Words of Blessing on Women's Day
Try hard
2023-06-22 10:03:34
Blessing words

1. You can swipe the credit card at will. You can spend RMB as much as you want. I will take care of housework. I am not afraid of sweating around you. I will buy things for you, and I will bring you water and tea when I get home. I will obey you on Women's Day!

2. In front of love, the mathematical law loses its balance: two people share pain, only half of it; Two people share happiness, but there are two happiness. Your happiness is my happiness, dear, happy March 8th!

3. Busy in and out, hard work, for children and for home. You are busy with three meals a day. Today is Women's Day, my dear wife, you can take a day off. It's hard!

4. Also on Women's Day, maternal love is the most sincere. Blessings are sent to the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and happiness will always be enjoyed with them. I wish good luck around the festival, safety and good luck.

5. Women are also half the sky, supporting a beautiful family home, raising children and filial parents, and helping husbands build careers; Women are also half of the sky. They always work bravely, overcome difficulties and shoulder heavy burdens, and smile with success. Women's Day is coming. I wish you all happiness and happiness!

6. Women can hold up half the sky. They are strong people when working. They are the most virtuous people in life. You are the most tired on weekdays. Learn to relax and be happy. Give wishes on Women's Day. Youth and beauty are always accompanied by happiness and happiness. Happy Women's Day!

7. Thank God, thank earth, thank women for their hard work, thank wind, thank rain, thank women for raising children, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for respecting women for forwarding this message, happy Women's Day on March 8, and humorous greetings on March 8 Women's Day.

8. On Women's Day, you can enjoy the privileges: "good luck" from all directions, "good fortune" everywhere, "good fortune", "beauty", and "sweet honey" life. Women's Day is unusual, and today you will enjoy leisure. I wish March 8th a happy Women's Day.

9. A dish of duck will make you homesick; There is also a dish of food loved by friends every day; Serve with a bowl of soup for a lifetime of health; Another glass of wine will last forever; Add a bowl of rice and love will accompany you forever! Happy holidays!

10. Gentle, virtuous, kind and benevolent, the elderly and children are all responsible for housework. She can do everything in washing and cooking, and she is beautiful in dressing and makeup. It's hard to believe if you don't distinguish carefully. Wearing brocade and silver has endless charm. May you have a happy March 8 holiday, and the slim waisted willow eyebrows enjoy the day!

11. Eight Women's Day, a festival in spring, is not so hot in summer, yellow leaves in autumn, the biting cold in winter, but only youth and vitality. May you have a happy March 8th Festival, and the green "spring" will always be here!

12. I wish you a beautiful, good luck, happy, kind, warm and healthy woman a happy Women's Day. I send you the best wishes and the most spiritual wishes. May you feel like a flower, and people praise you, and have a happy life!

13. The sound of spring thunder wakes the sleeping mood; The drizzle moistens the beautiful face; Flowers blossomed with happy smiles; The ringing of the bell sent holiday blessings: Women's Day is coming, wish you happy every day!

14. Give you a little color, always beautiful, give you a little humor, always happy, give you a little love and happiness, give you a rose, and give you a blessing for health: 38 Women's Day, beautiful and happy for a long time!

15. The empress dowager, my son and minister salute you. On the occasion of Women's Day on March 8, on behalf of the royal palace, heaven and earth, I sincerely wish you a healthy body, a permanent youth, and a better future.

16. Our friendship is wider than the sky and wider than the earth. I wish our friendship will last forever. Women's Day is coming, good friends wish you a happy holiday! I wish you eternal youth, eternal youth, beauty, happiness!

17. The festival comes to March 8 again, and women all over the world are happy to blossom! Who says women are inferior to men? Don't go home if you are right! Who said that women are short sighted? If you are right, ask our mother! If you don't spend money, be careful of your ears! Happy Women's Day!

18. Eight Women's Day, send beautiful women; Beauty in mood, love and appearance; Send beautiful women eight meanings: good luck, good luck, beauty, affection, love, heart, spring, plus my friendship, I wish beautiful women a happy Women's Day!

19. Women can hold up half the sky, and half the sky is sunny; The sky is blue with auspicious clouds, and the lucky birds fly to ensure safety; Smile and embrace the gold brick, and do good things as you wish; Laugh often and do all good things. Wish you a happy Women's Day!

20. Eight Women's Day, whether you are male or female, bless you! I wish your mother good health, your aunt no worries, your aunt good luck, and your lover good luck! Finally, I wish you happiness!

21. Your intoxicating smile, long hair fluttering with the wind, shining eyes like the stars in the night, and gentle and watery behavior will not be submerged even in the sea of thousands of people. I can recognize you at a glance, baby, and happy Women's Day.

22. I am a bird flying from the eaves of my hometown. Each feather grows with your deep love and earnest teachings. Happy Women's Day!

23. The beautiful flowers can't compare with your smile; The music is sweet, can't beat your voice; Diamonds are so bright that they can't dazzle my eyes; You are the most beautiful in my heart. Today's Women's Day, may your joy be prolonged!

24. There is no need to explain the tough life, and there is no need to agree on the accompanying years. With the scenery along the way, you will have a good mood; Life's luck, you have good things. On March 8th Women's Day, sisters have deep feelings. I wish you a happy siege and a happy journey!

25. Dear mother: Women's Day is coming. I hope you can have a good mood to spend this happy time. And thank you for your care and cultivation for a long time. It's hard to report the light of spring with the heart of grass, but I hope you can feel my sincere blessing.

26. In the Eighth Festival, we want you to get rich without getting fat, and get rich without worrying; Send you flowers on the March 8th Festival, flowers bloom to welcome wealth, and flowers are full of smiles; Laugh in the March Eighth Festival, laugh at the world, laugh at thousands of scenes. The March 8th Festival is coming. I will send you flowers and ask you to send them. Laugh every day.

27. On March 8, the rosy clouds appeared, with half red clouds and half flowers. Women in the founding of the People's Republic of China have to be liberated and hold up half the sky with one hand. Today is Women's Day. I wish all the ladies in the world happy and happy every day. Youth is always healthy.

28. The code of conduct for men on the Eighth Women's Day: when you meet a woman on foot, show your love by cat's waist; When you meet a woman by bus, buy tickets for her; When meeting a woman at dinner, get up and smile; Meet a woman in bed? Not my wife, I want to jump out of bed and run away!

29. In the warm March, the spring returns to the earth, the sun is shining, the grass is green, and you should sort out your thoughts, get your mood, feel the good life, and taste the wonderful Women's Day. Women should treat themselves well, and have a happy holiday. I wish you will always be young!

30. No day, no place, no you, no me. When crow's feet crawl on your face, when the kitchen smoke yellows your eyes, when all your love is applied to me, I just want to wish my mother good health, good luck and a happy Women's Day today.

31. On Women's Day, may your husband and wife be more harmonious and happy. Life is sweeter than honey. Happiness is always with you. Worry and annoyance are far away. It's safe all the year round. Try to be a good model. I wish you a happy Women's Day!

32. On the Beautiful Girls' Day, I hope you will lose fat, have a big body, long salary, long life, many smiles and beautiful face. Don't worry. Only when you have charmed all living creatures can you be applauded! Happy holidays!

33. Put on the big red coat; Put on the big saffron; The big Yangge is twisted. Women's Day is coming on March 8. I wish you, a big and generous woman: grand, beautiful and beautiful, rich, rich and happy.

34. A true heart, two sweetness and three happy wishes; To you on March 8th Women's Day, I wish you happiness, warmth, sweetness, happiness, auspiciousness, comfort and happiness!

35. Send you a bunch of roses, and rely on it to convey feelings. Give you a peach blossom, and fortune depends on it. Give you a bundle of white combs, good for a hundred years and hope for it. I'll give you a bowl of tofu pudding and laugh after eating it. Happy March 8th!

36. On the Girls' Day on March 8, please put aside all your hard work and have a holiday. You must be happy on the Girls' Day!

37. On the Eighth Festival, I wish you the best today. I am the first one: there is no limit to happiness, no limit to transportation, and both of them are in front of you; There is no limit to beauty, no limit to happiness, and there is no time to wait for reports of beauty; There is no limit to safety and health!