2022 Zhang Xiaojuan's National Moral Model 500 Word Book
Falling flowers follow flowing water
2023-07-07 06:02:56

On the afternoon of September 26, we met with the winners of the Fourth National Moral Model and Nomination Award in Beijing, and stressed that moral models are an important banner of social moral construction. We should carry out in-depth study and publicity of moral model activities, promote the truth, the good and the beautiful, spread positive energy, encourage the people to respect virtue, learn from others, and encourage the whole society to become virtuous and virtuous, In order to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we have gathered strong spiritual strength and strong moral support.

The fourth National Ethical Model Selection and Commendation Award Ceremony - Realize the Chinese Dream and Shine China was held in Beijing on the evening of September 26, 20XX, jointly sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of China and the Central Civilization Office.

At the award ceremony, Wang Jierong, chairman of the Disabled Persons' Federation of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, won the National Model of Helping Others. At the age of 13, an unexpected disaster made Wang Jie blind. In the face of the misfortune of life, he used extraordinary perseverance to study Braille and audio recording to enter the university and study for graduate students. When he was successful in his career, he vigorously helped other disabled people and laid-off workers to realize their dreams of employment and entrepreneurship. Wang Jie is enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings. Although his family is not rich and still lives in a rented house with his wife, he has reduced tuition fees, subsidized living expenses and donated more than 500000 yuan to needy students. In 20XX, when SARS was rampant, he donated 30000 yuan medical massage cards to front-line medical staff; After Wenchuan, Yushu, Lushan Earthquake, Zhouqu Debris Flow and other natural disasters, he donated more than 40000 yuan to the disaster area. He often leads teachers and students to the community and welfare homes to voluntarily check and treat diseases for needy families, orphans and widows. In 20XX, the blind in Ede

Jin Fangming, an employee of the massage clinic, found that he had congenital heart disease and could not get more than 20000 yuan for the operation. Wang Jie immediately took the lead in donating 5000 yuan when she learned about it. Other masseurs also helped Jin Fangming perform the operation successfully. Ma Shiqing, a blind man in the mountainous area of southern Ningxia, and Xie Baohua, a citizen of Yinchuan, with the selfless help of Wang Jie, have all set up their own health massage parlors to get rid of poverty and become rich and successful. Wang Jie's deeds were written into the Party history of Ningxia and the textbooks of local middle schools. A famous poet praised Wang Jie and said, "Don't complain about the sky, don't bow your head, dive into science and technology, and write about romance. Blind people don't believe that the future is dark, and bright minds shine in Jiuzhou."

In this materialistic society with rapid economic development, socialist core values have always played a leading role. The power of morality has driven groups of people and will be passed on from generation to generation. This power is unstoppable. Why can moral models move people? Because sticking to the moral position is the aspiration of the people and the needs of the society and the times. Morality is the commanding height of a country and nation in faith and honesty, while law is the bottom line. People pay attention to this ceremony, not only the ceremony itself, but also the moral commanding point of the society, hoping that more people can firmly hold this position. Moral models let people see the hope of conscience and light the beacon for people to pursue virtue. I believe that through the leadership of the Party and the government, and the efforts of the people, the warmth will flow into everyone's heart, the torch will never go out, traditional virtues will be passed on from generation to generation, and moral models will never stop.