Excerpts of Good Words, Sentences and Paragraphs in Grade One of Primary School (Selected 75 Sentences)
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2023-05-08 10:01:05
Complete sentences

1. The sun slowly penetrated the clouds and revealed its swollen red face, looking at the earth like a shy girl.

2. Vibrant, engrossed, with eyes like a pool, learning from each other's strong points, generous, glowing, and sincere

3. The wind in winter, like a brush, whitens the whole world. The snow on the ground is white and soft. Like covering the earth with a thick quilt; The children played happily in the snow. Some are making snowmen, and some are having snowball fights.

4. Frustrated, holding your head high, learning endlessly, never tired of learning, panicked, energetic, lively

5. On the big lotus leaf like a jade tray. Rolling with crystal pearls. The white and red lotus, swaying in the breeze, looks fresh, pure and beautiful.

6. There are jade steps in the heart. The full step is a fragrant bag with a Yao. The full step is a brilliant plan with brocade words. There are also exquisite Xiaobei and mysterious prayer beads. So loneliness no longer comes, and the vase is no longer lonely.

7. A gust of wind blew. The dragonfly flower shook a few times. It's so charming. It's like a girl in a flower skirt dancing beautifully.

8. In the morning, the sun looks like a new daughter-in-law who just went out, showing half a face shyly.

9. Her hair is silver, her voice is smooth, she is diligent, inquisitive, cheerful, her face is full of spring, her teeth are deep in her heart, and she is relaxed and happy

10. By the side of the road, snow covered the pavement with a white quilt, which left a string of footprints.

11. The sun, which has just risen, is full of energy and red light, illuminating the whole world.

12. The snow covered the trees with white cloaks, making them more powerful.

13. When the sun went down, its extra strong light shot out from the top of the trees, dyeing the white clouds into blood, and the green mountains into blood.

14. Grape Valley, a name that can make people's hungry insects cheer up. The grapes here are red, light green, purple and white! Colorful and beautiful.

15. Time is the most unselfish, giving everyone 24 hours; Time is also selfish. It is not 24 hours for anyone.

16. A red sun sprang up on the sea, which was dazzling. The sea and sky were suddenly covered with golden light, and the sea changed from dark blue to blue.

17. In this way, no matter how hard and difficult, they all joined hands and never separated. Their words are sometimes high and low, sometimes emotional, sometimes slow and reasonable.

18. A touch of purple dawn appeared in the sky, like a blooming red rose.

19. Time is a golden river. Don't let it slip through your fingers.

20. The pink like lotus, I don't know whether it is blushed by the sunset in the sky or shy.

21. Delicate petals and budding buds. Yellow flower heart, these are beautiful flowers.

22. Disappointed, hot eyed, frightened, awkward, on pins and needles, numb, gnashing teeth

23. The crescent moon is hanging high in the dark blue sky, and its clear light shines on the earth like water.

24. The dancing dog wears a small black hat, a pair of cool sunglasses on his eyes, a small red tie on his neck, and a small black dress. Look, he is just a little gentleman.

25. Before people realize the coming of spring, peach trees are full of buds, swaying in the spring breeze.