92 aesthetic sentences about filial piety
keep one 's head above water
2023-02-01 11:08:41
Complete sentences

1. Motherly love is better than universal love.

2. Great filial piety admires his parents all his life.

3. Parents are the foundation of people.

4. Respect the relatives, and be more beautiful than the three animals.

5. Thousands of classics, filial piety first.

6. Disciples are filial when they enter and younger when they leave.

7. Be careful. Don't be tired of waiting.

8. Poetry, books, and filial piety.

9. Pay more attention to love than things, and pay more attention to care than burial.

10. The most important thing for a filial son is to respect his relatives.

11. Children are the anchor of mother's life.

12. Maternal love is a huge flame.

13. The love of parents is the foundation of all virtues.

14. All parents love their children.

15. The mother's heart is the child's classroom.

16. Filial piety is the first of all virtues, and prostitution is the first of all evils.

17. The unfilial person is the most hateful person in the world.

18. Kindness and beating start at home.

19. Mother's love is never exhausted.

20. Maternal love is the greatest force in the world.

21. If your parents are here, you should not travel far.

22. He who values wealth, neglects his parents, and never becomes a child.

23. Filial husband is the crown of all deeds and the beginning of all good deeds.

24. Charities and close relatives, but should not end there.

25. Thanks to parents, water cannot drown and fire cannot be extinguished.

26. Favorable relatives, with strength; I will go if my relatives hate me.

27. Dear me, filial piety is not difficult; If you love me and hate me, you should be filial.

28. Nothing is greater than a human mother.

29. Don't be slow to respond to the call. Be sincere and bring joy to your face.

30. Good food should be used by parents first, and good clothes should be worn by parents first.

31. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is blowing, and the son wants to be raised but not to be loved.

32. Father should be a generous friend.

33. Do not delay when parents call; Don't be lazy when your parents order you.

34. Personal injury may cause concern to relatives; If virtue hurts, it will bring shame to your relatives.

35. If you are a relative, you should settle down without choosing a place. Filial piety is the most important thing.

36. Parents and children are the best gifts for each other.

37. The truth of benevolence is the truth of kinship; The truth of righteousness is from brother.

38. Daxiao admires his parents all his life. Only filial piety can relieve worries.

39. The most distressing thing in the world is to look down on your own home.

40. The nature of heaven and earth is human. There is nothing greater than filial piety.

41. Parents love what they love and respect what they respect.

42. It is filial piety to be well nourished before death; It is a worthy son to be buried lightly after returning.

43. It is better to offer rich sacrifices than to keep them thick; How regretful the night before.

44. Ugly sea monsters are not as terrible as ungrateful children.

45. There are three aspects of filial piety: great respect for relatives, followed by freedom from humiliation, and the ability to support them.

46. If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know the price of food and rice; If you don't raise children, you don't know how to repay your mother.

47. It's easy to be quiet when you serve your parents. Don't shout for trifles.

48. How similar mothers are all over the world! Their hearts are always the same.

49. A dutiful son does not flatter his relatives, and a loyal minister does not flatter his monarch.

50. Respect for the elderly is the most beautiful privilege of human spirit.

51. Let's begin, child, to meet your mother with a smile!

52. The age of parents should not be unknown. One is joy, the other is fear.

53. The elderly are like history and drama, which can provide reference for our life.

54. Do not be intimate or personal; If you are not obedient to your relatives, you cannot be a son.

55. After a few remonstrances with parents, they will not follow their will, but will not disobey their respect, and will not complain if they are tired.

56. In the eyes of all young people, what a strict judge father is!

57. The mother's heart was intertwined with the baby as early as when she was pregnant.

58. Don't eat people's food in vain with unfilial words. Although the heaven and earth are vast, it is hard to tolerate disobedient families.

59. The foundation of family is undoubtedly that parents have special feelings for their newborn children.

60. Ciwushang feeds back, and the lamb still kneels. It is better to have grass and wood than to be unfilial to one's relatives.

61. Guo Jusi supplies, buries the child and wishes the mother to save. From the golden sky, the glory shines on the humble door.

62. Do not cheat the elders when they ask; Do not be late for the order of the elders; I dare not refuse the gift from the elder.

63. The only real happiness in the world is that a family can cooperate closely with each other.

64. Whoever refuses his parents' instruction will lose the opportunity to be a man first.

65. Virtue and irrelevance cannot be separated. If life cannot be changed, beauty and evil cannot be removed.

66. The father is observing his ambition, but not his behavior; Three years without changing the way of his father can be called filial piety.

67. In this world, we always need to repay the most beautiful person, that is, mother.

68. Use the way of heaven and divide the land; It is the filial piety of common people to be cautious and thrifty in order to support their parents.

69. I am old, and people are old; We are young and we are young. The world can be lucky in the palm.

70. A natural person loves his children, and a cultured person loves his parents.

71. The loss of a loving mother is like a flower in a bottle. Although it is still colored and fragrant, it has lost its root.

72. Without the help of selfless self sacrifice and maternal love, children's hearts will be a desert.

73. Those who have won the love and respect of their children are very happy.

74. The green mountains cry sadly and call for strict father; Bishui complained bitterly about her blood and cried for her mother.

75. I have seen starving children. I have seen the grief of mothers and wives. I hate it.

76. If you can show filial piety to your parents, one filial piety is a good man; Weng Po can fulfill her filial piety, and her filial piety comes and her virtue falls.

77. Filial piety is a matter of kinship. You should not make your relatives indifferent, worried, fearful, depressed, unspeakable, and ashamed.

78. For children, the value of parents' charity is that it is more reliable and trustworthy than any other emotion.

79. In the family, the smallest laughter of children is the great spiritual power that can consolidate parents' understanding of unity.

80. Disciples are filial when they enter and younger when they leave. It means that young disciples should honor their parents when they return home and respect their brothers when they go out.

81. As a person, you should respect your parents, be kind to your children, be generous to poor relatives, and be polite to everyone.

82. When a filial son is a relative, respect him when he lives, joy when he is raised, sorrow when he is ill, sorrow when he is bereaved, and severity when he is sacrificed.

83. If a noble man has a son like himself, his happiness must be no less than the continuation of his own life.

84. The feelings of father and son are totally different: the father loves the son himself, and the son loves the memory of his father.

85. Good family traditions help family members to respect each other and build a friendly and vibrant collective.

86. Only a healthy relationship between parents and children based on unconditional love can eliminate all crises in life.

87. If a person makes his mother sad, no matter how prominent his position is, no matter how famous he is, he is a despicable person.

88. All outstanding and extraordinary people have excellent mothers. In their later years, they respect their mothers and regard them as their best friends.

89. Mother, I wish you well, because you know how to train your son to be a real person. He will win the battle of life.

90. Communism is not only manifested in the fields and sweaty factories, but also at the dinner table in the family, among relatives and in mutual relations.

91. The love of parents should be like this: it can stimulate children's concern for the world around them, for everything created by people, and stimulate their enthusiasm for serving the people.

92. Harmonious family air is a kind of flower in the world. Nothing is more gentle than it, and nothing is more suitable for cultivating a family's nature to be strong and upright.