Life Motto Bai Yansong
Should not be reluctant
2023-02-27 12:06:03
A complete set of maxims

1. Believe what you should, because it can change you.

2. Those who like to show off their knowledge are often shallow people.

3. People who look down upon others are often those who are looked down upon by others.

4. People who think they are great are often people who are not great.

5. I finally understand that it is not me, but the times and the people.

6. Those who refuse to suffer losses in small matters are often those who cannot achieve great things.

7. I once joked with my friends that I should lead a dog into CCTV.

8. On that day, Ji Lao was happy and calm. I am the same as the people around me.

9. Why can you accept exaggerated praise but not exaggerated criticism.

10. In one's life, no matter rich or poor, high or low, the final addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the same.

11. Of course, thanks to the men's football team, they disappeared in front of us as quickly as possible.

12. Because life is light and the taste is less when he is young, he needs to use a stronger taste to give himself a touch.

13. If it is simply bad, or extremely good, that's all. Unfortunately, this is the most complex era of human nature.

14. There is a seed in every soul. The mediocre and the Confucian choose to abandon it, while the wise and the brave will choose to create the soil for its growth.

15. In one's life, one has to do something stupid and crazy. It's worth sacrificing two days for some smiling memories.

16. I tell you from a utilitarian perspective, the more you care about the process, the more you have a perfect process, and the more likely your outcome is good.

17. No generation's youth is easy. Every generation has its own destiny, grievances, struggles and struggles. There is nothing to complain about.

18. The reason why the other key word is calm is not complicated. Because pacifying our hearts will be the biggest problem in the future.

19. For individuals, children should not be disturbed; What's more, to punish yourself for others' mistakes is to give others too much face.

20. Romance is certainly lovely, but what kind of persuasiveness can it have in today's youth when facing his girlfriend's turning around and leaving after a scornful smile?

21. First solve the problems between people and things, then solve the problems between people, and finally solve the problems between people and their own hearts.

22. Walking in the crowd, I am used to looking at the wrists of people around me. It seems that there is an inner secret that belongs to contemporary Chinese people. It is never said, but increasingly.

23. Some people say that we should hold the bottom line. But there is no bottom line for a long time, or the bottom line is broken again and again at will. How can we keep the bottom line? Where is the bottom line?

24. But as the pace of life moves forward, you can vaguely see the line at the end of life. Everything can be changed. The situation that life is a one-way road cannot be changed.

25. In a country of 1.3 billion people, how can we solve the problems within ourselves? What are the core values of our people? Where is the spiritual home? What are our beliefs?

26. At my present age, I also understand more and more that the 10-year plan and the five-year plan are too far away. But what is going on in front of me, I will do it very seriously, and no matter how big things are, I will start from small.

27. Rationality is the most lacking thing in China's public opinion at present. With reason, common sense will not be absent. But now, rationality is still a luxury. Therefore, the Chinese public opinion is always fighting, grabbing, standing in line and relieving boredom.

28. These materialized goals have been achieved gradually, but the Chinese people have gradually found that happiness does not come with the material promise. The whole crowd is full of complaints, complaints from high officials, complaints from low positions, complaints from the poor, and complaints from the rich.

29. If the ideal only blooms in a flash and then is only used in mourning, what is the meaning of the ideal? If foot is a hormone in youth, and you only know you have it when you cry many years later, then what's the meaning?

30. When all people in the world regard desire as an ideal, worldly sophistication as maturity, numbness as depth, cowardice as stability, and glibness as wisdom, it can only be said that the bottom line of this society has been punctured, so you are not qualified to say that my courage is reckless, my persistence is extreme, my truth-seeking is ignorance, and my naivety.

31. When you come to any stage of life, you should like that period of time, complete the duties that should be completed at that stage, and go along with life, not indulge in the past, and not look forward to the future crazily. Life is good like this. No matter what kind of struggle and challenge we are going through, perhaps we have only one choice: to be happy and believe in the future despite the pain.