Sister's Marriage Copy (the copy sent by sister when she married)
Brilliance in the sun
2023-08-03 15:06:31
Complete sentences

1. There are only two ways for a woman to be reborn: become beautiful or become rich. If you don't give in, go all out.

2. People who really like you can't be friends. Even if you look at them again, you still want to have them.

3. Men respect women, women respect men, men are equal, and men respect women, women respect husbands, and couples marry.

4. It is impossible to go on with resentment. When you look back, it is all those moments of being loved.

5. The grievances suffered by strangers are vented on the lovers. This is wrong and should be corrected.

6. May you two love each other, understand and care for each other, and share the pain and happiness in the future. I wish you a hundred years of good marriage and a happy life together!

7. The magic of optimism turns difficulties into illusions, the piety of commitment makes life great, the depressed loneliness evaporates from the world, the rough boundary becomes the world of brave people, the stubborn obsession spectrum is so prosperous, and the struggling wings create a happy home! Happy wedding

8. To find a suitable lover, you need to meet two psychological needs. One is the sense of security and the other is the sense of belonging. The sense of security is that you are sure that your partner will not leave, and the sense of belonging is that you are sure that you will not leave.

9. Try not to cause trouble to others, and others had better not bother me. This sentence is not indifference, but maturity.

10. People always keep playing games with life and contradicting themselves. Occasionally meeting a special person is like seeing fate.

11. You should do your own thing well. Don't mind the things in the corner. Love in the sun is more important than the things in the corner.

12. You are going to get married, and the preparations should be done well; Be proud of serving your wife and ashamed of betraying her; When your wife is angry, greet her with a smile; When your wife is unhappy, you should know how to make her happy; If you can't do this, your wife will never let you go. Happy wedding!

13. I like the sunset in summer, the cool wind in the evening, the sound of rain in rainy days, the white clouds in the sky, and you.

14. If you have experienced real loneliness, you will understand that tears are the most useless thing.

15. From now on, there will be two less excellent young people and one more ordinary couple in the world. It must be a special fate to become a family and cherish each other along the way. Wish you a happy wedding!

16. Your good fortune is hidden in your strength, and also in your unknown efforts. The harder you work, the luckier you will be.

17. Tonight, the newlyweds' room will be set up first, and the couple will stay together for a long time; He gave birth to the second son in successive years, and became a literary and martial general.

18. Those who hurt you in the name of loving you are rubbish and must stay away.

19. It is difficult to be clever, but difficult to be confused. All things should be measured by one standard, and what should not be asked should not be asked; Don't say what should not be said; Don't do what should not be done; Identify your position.

20. May the world become a sea, and may you and I return to our first meeting.

21. We should not be exhausted by the pain of the past, let alone exchange tears for cheap sympathy and compassion of the opposite sex. Salvation should be through self, not others. good night!

22. If you want to say goodbye, you must be more forceful, because any extra look may be the last look, and any extra words may be the last sentence.

23. Many people feel exhausted because they dare not start at the beginning and dare not end at the end.

24. I wanted to get married this year, but I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau and waited in line for a day. He told me that it would take two people to get married, which made me confused.

25. Respect for parents and filial piety remain unchanged. He is still a good son and daughter. We should also be a good daughter-in-law and son-in-law.

26. I hope you can understand that slow life is self-sufficiency with confidence, rather than being lazy.

27. In the past, when doing something, I always liked to look for shortcuts, but now I understand that many things obtained by taking shortcuts are usually not solid and easy to lose. good morning!