About reading in summer vacation
Smile to greet
2023-08-03 02:05:14

As time goes by, in the twinkling of an eye, I have been engaged in the teaching industry for the third year. As a young teacher, there is no doubt that I have enthusiasm. However, in this kind of unconsciousness, more and more people find their own cognition, and their role positioning seems to be somewhat vague. I don't know how to proceed with how to improve my professional level, how to improve my professional quality, how to deal with the relationship with other colleagues, how to deal with the relationship with students, how to deal with some problems in the classroom, how to more efficiently improve students' interest, so as to improve students' performance.

Some time ago, the school gave each young teacher a copy of "100 Suggestions for Young Teachers" edited by Wang Xiaochun. Of course, it is not just a book, it fully embodies the ardent expectations of the school for each young teacher, and reminds us as young teachers to have an attitude of continuous learning. After carefully reading the book, I found that the book mainly talks about teachers' self-awareness and self transcendence, thinking mode, education, teaching and other aspects. For me, it is very practical.

In the book, Mr. Wang suggested that all young teachers should become "learning type" teachers and become thinkers. He suggested that we should stare at students with one eye and at ourselves with the other eye to observe and analyze ourselves. As a teacher, we should first find our own position. Teacher Wang mentioned that "self psychological suggestion" should be correct:

The awareness of learning is stronger than that of teaching. A truly excellent teacher is a student after all. He is a student for everyone, and his learning is all-round and uninterrupted;

Communication awareness should be stronger than communication awareness. Like students, teachers are also learners to a certain extent. Teachers' tasks have gradually shifted from the single transmission of knowledge to the direction of teacher-student communication. Students should gradually become the main body, and teachers should correctly establish their dominant position in knowledge. They should not give up their own tasks as instructors, elicitors and managers and become "leading learners";

The consciousness of helping is stronger than the consciousness of managing. Helpers are the main body. I want to help you. You have to take big ideas and do things;

The long-term awareness is stronger than the short-term awareness. Do not only focus on the immediate scores, but also have the awareness of sustainable development. Pay attention to the improvement of students' learning ability and thinking ability.

In the aspect of self recognition and self transcendence, Mr. Wang constantly mentioned that teachers must avoid doing "manual workers among mental workers", and should do "real mental workers". Young teachers should rely more on wisdom, from "old scalpers" to "smart stars", and become research-oriented and scholar type teachers. When I reflect on my work, it is really not like a mental worker, but more like a manual worker - many times, I don't ask why, just how to do it. When encountering problems, I don't want to explore the root causes, but can't wait to find an immediate solution.

In terms of the way of thinking, Mr. Wang is constantly advocating young teachers to ask why rather than how to do it. When encountering a problem, we should learn to think horizontally, vertically, radially and analogically. We should learn to think with curiosity and inquiry, resist anger with curiosity, anxiety with curiosity, and depression with curiosity. At the same time, Mr. Wang emphasized that when people live in scientific and technological products, they should not be "networked" by the Internet. They should surf less, read more, think more, talk less and do more.

Secondly, in terms of education and teaching, Mr. Wang mentioned that "education is slow work", which I deeply agree with. At the beginning of teaching, sometimes I felt that I had said that students should be able to do it right away, and always hoped that education would bring immediate results. In fact, this practice not only violates the essence of education, but also makes me feel frustrated. Education has never been achieved overnight. There is no myth about education. Education is honest, patient and meticulous. The eagerness for quick success and instant benefits will only help and backfire.

In teaching, Mr. Wang proposed to deal with the relationship between management and teaching. Management and teaching support each other and may interfere with each other. Good management can create a good environment for teaching, and good teaching can also promote management. In the classroom, generally speaking, teaching is the first priority, and management should serve teaching. It should be noted that students come to school mainly to study, not to perform discipline. He also asked young teachers the question - "Can you prepare lessons without teaching reference?" Teachers can only see their true level by taking texts that are not available in textbooks, teaching reference materials, and online materials for teachers to prepare lessons and design teaching plans on the spot. This problem also puts forward high requirements for our young teachers, requiring them to hone their internal skills, constantly tap their internal potential, and put forward the goal of hard work for my future lesson preparation.

After reading this book, I benefited a lot. In a word, as a young teacher, we must find our own position in education and teaching, read more, think more, study more, reflect more, and improve our education and spiritual realm endlessly.