Beautiful scenery description sentence Extract scenery description sentence (60 sentences)
2023-02-25 11:22:37
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1. There are beautiful white clouds floating in the blue sky. The whole feeling is as comfortable as in an air-conditioned room. In the Stone Forest, my daughter is called Jinhua. When Jinhua wear beautiful national costumes, it is really a beautiful scenery.

2. Looking at the endless sky floating with white clouds, the morning sun shines on the earth, light wind blowing, refreshing. Everything grows freely and looks particularly beautiful.

3. The mountain far away from the house is as dark as iron, like a giant, like an iron tower, like a sword. The strange peaks are listed in thousands of forms, which is very spectacular.

4. The cold wind is whistling. Bare trees, like bald old men, can't stand the attack of northwest wind and sway in the cold wind.

5. The continuous spring rain sprinkled on the plane trees in the yard. It was like a musician gently plucking the strings, like a silkworm eating mulberry leaves

6. Still life is the beauty of solidification, while moving scenery is the beauty of flow; The straight line is the beauty of fluency, and the curve is the beauty of euphemism; A noisy city is the beauty of prosperity, and a quiet village is the beauty of elegance.

7. I dare not pursue anything deliberately, but I just hope that all the good beginnings will have a good ending, just like this spring night is long and far away.

8. Let go of time, invite sunshine to accompany us, ask breeze to go with us, pack up our bags, and let's go close to the grassland, to the vast grassland.

9. The gurgling water plays a clear music; The verdant grass is shining with dew; The lofty mountains support the proud back.

10. The willow trees with no leaves are covered with fluffy and shiny silver bars; The evergreen pine and cypress trees in winter and summer are full of fluffy and heavy snowballs.

11. The sun showed its red face in the morning glow. Suddenly, thousands of golden lights through the treetops painted the water with a layer of rouge.

12. See many ancient buildings with red sandstone and white marble. Watching the city from afar, soft domes and tall towers radiate beautiful brilliance in the sunrise.

13. At the foot of the mountain, there are apricot flowers like clouds. In the valley, the stream rotates, leaps, tinkles, and the silver fog splashes. There is life everywhere. Even under the thin ice in the shade, there is water flowing and a dense stream of small fish swimming.

14. The river fork in the southwest has been frozen very firmly. Climbing on the ice and looking down, you can see many small bubbles, big and small, which are fixed by immobilization, like pearls embedded in water.

15. I like the spring rain, not only because of its heroic appearance, but also because of the light blue misty rain. In this rainy season, you make a rain free world for me.

16. Peach blossoms are in full bloom in the courtyard, and the apricot plough is snow-white. At the corner of the cloister, there is a spotted cat, staring between the peaches and apricots. Following its eyes, there were two orioles chirping in the tree, looking carefree.

17. The sky was dyed blood red by the setting sun, the pink clouds were reflected on the flowing water, the whole river became purple, and the horizon seemed to ignite a fire.

18. The wind has become the messenger and vanguard of spring. It has lost no time in spreading the declaration of spring and spreading the yearning for life to the earth.

19. Autumn is in the woods. The woods are yellow. The leaves of ginkgo trees turn yellow and float to the feet of the mother tree, just like small fans, which fan away the summer heat.

20. In autumn, after a tense harvest, everything faded in the twinkling of an eye, and the boundless land was yellow and bare.

21. The appearance of the building is all covered with white and cream colored tiles. From a distance, the whole building looks like a white sail racing, vast and mighty, giving a feeling of movement in silence.

22. The sea is so changeable, calm but fierce, gentle but fierce, like a smooth dress mirror, like a raging beast, like a mother's comfort, like a father's whip.

23. In the field, the wheat sprouts turn green, as if they were green waves. The golden cauliflower is shining in the green wave.

24. The Snow Fairy is waving her sleeves heartily; In the ethereal playing, the world, rivers and mountains are pure and clean, without mire.

25. In the morning, take a deep breath of the fresh air full of mountains, valleys and frost, feel energetic and full of strength, as if one night he has become an excellent hunter who can catch tigers in the mountains and dragons in the water.

26. In autumn, the poplar leaves are yellow, hanging on the tree like yellow flowers; Falling in the air, like yellow butterflies; It fell in the river beside the tree, like a golden boat.

27. Everywhere is covered with snow, and beautiful. However, the first thing that makes people feel the breath of winter at home is the ice flowers on the windows. Some are like forests, full of mystery; Some are like streams, as if flowing quietly.

28. The lotus is pure and pure; The peach blossom is very colorful; The peony is graceful and gorgeous; That magnolia, faint fragrance; The cherry blossom is serene as a song.

29. In winter, the jujube trees trembled with heavy snow. Our partners took out shovels from their homes and built a snowman beside the jujube trees, so that the jujube trees would have partners and would not be lonely.

30. Clouds rise, and through the cracks of the heavy green leaves, golden clouds shine, and the forest reflects a wisp of transparent lavender and light yellow light.

31. Full rice will dye farmers' hopes yellow. The golden autumn sun hung on my parents' dark face, and my dream began to fly from their shoulders at the moment when sweat fell down

32. The two beams of light from the scorching sun pass through the room like two transparent golden belts, with specks of dust shining inside.

33. The sunshine in spring is particularly bright. Spring girl opens her smiling face. The sun, the red beam of light, touches you gently, like a young mother's hand.

34. The sunlight piercing the clouds is like golden thread, crisscrossing, sewing the light gray, blue gray clouds into a beautiful pattern.

35. Hello, the beauty of your blooming flowers has attracted people's attention. Hello, you let me see the beauty of the world. Hello, your blooming flowers make spring more vibrant.

36. If you can insert wings in an instant, please give me a pair of wings, let me fly in the green mountains and waters, listen to the pure voice, and close your eyes and enjoy the rest of the world.

37. It was eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and the bright sun painted gold and silver rings on the leaves.

38. The grassland at night is so quiet and serene. Only the sound of flowing streams can make you think back about the nature.

39. There are several sycamore trees in the campus, which have become deep red. When the autumn wind blows, the fallen leaves look like butterflies, flying happily in the sky, and changing their dancing postures from time to time.

40. On the midsummer night, the breeze is blowing slowly, and the bright moon catches up with the sunset. It climbs over the mountain early and hangs in the sky. The moonlight seems to be carrying a cool wind, driving away the waste heat left by the cool sun.

41. As night falls, countless small stars are dotted in the blue sky, which seems to invite people to travel in the vast space.

42. The unique dreamlike security of summer night makes all living things seem to wish the Russian people sleep. Although there is the faint cry of grass insects like Jinlingzi, the sound is so weak and distant that it seems to be talking in a dream!

43. The willow trees on the street seem to be sick. The leaves are hanging with dust and rolling on the branches. The branches are still. There was white light on the road, and the small vendors did not dare to shout. The plexiglass signboard at the entrance of the store seemed to have been burnt.

44. When entering the Meiligeng Scenic Area, the first thing you can see is a series of tall and straight mountains. There are many walking ladders circling on the mountains. From a distance, the tourists on the walking ladders look like ants carrying food.

45. Sunset, woods, a yellow flower, a person. At dusk in this early winter. Everything is so beautiful that it makes people sad and enchanted.

46. The sun in midsummer is like hot chili water. There is no shade on the open street. The majestic and lofty mountains are gilded with gold by the summer sun, which makes them more precipitous and spectacular!

47. A variety of lotus flowers, some as elegant as swans playing in the water, look forward; Some of them are full of sharp and small lotus, which is as pink as a charming girl and as shy as a million.

48. When night falls, the bright mirror like moon hangs in the sky, pouring the light of clear water onto the vast earth.

49. The sun is like a big boss's fireball. The light is scorching. The road is scorched by the scorching sun. Step down and a bunch of white smoke will appear.

50. In autumn, plants seem to rush to the barber shop. Some people may ask: "Why do they go to the barber shop?" Of course, they go to dye their hair. They should also follow the fashion!

51. From a distance, the whole snow peak looks like a shining snow lotus without any beautiful decoration. It is the most perfect miracle of nature itself.

52. In July, the sky was blue, and the sun was like a fireball. The clouds seemed to have been burned by the sun, and disappeared without a trace.

53. The blue sky was set off by a light blue. In a moment, the light blue became orange yellow, and the edge was inlaid with crimson. The red light was more and more. It shot straight into the sea from the air, first a little, then a piece, and spread quickly in all directions.

54. The sun leaped out of the gray sea, and a small round of purplish red flame immediately lit up the dim sky. Behind the bright morning glow, it seemed that an endless blue silk was stretched out.

55. On a summer night, the sky is full of shining stars, like the Milky Way paved with fine quicksand lying on the blue sky. The earth has fallen asleep.

56. In the park, there are clusters of flowers, white and red, big and small, colorful. I leaned down and smelled the flowers, and a faint fragrance suddenly seeped into my heart.

57. The ice flakes on the glass window have been dried, the snow outside the window is still thick on the ground, and the opposite roof is also white. Winter has no intention of leaving the earth, as if to stay on for a long time.

58. In the dead of night, I am alone listening to the pendulum swing coldly and continuously. Night and sleep envelop the earth, and everything is quiet.

59. The dark night seems like boundless thick ink smearing heavily on the sky, even without the faint light of stars.

60. The farmhouses in the village are almost covered with snow, leaving only a few dark windows, like wide open eyes, wondering about the snow world.