A Complete Collection of Classic Love Quotes
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2023-04-19 03:07:35

1. Don't live for one person. It's very painful for one person to bear the love of two people. Only the love that two hearts sincerely manage is the real love

2. Emotions don't believe in tears. People who really love you don't want to make you cry. It's no use crying blind if you have no feelings

3. [If that person doesn't love you, your plea will become a noise in his ears, and your tears will become acid rain in his eyes. You are just wasting your efforts to make him hate you more.]

4. [Adult love is not just about holding hands and hugging. It's about carrying together, supporting each other, and building a family together. So we need to love each other, need tacit understanding, need three perspectives, and also need to stand firmly beside each other.]

5. [Appearance determines whether it is possible to be together, personality determines whether it is suitable to be together, material determines whether it can be stable together, and trust determines whether it can be long together.]

6. [If a relationship doesn't make you a better person, but only makes you worried about gains and losses, moody, that's a pity. You are with the wrong person.]

7. [The person who loves you will be willing to lose to you. Only when he learns to accommodate and tolerate can he prove that he loves you deeply. He may not give you much, but with tolerance, he will give you everything.]

8. [Finding a suitable lover needs to meet two psychological needs, one is the sense of security, the other is the sense of belonging. The sense of security is that you are sure that your partner will not leave, and the sense of belonging is that you are sure that you will not leave.]

9. [No matter how good a person is, if he is unwilling to accompany you, he is a passer-by. No matter how many shortcomings a person has, if he can tolerate you everywhere and accompany you to the end, that is the end. Because companionship and understanding are more important than love.]

10. [Always allow someone to miss you to catch up with the best encounter. There is always someone who sincerely loves you. It is never a matter for one person to fall in love. You should manage yourself first. The best love is that you are just mature and I am just gentle.]

11. [A person who says "I love you" but doesn't take action is like a person who never waters flowers. Love is a verb, and action is the best instruction for love.]

12. [The most indispensable thing in the world is that there are beautiful girls everywhere, rich people everywhere, and love everywhere. But there is only a lack of responsibility, security, and loyalty that should not be lost in love.]

13. [Love is not counting the days, but making each day meaningful. Before, you loved a person, always together, but now you love a person, keep it in your heart.]

14. [Do you think the worst thing in life is to lose the person you love most? In fact, the worst thing is that you lose yourself because you love someone too much.]

15. Real love is not about giving everything, but about making yourself a better person. If you love someone without responding, it's better to walk away proudly than beg for love

16. [The best marriage is not that you are responsible for raising the family, but that I am responsible for being beautiful, but that we are equal. You are good, and I am not bad.]

17. No matter how solid love is, it can't bear the erosion of loneliness. Love is not to cherish until it is free, but to keep it in mind all the time

18. [It is very important who you marry, because it determines your life state. It is more important who you marry, and it is likely to determine your life level and height. Don't settle for marriage or marry against your heart.]

19. [Two people who really love each other will not lose to the distance of appearance, height and age, the former junior, the gossip of others, the opposition of their parents, but will lose to not cherish, lose to not work hard, and distrust. Quotations

20. All suitability is mutual accommodation and change between two people. There is no naturally suitable two people. The best love is when two people work in the same direction