Chase dreams
Luoshen flower
2024-01-11 21:48:18
Junior 1

I chase my dream, I climb up bit by bit, unremitting efforts; But in this process, we need to abandon many things that we can not give up. But we must abandon it, for the sake of what we have abandoned! This is like a strong spiritual pillar to promote us, even if we do not want to, but also can not give up.
A hot air balloon, burning firewood, slowly flies to the sky. No matter how strong the wind is, it will not change its direction, because it knows that it holds people's hope... So it should fly well, higher and farther
All the factors around me are driving me invisibly. I can't express my family's efforts in words. Sweat flows into the black land. Only the crops are feeling its warmth, so the crops will sprout for the owner's sweat and produce rich fruits. When the crops bear rich fruits, it is a great comfort to see the host's smile.
The road needs us to walk, the world needs us to break, and the dream needs us to chase
To pursue dreams courageously, to march forward courageously, will be a brilliant world