About the Great Copy
I want stability
2023-03-03 08:09:54
Complete sentences

1. I wish you have me every year.

2. I like you very much without permission. Sorry

3. After zero point, we are people who have gone through an era together.

4. You always say that I have a stiff tongue. How can I know if I'm soft without a kiss.

5. It's almost New Year's Eve. Let's show our objects, in case there is the same style.

6. I really hate that you just occupy my heart and don't say hello.

7. Put love in a gift for you to open. You are the future I want most in the wish list.

8. "If you want to be a spring breeze in the afterlife, people can write me into poems, songs and your heart."

9. Just remember that I miss you when I look for you, and I miss you when I don't look for you!

10. I hope someone can understand me. In the fading night, beyond the lust for material things, they can hold their hearts to each other and communicate their feelings without words.

11. I would like to accompany you through the youth, I would like to accompany you through the twilight years, I would like to last in front of my bed is you.

12. In this quiet day, it's good to meet you, so I really can't help but want to accompany you until old age.

13. The so-called male goddess is the kind of person who can't have a relationship with you for half a penny at a glance.

14. Every time I want to find someone to accompany me, I find that some people can't find me, some people shouldn't find me, and others can't find me.

15. Drinking the lonely wine, blowing the free wind, waiting for a person who has no return date, he has his own dream for the rest of his life.

16. Do you know the taste of missing someone? It's like drinking a large glass of iced water, and then it takes a long time to shed tears.

17. I miss you through the glass when I get up in the morning, through the chopsticks when I have lunch, and in the dark when I go to bed.

18. Thin and small, I left home and gained weight. The local accent has not changed. Children meet but don't know each other. They exclaim who you are. Horizontal batch: return home with tight clothes.

19. The right shoes, only the feet know, the right person, only the heart knows, walk a thousand roads, only one suitable, meet all kinds of people, one person is enough.

20. Delete the lines of words, and finally type "Hmm" and send it to you. It doesn't matter, not all emotions should be told to you, such as my unhappiness, such as I miss you so much.

21. Life can be dull, just like blue sky and clear water. Life can also be a poem, singing along the way. As long as we hold hands, every day is happy. Happy New Year!

22. Water like tenderness, bright heart, hard work, beautiful face, inclusive mind, constitute the perfect you. So I love you, it's natural! Happy New Year.

23. Today, a patient friend said to me with a heavy heart, "I have only six months to live." I didn't know how to comfort him, and said, "It's OK. Six months will pass soon. Be strong."

24. You think you can not meet after saying goodbye, and you can not miss after saying goodbye. But a sudden moment related to him, even a similar sentence, is enough to make you cry. You can forget what you love wherever you say you can forget it.

25. My yearning for you is like endless waves, and my blessing for you is like a volcano eruption. Although the cold wind is blowing, my yearning for you cannot go away; Although the sea is billowing, my blessing to you is endless.

26. The saddest thing is when you meet a person you like, but realize that you can never be together, sooner or later, and you have to give up. The feeling is that it is close but unreachable, and the pain is suffocating but lingering.