I suddenly want to eat the hot pot copy (send the copy to the friends circle)
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2023-02-25 13:04:07
Complete sentences

1. I want to go out for dinner~I want to eat hot pot~I want to eat meat floss cake~I want to eat raw wheat bread~I also want to eat fried noodles~

2. I want to eat hot pot, steak, barbecue, fish, and various kinds of meat. It's not essential.

3. Watching TV, I suddenly wanted to eat hot pot. Unfortunately, no one accompanied me in the evening and I bought a hot dish by myself.

4. I want to eat spicy spicy pot, hot pot, kebabs and all kinds of delicious food, but I only ate a bunch of potatoes.

5. I like the smell of grass just cut from the lawn. I want to learn how to skateboard as soon as possible. I want to have a long vacation. I want to change my hairstyle just to my liking.

6. Here comes the weather that makes people want to eat hot pot and spicy food. The hot and sour powder in the canteen is not bad, but the rhythm of "one more bottle" makes me vomit.

7. Two days ago, I told my intimate friend that I really want to eat hot pot, but I don't want to eat hot pot alone. Today, she came from Pixian on vacation, accompanied me to eat hot pot, and bought a bill. I love her very much.

8. I want to eat duck neck, I want to eat hot pot, I want to eat meat, I want to eat delicious food, but there is nothing in the village.

9. I don't know why, I always want to eat hot pot these days.

10. Tired for a day, and only their relatives will be meticulous. Especially the bad tempered elder brother, who is always careful with me, told him that he would cook hot pot the next day, and occasionally told me jokes

11. I want to eat hot pot, drink passion fruit, eat spicy and eat spicy.

12. The whole night when I woke up with stomach pain, I wanted to eat hot pot, deaf blind and barbecue. I want to write Ruipao special mathematical physics and chemistry and make a good picture. The science students are melancholy again.

13. My wish is to be a headmaster. After collecting students' tuition fees every day, I will eat hot pot. Today, I will eat spicy hot pot. Tomorrow, I will eat sauerkraut fish hot pot. The day after tomorrow, I will eat pig bone hot pot.

14. Recently, I always want to eat hot pot. What should I do? It would be very embarrassing to take two to the hot pot restaurant. All will come to take photos with it!

15. I want to eat hot pot, chicken wings in fragrant pot, grilled fish, and large plate chicken with unlimited noodles, just like eating kebabs!

16. I know you want to eat hot pot, Lanzhou ramen, and all the things in your hometown, but I have missed Zaotang noodles in Shashi and hand made rice noodles in Meitai Lane.

17. I really want to eat barbecue, Maocai, fried potato, grilled fish, dry pot and hot pot.

18. I want to play the jumping machine, enter the haunted house, watch the night movie, eat hot pot, have a free trip, go a lot, have fun, indulge myself to do something I dare not try, but I don't want to be alone.

19. When I want to eat hot pot, I find that the person I want to be with most is not around. I lie on the bed alone, dazed and full of words, but I can't find the right person to say that all loneliness is just because of one person.

20. I want to eat hot pot chicken wings crawfish. I was drawn four tubes of blood early in the morning. I also have no blood! Love! Yes!

21. My husband said at noon yesterday that he wanted to eat hot pot. I said that I would buy an induction cooker later, but I bought a hot pot all-in-one machine at night.

22. If we want to eat hot pot, we like thick soup. We can't see each other's faces clearly through the heat, but we can feel the smile. While being hot, we have been drinking water while chopsticks are still boiling mutton in the pot. What a beautiful scene! I just want to eat hot pot! What a place!

23. I want to eat hot pot. I want to eat hot pot. I want to eat hot pot. I want to eat hot pot. I want to eat hot pot. I want to eat hot pot.

24. On the feeling of waking up hungry in the middle of the night, I was hungry and wanted to eat, but I was afraid of disturbing my roommates to sleep... I was hungry, hungry and wanted to eat hot pot.

25. When I want to eat hotpot, I can't remember who to call to accompany me. After being ill for two days at home, nobody saw her except my mother. Suddenly, I thought, why not take her with me? She knows my taste, and I know her taste.

26. I'm hungry. Wisdom teeth make me eat hard! Want to eat hot pot, want to eat steak.

27. Grandma, I'm starving. I want to eat hot pot.

28. What if I want to eat hot pot tonight after I satisfied my appetite for frog last night?

29. I want to eat hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken legs, hot pot rice noodles, spicy hot soup, roast beef, roast pig's heart, five hair porridge, roast fish, roast pig's feet, potato cake, fried powder, squid, grilled oysters, ice cream, ice cola, and various potato chips, spicy snacks. In fact, I just want to say that I'm hungry.