Qq space talk about 82 phrases
2023-06-22 08:56:49
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Don't want to know too much, because it's bad for the heart.

2. Don't ask me what I want to eat or what I have to eat.

3. I love you! But in your eyes, I am in your way.

4. Life is as beautiful as summer flowers, death is as beautiful as autumn leaves.

5. Any crime can be decided, how to repay the so-called love crime?

6. If love is just passing by, why go there.

7. I'm just used to having you, not without you.

8. I know. It's just an accessory for your recreation. I understand.

9. In love, no one can tell you left or right.

10. Those who know me are those who worry about me and don't know me.

11. The wound is ugly and shameful. Can only hide in solitude.

12. If you miss the sound, then you have been deafening.

13. I know that I can't leave you behind in my life.

14. Some youth, the interpretation is only the most green and ignorant love.

15. We are at the sad end, while happiness is far away.

16. I like a pure smile. What's wrong with being careless.

17. If you don't know a person's past, you are not qualified to judge his present.

18. Without you, no one will fight for my joke.

19. It turns out that loss is more reliable than possession, and nostalgia is more painful than loss.

20. Whenever I look through the memories, I always feel that you are still waiting.

21. Now I gradually like listening to music quietly, and then I think about you.

22. Beauty can only be used to deceive men, while cleverness can be used to deceive the world.

23. Since I met you, thousands of people have come, and I think it's just passing by.

24. If we hadn't really loved each other, who would still want to remember after breaking up.

25. The appearance of a third party's love indicates that the love should be over.

26. Even if you are held in the palm of your hand, you are still not sure if you are in your heart.

27. Girl, if you don't get hurt, you don't know how weak your heart is.

28. If you want to hear any word you say, it will warm the heart and forget fatigue.

29. I am a national treasure. Anyone who dares to touch one of my fingers will be killed.

30. The most romantic thing I can think of is growing old with you.

31. Those memories that I cannot let go eventually become shackles that I cannot escape.

32. You said goodbye, lost your goodbye and left. The hand you held was helpless to let go.

33. Don't pour bitter water, get drunk, or shed tears for people who are not worth it.

34. Don't let jealousy grow into thorns, which will hurt others and yourself.

35. Time has given me a perfect love and taken away my youth.

36. Only when we leave can we see the mistakes in the story and the truth in the mistakes.

37. In the face of facts, the more developed your imagination is, the worse the consequences will be.

38. There are too many bacteria in the outside world. I'm afraid I will be infected as soon as I go out.

39. Most people want to transform the world, but few want to transform themselves.

40. If it is not the only one destined to be, it is just a few sighs passing by.

41. I am not a child. It is not a piece of sugar that can change a rotten heart back to integrity.

42. Every reserved and calm present has a very silly and naive past.

43. The reality of love wears away all childishness and disguises the persistence and innocence.

44. What is love? Is it you who put down everything for me, or do I draw a prison for you?

45. Now, there is only a confession that does not hurt your hands. There is no love without breaking up.

46. I don't understand why God let us meet, but not let us together.

47. There are many friends we can know, but few friends who can grow old in a lifetime.

48. One's memory should not be too good, because the more memories, the less happiness

49. The watch we drew in our hands when we were young did not move, but it took away our best time.

50. Sweetness haunts my ears. The journey we have taken together has no happiness in our imagination.

51. Even if I am not good enough, I am the best when I love you.

52. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have thought about your headache. Forgetting your heartache.

53. I am not unforgivable, but love without trust becomes a absurd drama.

54. When I love you, the sun is bright and supreme. When I don't love you, it will be dark in an instant.

55. Don't trust your memory. The person in it may not miss you as well.

56. You won't know which teacher really loves you until the final exam.

57. I forgot that we have no relationship, but we are still used to caring about everything about you.

58. Not everyone can be as generous as I am and give up their favorite person to others.

59. If you understand, you will understand. If you understand, you will not. Because it's not mine, I never touch it.

60. I will not be the same now. Those who cheated on me will not be forgiven.

61. Is there a song that you can never forget, or a person that you can never forget.

62. I am just an ordinary person. When I am thirsty, I will drink water. When I am sleepy, I will want to sleep. When I feel pain, I will probably let go.

63. I am like a fly lying on the glass. The future is bright, but I cannot find a way out.

64. Life has always been simple, but we can't help making it complicated.

65. If a person is immersed in the crowd all the time, he will not find himself in the end.

66. Sometimes, you can get what you want most after sticking to the thing you don't want to do the most.

67. You are the prince in the fairy tale I made up, and I am just a passer-by in your life.

68. You asked me if I was happy drinking alone, and I told you that I lacked too much in life, except for you.

69. If I give up, I will suffer. If I continue, I will suffer more.

70. Even in the greatest era, human beings cannot guess what is written in the program of destiny.

71. I really understand that you are not fond of the new and tired of the old, but I am not. I am with you when you are lonely.

72. When I wake up during the holiday, it doesn't mean I get up; When I get up at school, it doesn't mean I wake up.

73. Waiting for the most true happiness requires the arrangement of God. It starts from death, goes from thick to thin, and finally comes true.

74. Love is as little as the money in the deposit, but the loneliness and desire are like borrowing money, and they constantly take the initiative to earn interest.

75. Don't want to have too many emotions. Just smile with your friends. Have a good rest when you feel tired. Why bother yourself.

76. Among all your lies, "I love you" is my favorite one.

77. Some things can only be accepted when they happen. Some people have to let go when they lose. Some roads have no turning back.

78. The reason why people become more and more wayward is that they love too much. More and more silent because it hurts too much. The reason why people become more polite is that they are disappointed.

79. The so-called pig like roommate should be that I caught a cold, so he came back to bring me a box of white and black, and he brought me a bag of Oreos.

80. I don't want to hang myself under your tree, because it will bring you worry, but I can't help myself. Is it wrong to like someone?

81. Holidays are like falling in love: it's exciting to look forward to its arrival, but I feel that when I have it, I will miss it when it is over.

82. In this ordinary world, what we need most is not necessarily heroes, but people who are real and honest, who can be unfaithful to the secular world but live up to their conscience.