The sentence of deep and thorough life is as clear as water
Eight rose
2023-02-13 23:33:07
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1. Think of others and live for yourself.

2. Time never forgives, nor have I forgiven time.

3. Look at people with time and heart, not with eyes.

4. Nothing can stop you from moving forward, except the end.

5. What a person cares about is not money but a struggling heart!

6. If one day we become strangers, then I will know you again.

7. Remember everyone who treats you well, because they could have done otherwise.

8. When you know that face is the least important thing, you will really grow up.

9. Please cherish it. Because today is your youngest day in the future.

10. The most valuable thing in life is not the material you have, but the people who accompany you.

11. We usually ignore those who love us, and we love those who ignore us.

12. The best place is the place you have never been; The most beautiful time is the time that can't come back.

13. Enjoy every minute, even in your most difficult time, because time flies quickly.

14. I have no time to hate those who hate me, because I am busy loving those who love me.

15. It is very simple, but almost everyone will be tortured to death in love.

16. The complexity of life is not only between people, in life, there will always be some unsatisfactory.

17. The words hidden in the bottom of my heart are not intended to be concealed, but not all the pain can be shouted.

18. You can start doing what you want at any time. I hope you don't use age and other things to restrict yourself.

19. People in the best time, there are always some stupid, some stupid. Which youth is not absurd, which love is not hurt.

20. Sometimes, feelings are always ironic. Can stand the wind and rain, but can not stand the ordinary; The wind and rain were on the same boat, and the sunny days were dispersed.

21. After watching a movie that I can't understand, I looked around and found that others were absorbed and intoxicated. I suddenly understand what loneliness is.

22. Life is really unfair to everyone. However, how to treat life gives us the right to fairness and freedom.

23. No regret is better than doing three things well: first, knowing how to choose; Second, understand how to persist; Third, know how to cherish.

24. I understand that the feeling of love will fade, just like the old photos; But you kept my heart forever, beautiful forever, until the last moment of my life.

25. Disguise happiness, or strong, sometimes just because of competitiveness. People who desperately bite their teeth are often not tough, but hard to hold back tears.

26. Life is short, and there is no time to waste. Freedom is what we should strive to pursue. How others think of me is so insignificant.

27. Only when you can put it down can you grasp the things that should be able to be picked up better, so as to grasp the most important things. Only in this way can your life be more wonderful.

28. The so-called growth of a person is the courage to face oneself tragically: before choosing, there is a sincere and firm face; After the choice, there is a heart that will never change.

29. Learn to bear, because something unexpected always happens in life. There is no choice but to bear it silently and face it bravely.

30. A person wants to be mediocre, and there are few obstacles; A person who wants to be outstanding has many obstacles. Many mediocre people have harmonious relations with people around them, while many outstanding people have tense relations with people around them.

31. In life, a smile, a look, or even a short greeting may bring hope to others. Therefore, we should often encourage and help others in life.

32. Fate treats me well. So whether the years are generous or not is not enough. I hope you do the same. If not, please try to feel like this. It will be true.

33. Self discipline makes people serious but not withdrawn, lively but not dissolute, stable but not rigid, enthusiastic but not frivolous, calm but not silent, and friendly but not blindly obedient.

34. When he loves you, everything you do is crazy love; When he doesn't love you, everything you do becomes his unbearable harassment. Love is not rewarded by heaven.

35. In this world, why do some people live a relaxed life while others live a heavy life? The former is affordable; The latter is heavy because it can be lifted but cannot be put down.

36. There is a person in everyone's heart who is no longer a lover or a friend. Time goes by, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. You will always be used to thinking of you, and then I hope you are all right.

37. When dealing with work, first, do not despise the ordinary; Second, do not make ordinary work mediocre. Don't be satisfied with your acceptable work performance. Only by doing better can you become an indispensable person.

38. What kind of mentality, what kind of fate will often be. As long as we face life squarely, defy misfortune and laugh at pain, we will be able to grasp the reins of fate and live a different life.

39. On the road of life, there is a road that everyone has to take. That is the detour of youth. How can you make steel tendons and bones and grow up without falling, bumping against a wall, or breaking your head and bleeding?

40. People come and go in a hurry. We were born in the laughter of our loved ones, and left in their grief and crying. We can't decide our own life and death, but we should be glad that we have this life.

41. If you love a person, please love him as he is, love his pure heart, and love him sometimes childish; I love him for his maturity and steadiness, as well as his quietness and reticence. This kind of love only needs understanding, not patience.

42. The significance of life lies not in the number of rugged roads we have taken, but in the number of philosophies we have learned from them. These timeless and ever new human wisdom will help us recognize the real life and enjoy the happiness of life.

43. Tolerance is a virtue, which can make a person respected. Tolerance is a good medicine, it can save a person's soul. Tolerance is like a bright light, which can shine in the dark and illuminate every soul.

44. Life is like a chess game, and the opponent is our environment. Some people can make arrangements as early as possible, even dozens of steps away; Some people can only see a few steps away, or even take a step.

45. Infinite life scenery. Passing through a mountain peak, you may welcome more magnificent scenery. Life is always like this. Sometimes things that seem to be terrible often bring us unexpected happy endings.

46. To be a light woman, be neither frivolous nor impetuous, nor fight nor rob! The busier we are, the more uneasy we are, because what life itself expects is not busy, but a quiet rest. Don't be calm, just hope there is scenery in your heart.

47. Opportunity is equal to everyone. It depends on whether you look for it and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary things. All extraordinary achievements are based on the ordinary. To do every ordinary thing well is extraordinary.

48. It is inevitable that there will be dull moments in life. You should learn to protect yourself and not give others the opportunity to hurt twice. You can neither afford to hurt nor bear it. Don't doubt friendship when you are hurt by friends, but beware of those who betray you. Forgiveness is not forgetting.

49. When we encounter frustrations and setbacks, we should not be pessimistic, disappointed, sighing, or stagnant. We should take it as an experience in life. See it as a normal state in the growth of life, which will help you better write your own wonderful life.

50. Some people say that happiness is the flowers in spring, the shade in summer, the wild fruits in autumn, and the snow in winter. In fact, happiness is around us. A knowing smile, a sincere handshake, a heartfelt conversation, is a kind of incomparable happiness.