Sentences are popular. Classic sentences are short
Love rationally
2023-04-06 16:05:23
Classic sentence

1. If you want to buy sweet scented osmanthus with wine, you will never be like a teenager.

2. I am with you because I choose to be with you. I don't want to live the way others do.

3. You are my flag when I step over the fallen and fight against the eternal.

4. I know I have nowhere to live in this world, but how can you judge my soul?

5. Life is never fair. You have to do your best and live hard depending on how much you get.

6. Her sad and beautiful face is a poem I will never tire of reading all my life

7. You were once a romantic subject of the Milky Way. You fell into the earth alone and could not wait for the letter from the stars.

8. Don't get confused, don't get trapped in love, don't fear the future, don't think about the past, so it's safe.

9. Those who do not study will not only become shallow, but will also be abandoned by the pace of social progress.

10. Real talent is as hard to collect as fire, and will always start a prairie fire.

11. It's good to cry. Crying is a symbol of recovery.

12. When drunk, I don't know that the sky is in the water, and the ship is full of dreams and stars.

13. I don't want to be a god or a hero. Just want to be a tree, grow for the years, and don't hurt anyone.

14. If you look at the world, it is still so beautiful. You are still so pure and kind.

15. Youth is so good that no matter how you live, you will feel the waves and regret when you look back.