2023 Best New Year's greetings 2023 New Year greeting card greetings (selected 120 sentences)
2023-07-05 21:01:02
Blessing words

1. The snowflakes are butterflies flying all over the sky. They collect the fragrance of missing and convey the fragrance of blessing flowers. They will take you to a sweet dream. I wish you a good man a safe life!

2. Some things are destined to become stories, and some things are destined to become old friends. Don't worry about them, don't miss them. Occasionally remember, goodbye 20_, hello 20_.

3. The new year has passed, and the happy mood will never shrink. The calendar has turned over a new year, and the goal has been achieved as early as possible. Sincere greetings will read you, put aside your tiredness and troubles, and wish you happiness before and after the festival!

4. When the year comes, I am full of ambition. When the Spring Festival comes, luck changes. Bad luck is far away from good luck companions. Everything goes well and makes a lot of money. The family is happy and happy. Healthy and safe around, happy life forever. I wish you every success and happiness in the coming year.

5. The new year is coming. I wish my relatives and friends a happy New Year! In the new year, I wish you all the best in 20_! 20_ Goodbye, 20_ Hello!

6. I give you special wishes. May the Spring Festival bring you boundless happiness and good luck. I wish you a happy Spring Festival, full of happiness and success.

7. The New Year is coming. In the days of saying goodbye to the old and ushering in the new, I would like to send off your troubles and usher in happiness, send off your stress and usher in health, send off your frustrations and usher in success, send off your accidents and usher in peace. I hope you will have a happy New Year holiday.

8. Blessings string into a poem, a melody opens a warm world, the New Year is coming, I wish you all the best in the New Year!

9. Joyful songs are sung, cheerful music is moved, youth dance of fire dance is performed, perfect life is eulogized, lights are turned on and colored, financial resources are rolling in, cheering together, and life is happier. Looking forward to the New Year's you like this rhythmic music, making up the perfect movement of life.

10. A new year, a new beginning, we are one year older, we are also moving towards the palace of dreams.

11. I hope that once my message arrives, happiness will embrace you gently, difficulties will make way for you, troubles will bow their heads and walk away quietly, loneliness will see you lean to the side, auspiciousness will take special care of you, and happiness will always smile on you! Happy New Year!

12. The Spring Festival is coming, and the six immortals are congratulating each other. The god of wealth is on the way, the god of health is on the way down, the god of beauty is on the way forward, the god of love is on the way back, the god of food is on the left, and the god of luck is on the right. May your god help you, and the road will be smooth and happy every day!

13. Thousands of miles of water, thousands of miles of mountains, bosom friends and relatives heart; Taurus is diligent and busy. Today, I have time to tell my heart; Spring couplets are red, firecrackers are loud, and the festival is full of joy; Tangyuan is sweet, dumplings are fragrant, and life is happy every year!

14. Put on the lucky robe, put on the lucky bib, buckle the happiness colored button, put on the festive red envelope, and enter the happy New Year's Eve; I wish you good luck on New Year's Eve, good luck, happiness, happiness and happiness!

15. Dream is the power to make people persist, and dream is the power to make people walk.

16. Forget hatred, spring blossoms. 20_, goodbye; 20_, hello! The stage extends as far as the heart goes. 20_, goodbye; 20_, hello!

17. When the Spring Festival comes, we will make a table of eggs for you. There are gold and silver scrambled eggs, happy fried eggs, lucky eggs, and jade egg soup. Is that enough? Then sweet salty eggs, happy double yolk eggs, or? Then we have to have a dish of fried eggs.

18. The Spring Festival is coming, and the Spring Festival has made an appointment with auspicious wind and snow. On the day of the Spring Festival, happiness will be spread, good luck and peace will come, sorrow and trouble will be swept away, and helpless sadness will be taken away. May you have a happy and happy New Year!

19. Fireworks brighten the sky and bloom auspiciously; Singing breaks the cold and conveys joy; Good wine moistens life and sends out sweetness; SMS bless friends, copy happy. Spring Festival is coming, I wish you always full of love, always smiling.

20. Spring Festival asks you how you are, and fortune and longevity are here; The office is smooth and the life is high step by step; Lucky lottery tickets are paid every day during the lottery period; When gold comes out of the cupboard, the New Year will be prosperous!

21. Spring has sounded the war drum, and the New Year has sounded the horn! We write our wish on today, listen to the whistle of our career, and sprint together with our young friends on the runway tomorrow!

22. On the day when the Spring Festival is coming, the bell is about to ring, and fireworks are about to light, SMS will be sent to you with blessings. May good things come to you in the new year, and you will succeed in everything. Wish you a happy Spring Festival!

23. Roses are my passion, sugar is my taste, stars are my eyes, moonlight is my soul, and they are given to you, my love. Happy New Year!

24. Frustration will come and pass. If you fall, you can rise again. If you fail, you can work hard again. You will always believe that no matter how ordinary you are, you will have your own happiness.

25. When the New Year comes, we will take photos of the good fortune and lean to the side of the troubled things. I wish you to meet someone who can help you when you go out and listen to the good news at home! Every year has this time, every year has this moment! I hope to be happy with your relatives! everything will be fine!

26. Each petal carries my sincere blessing. I care about each petal, bless each petal, and greet each other with sound. Please send me the breeze. May flowers and green leaves accompany you, embellish your beautiful life, and wish you a happy New Year.

27. I wish you many happy events on New Year's Eve, and more prosperous every year!

28. Clouds are carefree when the wind blows, streams laugh when the rain drops, red plums are in bud when the snow is falling, bees and butterflies are around when the flowers are blooming, and people are happy when they miss you. Miss you is not distressed, love you happiness shrouded! Happy New Year, my wife!

29. Everything goes smoothly and makes a lot of money. The family is happy and happy.

30. The New Year is coming, and the small intestine and stomach are busy. Big fish and big meat are on the table. Good wine and good food are coming. Please pay attention to it. Don't forget about your health during the New Year. On New Year's Eve, firecrackers are roaring. I wish you good health and good luck!