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have experienced all sorts of hardships
2023-02-08 07:30:54
Complete set of signatures

1. The feelings between people are like knitting a sweater. When it is established, it is needle by needle, careful and long. When it is dismantled, it is only necessary to pull it gently.

2. The older you get, the more you learn to let nature take its course. You don't want to keep anything, and you believe that what should be there won't go. Take it easy to gain, take it easy to lose, strive for certainty, and let nature take its course.

3. One day, when you look back at the people and things you have experienced, you will find that no matter how big it is, it seems that it is just so now. Believe that all the difficulties will pass. You just work hard, and leave the rest to time, and then everything will come later.

4. Even if no one applauds for you, take an elegant curtain call and thank yourself for your hard work.

5. Later, when you no longer meet people, you start to care about whether the pay is proportional to the return, whether the person is worth it, and you become very mature and selfish. The good news is that you know how to love yourself, and the bad news is that it is difficult for you to love others again..

6. The quality of a person is good or bad, his temper reveals his cultivation, and his silence reveals his taste. The greatest accomplishment of a man is to know him without judging him.

7. Some people say that life lies in stillness, and some people say that life lies in tossing...... In fact, laziness has the ease of laziness, and tossing has the fun of tossing. The important thing is that you have the wisdom to enjoy the process and the ability to bear the consequences.

8. If you are not good at finding the sunny side, you will only magnify the happiness of others and narrow your own happiness.

9. Even if it is prosperous for three thousand years, it is cloudy and hazy to be indifferent. Regardless of numerous troubles, it is sunny to be optimistic. Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself, be calm and enjoy yourself.

10. Buddha said that a person's temperament is not in his face and body, but in his past experience, which is the imprint left by his inner, deep and tranquil. Therefore, elegance is a condensation of experience; Indifference is the precipitation of a period of life. Time will make a soul more and more moving. Control your temper and be a cultured person.

11. Only when you are the most depressed, can you know who is the fool who worries about you and who is a stranger.

12. The heart is not big, don't put everything into it. To be entangled with yesterday is to desecrate today and tomorrow.

13. The order of appearance is very important for everyone we meet in life. If many people meet at another time, they will have different outcomes.

14. Don't complain to anyone, because 20% of people don't care, and the remaining 80% will be happy to hear it. Put your mind right and be gentle. Life is about crying for yourself and laughing for others!

15. For people, especially those who intend to get along for a long time, it is better to keep a little ambiguity. In fact, there are only three or two people who really care. I know you have been there all the time. That's enough.

16. It is easy to forgive a person, but it is not so easy to trust again. It takes many years to warm a heart, and only a moment to cool it.

17. High judgment does not lie in vision, but in mentality; Distance is not judged by length, but by action.

18. Gradually I know that many things can be met but not sought, and what does not belong to me, why bother to care.

19. If you like it, you will stay; if you dislike it, you will leave. It's all about asking for more. If the Tao is different, you will not conspire. It's not beautiful that you try to get along with others.

20. Give yourself a hope every day, try not to worry about tomorrow, not to sigh about yesterday, but to make today better.

21. Never be empty, never be confused, never be afraid of big things, never be slow in small things.

22. Happiness is like drinking water. You know your happiness is not in the eyes of others, but in your own heart.

23. Communicate with smart people, fall in love with reliable people, work with positive people, and accompany humorous people. If we can do this in our life, it is the greatest happiness.

24. Don't be too obedient. You can refuse what you don't want to do. Don't force what you can't do. If you don't like it, pretend not to hear it. Life is not meant to please others, but to be kind to yourself.