in Guangzhou on July 11, 1927. The works in this book are all reminiscent articles, but they are not monotonous records of past events, but beautiful prose treasures written with skilled literary techniques. The author takes those unforgettable life fragments to describe them vividly, and chooses the plot and details rich in personality to describe the character of the characters, so that the works are full of strong flavor of life, and the characters are vivid and impressive. There are ten articles in this book. The language of these ten articles is fresh, simple, kind and touching.

The original name of this book was "Rethinking the Past", but Lu Xun thought it was not very beautiful, so he changed it to "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering". This topic with dew folding flowers, color and fragrance much better. This book was written by Lu Xun when he recalled his childhood. One of the most attractive books is From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore.

This article is Lu Xun's memory of his childhood in the Herb Garden. This article has repeatedly used scenery description, such as: "It is not necessary to say green vegetable beds, smooth stone well fences, tall acacia trees, purple mulberries; it is not necessary to say that cicadas sing in the leaves, fat wasps croak on cauliflower, and call the Son of Heaven (skylark) suddenly from the grass to the sky." This sentence uses scenery description, It vividly describes the beautiful and magical scenery of the Herb Garden, showing the author's memories of the Herb Garden. This article also added the story of "Beauty Snake" to add a magical veil to the Herb Garden. Influenced by this, Lu Xun in his childhood waited for the appearance of the beautiful snake every day, waiting for the old monk to give him a magic box, but he didn't appear after all. This is really naive.

There are a series of other childhood memories in this book, such as Dog, Cat and Mouse, Ah Chang and the Book of Mountains and Rivers, The Five Rampants' Meeting, etc., which can reflect Lu Xun's innocence and loveliness in his childhood and his nostalgia for the good times in his childhood.

In this book, Lu Xun once wrote a sentence: "These ten articles are copied from memory, which may be different from the actual content, but I only remember that now." Its appearance made me suddenly think: I will also "copy" an article from memory! So I racked my brains to find out all the memories of the past to see if there were any interesting things about my childhood, but none. His skill is so high!