Emotional quotations
Listen to the spring
2023-07-15 11:32:58

1. 9. In any era, it is very difficult for a person not to be burdened by fame, not to compete for profit, and not to be seduced by desire.

2. In the age of ignorance, the age of knowing nothing, first love began

3. In fact, most people have only one chance to stand out from hundreds of millions in their lifetime, and most people have already used it when forming embryos.

4. When love comes, of course, it is also happy. However, this kind of happiness is to pay, but also to learn to accept disappointment, pain and parting. Since then, life is no longer pure.

5. Be careful in everything and work step by step. It would be very sad if a young man could do that.

6. 8. Arrogant people can be saved, while inferiority people can't be saved. Only by knowing themselves, subduing themselves, and changing themselves can we change others.

7. I have no part in your past, but your ending has me.

8. Failure is to destroy something valuable to others; Success is the packaging of valuable things for people to see. The secret of success is not afraid of failure and not forgetting failure. Winners come out of the purgatory of failure. Success and failure go back and forth, forming a wonderful life. Success and failure are judged not at the beginning, but at the end.

9. I will always love, even if it is not warm in spring.

10. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

11. Only after being hurt and sweet can you realize what love is. Love can make you laugh or cry. Only after laughing and crying can we realize what love is.

12. No matter how many heterosexuals you are disappointed in, you have no reason to be disappointed in love. Because love itself is hope, always a hope of life. Love is your own quality, your own soul, your own situation, and has nothing to do with others.

13. The most sad sentence is that we can never go back! We can't have another childhood; It is impossible to have another junior high school; It is impossible to have another first love; It is impossible to have the former happiness, happiness, sadness and pain again. Yesterday, a second ago, it was impossible to go back. Life was an out of print movie that couldn't be replayed

14. I dare not expect to have the luck like a koi, but I want everything to be smooth, never forget my original intention, forge ahead, and have a long way to go.

15. When you are hungry, I am your rice; When you are thirsty, I am your water; When you are sick, I am your medicine; When you are depressed, I am your outlet; When you got married, I was your lover! Please marry me!

16. Live each day with your heart as if it were the last day of your life.

17. 3. Women's mistakes are made up by men, and men's mistakes are made up by gifts.

18. People who used to be with you all the way will gradually leave you.

19. 8. I wanted to see you even though I had a quarrel on the phone. That's why I wanted to see you.

20. It takes only one sentence to destroy a person, but a thousand words to cultivate a person. Please be merciful.

21. One today is worth two tomorrows. Tearing a calendar is very simple, but it is not easy to grasp a day.

22. I hope you know CPR, because you are so beautiful that I can stop breathing.

23. I don't regret everything I have done, including blindfolded belief in a person. If ten thousand arrows pierce my heart someday, I will admit it. But you should remember that after the injury, there is no forgiveness.

24. Youth is hanging on the top of the head, passing away little by little.

25. I miss you longer than I love you, and then I am still young and you are not old

26. I used to drink a bottle of Coke to be happy, but now that I have grown up, I need to drink five bottles of beer

27. The limit you think is only the starting point of others.

28. I have a dream dress. Youth is its brocade, laughter is its decoration, and tenderness is its embellishment. I will use endless thought to embroider and fine inlay it.

29. When it is raining, the mood may not be wet; When the wind rises, the mood may not be surging; When it snows, it may not be cold; You may not miss your leaving.

30. In today's society, it is hard to say that the essence of love is the equal exchange of two pieces of money.

31. There are too many inequities in the world. I can't adapt. What to do.

32. For people who don't like it, they just smile calmly when facing things they don't like.

33. Seeing love is romantic but not necessarily lasting. It's hard to separate things like love after a long time. Love at first sight is always related to appearance, and love over time is always related to habit. The slower you fall in love with someone, the longer you will love them. Love can take a moment.

34. It's right to feel that you have homework that you can't finish reviewing, which indicates that you are working hard for your achievements; If you feel busy, you are right, which means you are struggling for your future; It's right to feel inferior everywhere, indicating that you are trying to catch up; It is right to feel that it is particularly difficult to walk, indicating that you are going uphill. Remember: Miracles have another name, called hard work.

35. Many years later, one day I will wear a wedding dress and become someone else's bride. You are still my first dream.

36 、 5 、 Love is a trap. Once it appears, we can only see its light, but not its shadow.

37. If you want to do something, you should do it immediately, without thinking about the consequences or looking at the results. You should only feel the feeling of doing something, believe in your own feeling, and never be wrong. Every day in life and work, you should feel the fullness of every day. That kind of life is perfect, can reflect the value of life, and can have no regrets in your life.

38. Hey, if you are bullying me, I will let you die to show me.

39. You have been here for a while, and I have studied all my life.

40, 0. You must always forgive all living beings. No matter how bad he is, or even how he has hurt you, you must let go to get real happiness.

41. For the first time, I mustered the courage to tell him that I like you. Fortunately, he also likes me.

42. Now, love and friendship have disappointed me so much that only kinship can make me feel warm.

43. Love itself needs to be tolerated. If you really love her, you will smile at her. Every move is full of concern and appreciation. Even her shortcomings can be seen as advantages

44. Do what you like. Even if others laugh at you, you can do it wholeheartedly. As long as you like it, doing it will make you happy! Only your happiness is what you should care about; Don't be afraid of what others say. You can refuse to listen to anything except to help you be happy. In this way, your heart will be simple, things will be simple, and your happiness will be more

45. Up to now, I have been hiding in the dark. I dare not face the reality and hate myself! Too tired, need a peer! I also want to love!

46. As for feelings, no one owes anything to anyone. It's all you want.

47. The person you love does not necessarily love her, and the person who loves her is not necessarily what she can love. Pursuing a person you love and rejecting the pursuit of a person you do not love, no matter how you choose, someone is doomed to be hurt

48. If you love me, I will accompany you; If you don't love me, I'll set you free.

49. From now on, your mobile phone will be bombarded by my 24-hour short messages. You have only two choices. One is that your defense line will be completely destroyed; The second is that you love me.

50. One flower blooms and one flower falls. These years, no one inquired.

51. The mountain wind is blowing through the trees, and the grass is waving in style. We look at each other, and autumn loves us.

52. If you want something you never had, you should do something you never did.

53. I also asked about the news of Shuishui and the residence of Wenbaiyun. What I couldn't ask clearly was the feeling of love. If I saw it, I would also depend on it.

54. Hello, November! I hope everyone has the life they want. I am confused in October and don't know what to do. I hope I can do what I like in November!

55. Take advantage of the time we spend with them, stop complaining about a teacher, take a good look at the school and the people you like when you are free, and hurry up if you want to express your love. After graduation, don't cry, and leave your best smile.

56. People with love in their hearts will send out positive energy. The ultrasonic wave of love is your calling order. Someone is looking for your voice.

57. Good things in the world can never last long. Because of determination, so calm.

58. Just think of me as a poem that occasionally floats past your ears. It does not run through your life, but gives you a lifetime blessing; Just think of me as yesterday's dripping rain, not giving you forever but giving you instant beauty.

59. Ordinary people worry about today and leave happiness to tomorrow. Wise people only want happiness, no matter today or tomorrow.

60. When I wake up every morning, I see you and the sun are there. This is the future I want.

61. Love you for ten thousand years, exaggeration! Love you for a thousand years, ridiculous! Love you for a hundred years, too long! I have loved you for [XX] years. As long as I am healthy, I am good at it.

62. People just want to sleep with you when they love you. I'm different. The sofa and kitchen are all OK.

63. If we are together now, we may be together, and we will not be together soon, remember my words: if we miss it, we may never come again.

64. When people have gone, they should not think about it. It is hard to eliminate the old feelings and make new tears when the wind passes by the railing.

65. If love is good, it is happiness; if it is bad, it is memory.

66. Back to the sun, with a shadow; Facing the sun, the rays of the sun shine brightly.

67. Those who used to say that they would never part have already scattered in the horizon.

68. You never cared about the nights when you tossed and turned and cried your pillow wet.

69. Ziwei said: Erkang, you can't hate me. You can't hate me because I love you so much. Er Kang: Thank God

70. The universe is the most attractive because there are many handsome men and beautiful women in his arms.