87 enterprise quotations
Should not be reluctant
2023-04-30 15:10:17

1. Because of self-confidence, so successful.

2. Heaven rewards diligence, and business rewards faith.

3. Success comes from unremitting efforts.

4. Take a step further.

5. Bodhisattva's heart is the means of thunderbolt.

6. You are not brave, no one is strong for you.

7. Together, stone becomes gold.

8. Be responsible for the project and satisfy users.

9. Go further every day and set foot on the road to success.

10. A bosom friend in the network is like a neighbor in the world.

11. Endurance is better than brainpower.

12. No pains, no gains.

13. Survive with quality and develop with reform.

14. To ensure production safety, production must be safe.

15. Small success depends on individuals, and great success depends on teams.

16. Winners find ways, losers find excuses.

17. Only good irrigation can produce good results.

18. Pursue customer satisfaction. It's your responsibility and mine.

19. Faith is to stand up, benevolence is to treat people, and respect is to do things.

20. Good strategy also needs good strategy implementation.

21. Only your conscious contribution can make the company brilliant.

22. Clear working standards will ensure more stable quality.

23. Only with excellent teams can we have excellent enterprises.

24. One wait, two see, three fail, one think, two do, three succeed.

25. Reach consensus from top to bottom, coordinate left and right for progress.

26. Don't exchange blood for lessons. Learn from lessons to avoid blood tears.

27. Report problems immediately and handle them in time.

28. Tell employees less about morality and more about what they deserve.

29. If you want to do something, you will have a stage. If you can do something well, you will be rewarded.

30. Finding ways will lead to success, and finding excuses will lead to failure.

31. You can only succeed by finding ways, and you can only fail by finding excuses.

32. Establish a scientific outlook on development and enhance the competitiveness of the company.

33. There is no perfect individual, only perfect team.

34. Only by sincerely serving readers can we truly win readers.

35. The highest level of management is to manage yourself.

36. The shortest distance between two points is not necessarily a straight line.

37. Because we are destined to meet, success depends on everyone's efforts!

38. Forget about failure, but remember the lessons of failure.

39. Business starts from the heart and everything will be solved.

40. How high your level is, how great your career ability is.

41. Be an excellent employee, produce quality books and create a first-class enterprise.

42. Do a good job in product packaging to ensure the final quality of products.

43. There are only imperfect products and no picky customers.

44. Only with one heart can we go further, and only with virtue can we go closer.

45. Say goodbye to the traditional yesterday and stride forward to the standardized future.

46. I would rather be in great trouble than make the customer embarrassed for a while.

47. Better not perfect reform than crisis without reform.

48. Safety is the life of enterprises, and quality is the source of benefits.

49. When competition forms, management becomes simple.

50. Improve after-sales service quality and customer satisfaction.

51. With the factory as the school and the factory as the home, we learn from each other and care for each other.

52. Be diligent and thrifty, take care of public property, and take the factory as the home for common development.

53. Sincerely, deeply plough the market, go all out, and applaud.

54. Simplify complex work and do simple things thoroughly.

55. Pay equal attention to attack and defense, make full use of all staff, target activities, and service orientation.

56. Cultural retention and career retention; Keep people with vision and pay.

57. Face the crisis squarely, enhance confidence, work hard and create brilliance again.

58. Climb high and look far, lift the weight as light as possible; Never give up, never admit defeat.

59. Actively learn from, make use of, be good at innovation, and accelerate growth.

60. Pay attention to effectiveness, improve management, improve quality and create benefits.

61. Go beyond yourself, pursue excellence, and be brave to create a first-class and a new high.

62. Paying attention to quality is costly, and paying no attention to quality is more costly.

63. Attitude determines behavior, behavior cultivates character, and character determines fate.

64. There is no absolute right or wrong in management, as long as it is suitable for your enterprise.

65. It's better to chase after each other than to think about everything. Why not act immediately when your brain is moving!

66. Those who push will easily become obstacles. Those who do it voluntarily will become a smooth road.

67. Carry out business separation in a planned way and focus on core competitiveness.

68. Let yourself adapt to the environment, because the environment will never adapt to you.

69. Don't be satisfied with forecasting customers' potential needs, but create them.

70. Establish core values, and be good at learning, but also good at creating.

71. Ideal without action is a daydream, and action without ideal is a nightmare.

72. Don't give in to misfortune, but challenge it more boldly and actively!

73. Diligence and studious are the foundation of your success, while laziness is a poor manufacturer.

74. Customers do not depend on us, but we must depend on them.

75. The most effective capital is our reputation, which works for us 24 hours a day.

76. You must be full of what you have done, or you will not be able to persist.

77. Customer needs need to be created. Before the invention of electric light, no one had such a need.

78. There is only one reason why you can't reach your goal, that is, you don't know what your goal is.

79. Don't sigh about setbacks. Just consider all these as preparations you must undergo before you can achieve great things.

80. Illiteracy in the future will be those who have no knowledge and will not update knowledge. The main reason why adults are eliminated is the decline of learning ability.

81. Give up the prize and be elated! Punishments should be cruel, and they should be scared! Rewards can lead to greater contributions, and punishment can avoid repeated losses.

82. If only doing process can be forgiven, it will cultivate the habit of not paying attention to valuable results! If the process is in place, the employee will be rewarded and will not be responsible for the results!

83. Many systems cannot be completely implemented because of the self and impermanence of the boss! The boss is the first driving force and the first obstacle to the implementation of the enterprise! If you want to execute others, you must execute yourself first!

84. Execution should pay attention to the relationship between results and causes, and focus on the results first and then the reasons. Without results, there is no reason. First, the reason will let him find the power to find excuses; It is difficult for him to justify himself by talking about the results first and then the reasons.

85. The first good among the capable people will be commended, the first evil among the capable people will be firmly won, and the most meritorious people will be rewarded from their subordinates, and the more meritorious people will be punished from their superiors, which can promote unity between the top and bottom, and form a huge force of action and cohesion.

86. An imperfect system can also achieve results through good execution inertia, but the results are not the best. But a good system without good execution inertia will not achieve good results! Strong implementation takes precedence over better system!

87. Several major symptoms of ineffective implementation: system absence, mediocrity of personnel, cultural loss! There are three effective remedies for the implementation of the disease: no conditions for the system! For people - no excuses! For culture - no impossibility!