The Three of Us Excellent Reading Experience Model
Old Moon by the River
2023-10-19 17:01:27

I have not been able and dare not write book reviews. First, I am not good enough to write the essence. At the same time, I am afraid that my ignorance will damage the image of the book in my heart.

The results of the previous exams were announced today, and they were told in black and white that they were once again out of the list. At that moment, I was not so sad. I experienced far more sadness than that; In terms of sadness, there are some. After all, this is something that my family members expect of me, and I failed to do well as expected; There is something to be ashamed of. I didn't pay as much attention as others did. Many times, I abandoned the "golden rule" and turned to pick up miscellaneous books. This result is my own fault. To put it simply: deserved

In fact, I can't define my feelings and thoughts. Just closed the computer and turned off the TV. When I went back to my bedroom, I passed the refrigerator, opened it, washed the big cherry given by a brother in my hometown, and sat on the sofa to eat. My mouth was moving, but my heart was empty. After eating, I fell asleep. The sun had set when I woke up. The sound of footsteps walking on the road outside the window is clear and frequent, and the sound of frogs gathering in the water grass in the distance. The wind blows through the window and penetrates into the ears, sometimes sparse and sometimes sudden. Close your eyes and listen quietly to all kinds of voices. Due to the death of a distant grandmother, my family went to work, leaving me alone at home and two tireless dogs. The two of them were rolling, tossing, biting and joking in front of me without fear, ignoring the coming rain and night.

It is not because I missed a stable and decent job in the eyes of my family, but because I am ashamed of my youthful enthusiasm and my current life. It is impossible for everyone to have only one face to face life, but whether he can live a face in the face of complicated and changeable life is the ultimate practice of life. How can there be so many satisfactory things in life, and how can I be the only person with lofty feelings in the world. What you have experienced in the world is nothing more than nine rushes and a hair. At best, it is the spice of life. How can you talk about it as a mountain that you can't cross. Besides, there is no such short mountain in life. Even the really insurmountable mountains are the only way for climbers. The beautiful scenery or the normal situation are what you want to experience. No one has told you that there must be a wonderful scenery along the way.

"Three of us" is a book that has been waiting for a long time to open, and I have read it until today. Not wanting to read is not not wanting to read, but having a fear of not reading. I have also experienced the pain of leaving my relatives, and I know that the pain is more than just skin cutting. Until now, many things still can not calmly and calmly tell others even close friends. Because too sad, too sad can not export the past quietly in the bottom of my heart a corner with their own is also very good. Not because of the passing of time and dim, not because of walking too far and forget.

Surprised by the seemingly indifferent solemnity of Mr. Yang Jiang's treatment of the past, he quietly hid his sadness and calmly told a separation. The separated people will not meet again, and the life that has come to an end will not turn back. I don't have any fancy words to describe my feelings after reading, but when I closed the book, I looked up and saw the sunset passing through the tree in front of the door. The leaves are thick, and the penetrating light seems to be absent. This tree was moved from my hometown by my father. It was just a seedling when it was planted, but now it is tall and sturdy. He clearly remembered his joke, "A locust tree in front of the door is going home with money". Once again, I wondered if he would care about this tree and us under it after he had gone for so many years. We also lost touch with Dad. I wonder if we can meet in the afterlife. Even though we can't find it in this life, we are still grateful that we walked together in a small corner of the world.

The good things in the world are not firm, and the colored clouds are easy to disperse. Even so, we still have to go with the future. Or bow, or high, or pour, or croon. No matter how turbulent the fate, always wait for the heart as wide as the sea.