Selected Edison's Invention Quotes
Smile and say goodbye
2023-04-09 13:08:06
Famous sentence

1. Education is to man what sculpture is to marble.

2. Reading is to the brain what exercise is to the body.

3. Books are the heritage that genius leaves to mankind. They are handed down from generation to generation, but also a gift to those who have not yet been born.

4. No matter when, no matter what, I will never allow myself to be a little discouraged.

5. There is a solution to any problem, and there is no unthinkable thing. If you really get to the unthinkable point, you can only blame yourself for being a fool and a lazy man.

6. If you can name a person who is completely satisfied, I can tell you that he is a failure.

7. There is no expedient way for people to escape from real labor - thinking.

8. The most obvious sign of a great man is his strong will.

9. Good character is more valuable than gold; The former is the gift of nature, and the latter is the gift of fate.

10. Surprise is the seed of science.

11. Those who wish to spend their old age in honor and comfort must think of aging one day when they are young; In this way, when he is old, he will also remember having been young.

12. I never want to abandon my struggle life. I attach great importance to the experience gained through struggle, especially the happiness gained after overcoming difficulties. A person must first go through difficulties, and then step into prosperity to feel useful and comfortable.

13. All new and unusual things can cause a kind of pleasure in imagination, because this kind of thing makes the mind feel a pleasant surprise, satisfies its curiosity, and makes it get an idea that it has never had before.

14. There is nothing of real value in the world that can be obtained without hard work.

15. Invention is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.