Graduation Message
Memory also faded
2023-07-28 18:38:42
fifth grade

Tips for Primary School Graduation 1. If I can, I would like to rub everything in my heart into today's separation.
But I can't! Then, let's break up in silence! You know, this is the silence of a volcano, which is better than any farewell! 2. Blossom the most gorgeous smile, give a more beautiful dream tomorrow.
3. I am a person who is about to leave my alma mater and step into the other end of knowledge. Here, I am particularly nostalgic for everything in my alma mater, but what makes me nostalgic most is those classmates who have studied with me for three years.
Therefore, I send them a sentence: work hard, if we meet, we will compare who is better, and who can realize their parents' wishes for children and women.
4. Fifteen hundred days and nights ended in this way. Four years ago, so many disputes, so many laughter, so many troubles, so many pride, and the door behind the real "bang" left the past? 5. Six years were hard, six years were wonderful, and we worked hard for our dreams. Six years of youth and happiness in our hearts are "happy years" and will never be forgotten! 6. It's time to start. Let's go! There is no need to regret or say goodbye. Even if the song gradually quiets down, our hearts will never stop beating.
7. Farewell is the beginning of a happy gathering. Dry your tears and say to your classmates: We are about to graduate. I will silently bless you in a distant place.
Friends go together all their lives. When will there be no more days.
In a word, a lifetime; Life love is a cup of wine.
May you always be happy! 8. Love books! Please believe: it is the cornerstone of all buildings and monuments, and it is the root of all pillars.
9. The lofty ideal is the sun in one's heart, which can illuminate every step of life.
10. Ambition is the sprout of noble behavior; With perseverance, it will blossom! 11. I hope our friendship is like wine, the more mellow it is; I hope our friendship is like tea, the more we brew it, the stronger it becomes; I hope you can enjoy your study and life in middle school! 12. In a twinkling of an eye, I will graduate. Looking back on the six years of campus life, there are sweet and bitter.
In any case, every student should enter junior high school to make more friends. I hope that in the future, students can fly freely in the sky to find their own blue sky.
13. We have four years together. Every game, every discussion, and every quarrel will become a precious page in my memory.
14. If you have wasted time, please don't make up with sighs; After all, the journey of tomorrow is longer than the past.
Hurry up, what is ahead is the dawn of happiness! 15. Don't be melancholy in Liuyin. My classmates have been in love for many years. I hope that thousands of thoughts will come from the journey. May friendship be turned into the strength of progress! 16. In the season of snowflakes flying in disorder, we also fell into confusion, feeling lonely and desolate, but after all, we came here.
17. Your youth is as hot as the sun. Even if you encounter frost and snow, it can melt into a spring to moisten the earth and irrigate the countryside.
18. Students, the big wind and big waves are waiting for you! Junior high school days are harder and harder.
I hope you will work harder and harder in the future.
I am waiting for the arrival of gg and mm at the terminal ahead.
Youth is our capital, our bridge of progress, and sports are also indispensable.
"Memory is fragrant with flowers. We agreed that no one should forget it. We should guard the sunshine at night, but pretend to be strong when lonely..." 19. Dear friends, please don't be sad, and cherish each other after leaving.
20. Do you still remember the photography of that day? My instant consciousness lights up together with the flash: your beautiful image remains on the negative, and it is also deeply branded in my heart.
21. In the face of the banquet set by the years, we smiled and earnestly urged each other to drink, as if all the unspoken love and reluctance were hidden behind the words.
Because we all know that there is no wine more mellow and beautiful than this one in our hands.
22. With a flick of his finger, he is about to graduate from primary school. As the saying goes, there is no feast that never ends.
Before long, everyone was like a basin of loose sand falling into each middle school.
I don't know when we will meet again.
But I hope our friendship will last forever.
Hereby, I send my best wishes to everyone: good health! Everything goes well! I hope you can realize your wish as soon as possible.
And don't forget me! 23. Gather a string of dreams, play in school, and recall how colorful and gorgeous it is; The pursuit of growth has already leapt.
The world's hustle and bustle, seems silent, let me pick up the memory of the fallen petals.
24. "Loving and hating have two sides. Honor and disgrace are both famous. Who can decide in spring, summer, autumn and winter.
”Have and know how to cherish, this is a happy and beautiful life.
25. The secret of success is perseverance.
26. Wave goodbye and sail away.
It's the rope of friendship you threw, which is firmly tied to my heart.
27. The ideal piano must pluck the strings of struggle to play the beautiful music of life.
28. Regard dusk as dawn, and time will flow in; Take success as a starting point, and achievements will continue to emerge.
29. Although we are losing sight of you and hearing your voice, we still listen to your repentance as we used to.
30. Parting is a bit difficult, but not disappointed; It is a bit regrettable, but not pessimistic.
Because we have the hope of meeting in comfort.
31. Your figure is a sail, and my eyes are the river. How many times I want to keep you, I can't finally.
I know that friendship is rare in the world, but freedom is more precious.
32. Meeting and saying goodbye, returning to sail and going offshore are both the end of past happiness and the beginning of future happiness.
33. Birds have wings and people have aspirations.
Aspiration is the door of a career, and confidence is the starting point of a career.
34. We will embark on our own journey. Although we have experienced different stories, we still remember the prayer of summer.
A sincere friendship, eternal memories, endless words are always the most true blessing in my heart.
35. We are about to leave, leaving behind friendship and teacher sentiment, and taking away knowledge.
We are about to leave, but we will not forget the friendship between our classmates and the kindness of our teachers.
I hope that the students are healthy. The 36 or six years of primary school ended like this. Maybe, many memories were left behind.
But no matter how beautiful the memories are, they are just memories. The future is waiting for experience.
"If there is no pain in pain, there will be no success". Without the baptism of wind and rain, there will be no sweetness after rain.
The sunrise from heaven and earth has its unique magnificence; Patience and confrontation in fate and adversity can better reflect a person's tenacity of will.
Remember, sometimes the beauty of things is not their appearance, but their connotation and the beauty of harmony with the surrounding things.
Let yourself fly and let your personality flow.
37. Looking back, it is a string of bitter and bitter yesterday: yesterday, we had a debate in class; Yesterday, we ran on the court; Yesterday, we struggled in the examination room; Yesterday, we sang in the candlelight.
Yes, yesterday, how beautiful and worth remembering! 38. A whistle fell into the wilderness; Unlimited sadness and loneliness come to my heart at the moment of parting.
39. Dear friends, please shake hands. From now on, we should go all the way.
40. Don't be discouraged and lazy because it is hopeless for you to enter a higher school. You should see that the color of the era you are in is much richer than you think, and you can make more choices than you think.
41. Those who are determined to succeed have already succeeded half way.
() 42. How I want to keep those warm days after graduation, but how eager I am to join the torrent of life as soon as possible.
The former schoolmate life is a string of sweet candied haws; The charming sweet and sour taste will never end.
43. How many memories do we have in the maple forest with red leaves flying everywhere.
The fluttering maple leaves bring us into a wonderful state.
44. Can you give me a handkerchief? Let a sail float in my heart.
45. You finally have to go, but you have left behind the image of the flower, the fragrance of the flower, and the hope that we have watered together.
In the future, as long as I think of you, my years will always be bright and beautiful.
46. We had to separate and say goodbye quietly. We kept gratitude in our hearts for the profound friendship you gave me.
47. If you want to achieve excellent results, please cherish and spend your time carefully.
You cherish your life and never waste time, because you know that time is the material that shapes life.
48. Four years have passed in a hurry. The dream like age is filled with a string of laughter and laughter. Don't wave and sigh, feel the flowers are gone, muster up courage, and don't forget to deliver surprise news to each other.
49. We bid farewell in a hurry and went to our respective distant places. There were no words or tears, only eternal thoughts and blessings, which resonated deeply in each other's hearts.
50. Finally, you have to go, saying that you are going to a far, far place to read a book about far, far.
I'm not surprised, because you should be.
51. My friends, we have to part for the time being; I will not say "Take care of yourself" again.
In the night that is about to leave, try to cast a few small morning stars; Although it is not very bright, it can also make the early traveler happy.
52. It is my joy to know you, and my pain to leave you.
For the upcoming departure, what supports me is the expectation of reunion.
53. Make progress in study, get everything right, and enter your ideal university.
As time goes by, in a few weeks I will leave my alma mater where I have lived for more than 2000 days.
Although it is sad to leave, I still wish all the students can go to the middle school in their mind and achieve good results.
54. There is a nameless pain in my heart when I am about to leave.
I remember that we crazy girls are very good friends. We go to school together and finish school together; Share weal and woe; Making every effort to help our friends... We have gone through ten days together, but now we have to part again. The so-called "there is no feast that never ends", if we are destined, we will meet in a corner of the world.
I'm waiting for this day! friend!.