A sentence to wish you peace and health
Girl does not cry when suffering
2023-06-24 09:23:36
Complete sentences

1. Dragon Boat Festival, hanging sachets; Eat dumplings and set off firecrackers; Every family is really lively; Artemisia argyi dances high in front of the gate to drive away evil qi and prevent five poisons; Enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival. Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

2. When the winter solstice comes, I will send you a plate of blessing dumplings. I hope you will always have good luck and make proud achievements. I will send you a plate of greeting dumplings. I hope you will be healthy and happy.

3. A sweet smile, including how much affection; A blessing, how much care to hide; One asked Hou how much he cared; A message brings infinite warmth! It's cold. Keep warm and take care of yourself!

4. Eat healthily. Drink soup before meals, so that your stomach and intestines will not be hurt. You will be full every meal. You'd rather eat no meat than no soup, so as not to write a prescription. Eating rice with a little bran will make people healthy.

5. When winter goes and spring comes, "it's cold in the late spring". Wear more clothes to keep warm; Drink more green tea, eliminate sleepiness and fatigue, eat more vinegar and garlic, and prevent foreign feelings; Go to bed early and get up early, have a good rest, keep exercising, and be healthy. Wish you a healthy spring!

6. The moonlight is as thick as wine. The spring is blowing willows gently. Peach blossoms have been blooming for a long time. I don't know if I have seen them. Viruses are rare in the world. Don't walk around. If you have nothing to do, disinfect and wash your hands. I wish you health and permanence!

7. When cool and autumn rain accompany; When yellow leaves and morning dew depend on each other; When the cold moon shines in the same color; When the wild geese return to the south, my blessing comes with the arrival of the winter solstice: the weather is cold, please remember to add clothes!

8. When the Dragon Boat Festival came, the Administration Department of the company sent a basket of zongzi to each of the foreign employees. The next day, a foreign employee called the Administration Department to thank him: the thing you sent was very delicious, although the lettuce outside was a little hard.

9. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and I pressed the key to knock down my blessing, and thousands of words turned into the blessing of this message: Dear friends, I wish you happiness on the Dragon Boat Festival!

10. Four no's for recuperating from illness: you can't worry in silence, you can't smoke and drink, you can't take strenuous exercise, and you can't delete the blessing of this message. I wish you a speedy recovery!

11. It's cold, and I want to give you a coat: the pocket is called warmth, the collar is called care, the sleeve is called thoughtfulness, and the button is called yearning. How nice it is to let this coat closely accompany you through every minute!

12. The snow falls on the winter solstice, and it feels cold. The mountains are far away and the water is wide. I miss you as yesterday. Sincerely wish you peace and happiness. Good luck accompanies success. Cherish yourself and be calm.

13. Zongzi fragrance, moxa leaf fragrance, brilliant Chunjiang River; Dragon boat busy, drinking realgar, healthy and happy, good luck long; Sunshine, warmth, I wish you happiness forever; SMS rings, Love flies, Friends bless: Happy Dragon Boat Festival! Dad, happy Dragon Boat Festival!

14. The weather is getting fast. The north wind is blowing quietly. You should take your coat when you go out, remember to cover it when you sleep, eat more fruits and vegetables, and remember to take calcium supplements. Health is always with you!

15. The spring is bright and beautiful, all things wake up; Go out for an outing and relax; Fly kites and move bones and tendons; When it's warm at first and cold at first, don't cut down your clothes; Balanced diet and physical fitness; Refrain from anger and impatience, and have a good mood; Frequent washing to prevent disease; May you be healthy and safe!

16. I wish you good health every day, a smooth mood all the time, and all your troubles have been driven away by me. I will always put you at ease, and join hands to run for a well-off life and spend a happy time together.

17. Fill a car with happiness, let peace open the way, abandon all troubles, let happiness surround you, store all warmth, drive away the cold, release the truth of life, and let happiness and health smile at you forever!

18. The winter solstice is the shortest day and the longest night, so you have more sleep than usual and less work than usual. I hope you will persist from now on, less trouble every day, more happy days, and remember to change when the winter solstice comes!

19. When the Dragon Boat Festival comes, I will give you a back garden. The garden is planted with a wisdom tree, flowing with a spring of sorrow, blooming with free flowers, and building a lucky bridge. I wish you good luck and good mood, and the Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.

20. One short message with one heart conveys each other's true feelings; A plate of dumplings, a love, warm friends to the soul; A caring companion blessing, health and happiness enjoy the pure happiness; Greeting the winter solstice, family, friendship and love are strong, and the winter solstice is happy.

21. The winter solstice is coming, which is like the Spring Festival. Every family makes dumplings, and happiness is hidden inside. The nights are getting shorter and the days are getting longer. I wish warm and good luck in winter.

22. I'll give you a bowl of special dumplings: Ping An Pi wrapped with Ruyi stuffing, cooked with love, having a happy meal, a happy meal, three healthy meals, a bowl of fortune, and a smooth soup!

23. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I will give you a garden. The garden is planted with a tree of wisdom, flowing with a spring of lotus, opening a flower of freedom, and building a bridge of luck. I wish you good luck and good mood. My father wishes you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

24. Thousands of words can't tell you how much I miss you, and I still care about you when I am busy. The winter solstice, the day is still cold, but my greetings are hot, a small message, wish to include, wish you happy, healthy and beautiful.

25. It is dry in winter and easy to ignite. Cultivate one's moral character and diet. Often eat pear paste to moisten the lungs and clear phlegm. Stewed meat with sea cucumber to resist fatigue. The white fungus is improved and the complexion is dull. Make more progress and relieve heat. Have a proper diet and a regular daily life. I wish you health and longevity.

26. The rising sun can't hide the chill of this winter. The cold fog is everywhere, opening the prelude to the winter. At the winter solstice, I hope you friends can: strengthen warmth, exercise more, have nothing to do, drink more water at ordinary times.

27. The winter solstice is coming, and the weather is cold. I take care as the stove, health as the pot, true feelings as the fire, good luck as the skin, warmth as the filling, and blessing as the water. I will make a "Happy Happy" dumpling soup for you, wishing you a happy winter solstice, and the whole family warm and happy!

28. The winter solstice has arrived, will the spring equinox be far behind? The cold wind has come, will the warm wind be far behind? Blessing has arrived, will happiness be far behind? Believe my friends, difficulties will always pass, and I send you my deep blessing in the winter solstice!

29. When I am a stranger in a foreign country, I think of my relatives when I am "zong". From afar, I know that where brothers climb high, "Zong" is love. Dragon Boat Festival, we should eat "Zong", wish you "Zong" cross the world, "Zong" is lucky! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

30. Life is depreciating every day, but the soul is constantly appreciating; The days are decreasing every day, but experience is increasing. May you seize every day and keep your happy mood unchanged. The pulse of happiness will become stronger and stronger!

31. In fact, the sea is not wide. From one shore to the other, in fact, the dream is very shallow. Everything is natural. In fact, the sky is very blue, and the clouds are always going to disappear. In fact, tears are also sweet. I wish you all the best. My idea is simple, as long as you are healthy! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

32. This is the end of winter, and this is the beginning of spring. Although you are there, and I am here, I still remember you. At this cold moment, may my blessing warm your hand and reach your heart. Happy Winter Solstice!

33. The diet should be healthy, and brain cultivation should be the first priority: eating more egg yolks can increase memory; Food should be balanced and nutrition should be proportional; Eat more porridge in the morning, and you can think clearly; At noon, less greasy, more energetic; Have a good dinner, and be more brainy! I wish my friends are full of wisdom, both physical and mental!

34. On the winter solstice, the days are the shortest and the nights are the longest in the Northern Hemisphere; In addition, this day is the day when the sun begins to sprout and the winter ends and the spring returns, so it is called the "winter solstice". May my friend's heart always be warm despite the cold weather!

35. Clothing is not warm, food is not enough; Living in luxury is not enough, and walking in wealth is not enough; Joy but joy, profit but greed; No fatigue, no comfort; Friends can't forget, contact is better; Take care of yourself and wish you peace!

36. The snow is floating in the sky, the frost is thick and the fog is heavy, and the winter solstice comes. The sun slants to chill. Warm greetings warm the bottom of my heart. The mountains are far away, the water is wide, and it is difficult to get together. The friendship is still the same as in the past. I sincerely wish every day a healthy, happy, and happy winter solstice.

37. Dragon Boat Festival is held every year, but today is very different. Just ask where the difference is, and see this message you should know. Although holiday blessings are given, the friendship is deeper than usual. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming to the Dragon Boat Race, but it's hard to match my blessing! Wish you happy, and the rice dumplings fly!