Short positive energy sentence for fighting against the epidemic: inspirational words for Xi'an epidemic (41 sentences)
Who will accompany me to watch the stars
2023-06-18 13:20:38
Complete sentences

1. May the epidemic subside and turn the corner! May the mountains and rivers be safe and the world safe! May the spring be warm and the flowers bloom, and the country be peaceful and the people be safe! Come on, Xi'an! Go China!

2. There is no need to carve beauty, otherwise it will be a pity of being fat and thin. Just moderate, just casual! Nature is better, light is better. If we use the method of smoke and fire, we will demand the ultimate beauty. Then it will be difficult to get close to the picky.

3. To prevent the epidemic, everyone starts. For example, I play mahjong at home.

4. To be a "guardian" is to undertake the mission and ensure health. To be a "practitioner" is to stay in one's own body and embrace the path. To be a "path finder" is to be sure that you have the right way—— A letter from the Ministry of Education to college students nationwide

5. It's called Gu Shen Lock, which is good for burning the body.

6. Bless Xi'an Bless Xi'an Bless our country, work together to overcome the epidemic!

7. We will prevent and control the epidemic in a scientific and orderly manner in accordance with the law and resolutely curb its spread.

8. When the epidemic is over, you can eat and make it! People who want to see go to see, love boldly, shout bravely, do not wait, do not keep. Life is too short, and it passes quickly.

9. There is no imprisoned city, only inseparable love. No matter how hard it is, love will not leave# Xi'an refueling # China refueling!

10. We are responsible for cooperating with inspection, understanding, patience and fighting against the epidemic!

11. Wear masks when going out, pay attention to ventilation indoors, wash hands frequently, and stay up less late

12. When the flowers bloom in spring, we will definitely meet again in the future. After 365 days and nights in a year, we will also survive this life and death. What I want to see most after the epidemic is you who are warm in spring and safe

13. You should have a good mood in such a fine weather. Wishes: We look forward to the end of the epidemic as we look forward to the arrival of spring.

14. I smile to the sky from my horizontal sabre, leave the Kunlun Mountains with liver and gall, and pull out the mountain with great strength! All things are born to support people, and people have no virtue to repay the sky? Wish: I hope it will be better soon. The 5000 year history of the Chinese nation is not a place where viruses can be used at will!

15. I believe that as long as the people of the whole country unite as one, they can defeat the virus and the angels in white will go home safely. When I grow up, I must join your team!

16. I want to salute the angel in white! Come on! Wish you peace and victory over the epidemic as soon as possible!

17. At the end of the epidemic, the most important thing for human beings is to reflect on environmental protection and protect animals to maintain ecological balance.

18. Apart from life and death, they are all trifles. Apart from life, they are all decorations.

19. To fight against coronavirus infection pneumonia, we are taking action! Bless yourself, all is well!

20. I am Chinese, I feel proud and full of security? I love my country

21. Health and family are the most important. Everything else is based on health. Without health, there is nothing. The family is the only one who will give selflessly.

22. As long as we have firm confidence, work together in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise policy implementation, we will surely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control!

23. The virus has let us go. Now, can we let animals go?

24. May we be more rational after this epidemic.

25. Wait and don't be depressed. If spring comes, will the earth make him finish little by little? Pay tribute to the staff working on the front line of fighting against the epidemic, and come on Xi'an! Come on China!

26. It's a special year! Remember this experience! I'm in Xi'an! Come on for Xi'an! Cheer for China!

27. Fight against the epidemic, and strengthen immunity through home fitness.

28. Thank you for all the "persistence" and salute all the "retrograde" epidemic. We call on everyone to wear masks, wash their hands frequently, go out less and avoid parties. Pay attention to protection and overcome difficulties! Come on, Xi'an! Go China!

29. However, we saw the epidemic of New Year's War, which sealed the city with one piece of paper and sealed it with science. With a single command, thousands of soldiers will fight. Medical care will go first, and warriors will go first. SARS looked grim in those days, and the situation was alarming. It's hard for a national scholar to know whether it's sunny or cloudy. He can win with his fingers. Don't ask if he can win.

30. Come on in Xi'an, trust me! After this barrier, everything will be better, super good, explosive good, invincible good!

31. Between you and me, so far and so close, closing the city and the road can not stop love.

32. I believe that introspection is the beginning of progress.

33. Bless our hometown Xi'an, everything will be better, everyone will take good care of themselves at home, and wish everyone a safe and healthy new year!

34. During the epidemic period, I was very worried; Good today, good tomorrow, good every day; A thousand good, ten thousand good, good health; Take care and wish peace; Pray for health and success; Say hello to you and wish you good health.

35. After returning home from the epidemic spot and observing at home for 14 days, report the symptoms!

36. Never mind that the floating clouds finally block the sun, and the spring buds bloom after the severe winter.

37. The world is very big, and life is not long. # Where do you want to travel most after the epidemic #? We can't see all the beautiful scenery, but as long as we witness different beauty occasionally, it is a kind of luck.

38. Open windows, wash hands and disinfect frequently to prevent COVID-19!

39. During the epidemic, you still stick to your posts to serve us. Bus conductors have worked hard.

40. It is hoped that when the cherry blossom blooms in April, it will no longer be closed to the city. As in previous years, tens of millions of people will enjoy the cherry blossoms under the trees, which will attract millions of people.

41. A bottle of red bottle before going to bed every night after the epidemic let me learn to cherish my fairies more, and you should also take good care of yourself.