Feelings after reading Bailuyuan
Middle aged old women and men's idols
2023-09-16 04:03:41

Finally, I finished reading Mr. Chen Zhongshi's White Deer Plain, and the ending was a bit shocking. With the fluctuation of the story, the thoughts are somewhat confused. The life on the Bailu Plain unfolds along with the main line of the Bailu family. This small place described on the land of China reflects the changes of the whole social era.

The wind, frost, rain and snow of the years, the sunny weather, again and again, one after another to set foot in this ancient plain, the fairy white deer leaping in people's memory of the long lost legend, no matter how many rough wind and rain experience, the wheel of life is still rolling forward day and night, which is the cold and solid power of the years. The visible or invisible rivalry between Bai Jiaxuan and Lu Zilin, the protagonists of White Deer Plain, promotes the development and deepening of the story. Fight for life, fight for face. Of course, the book does not directly and explicitly describe the struggle between the two families, but reflects it from all aspects of life. In the end, the Lujia family was defeated. It may be a truth that character determines fate. Bai Jiaxuan is a portrayal of traditional Chinese men, who stick to stereotypes, rely on their own efforts, live cautiously and conscientiously. Therefore, he did not do anything earth shaking. He always believed in Bailu Village as a dignified patriarch and strictly adhered to the philosophy of being wise and protecting his own integrity. Lu Zilin's character is different from that of Bai Jiaxuan. He is utilitarian, competitive, unpretentious and timid. Although he also experienced ups and downs of officialdom in his life, he did not create any glory after all, and ended up miserable. I think there are two people with the greatest changes in personality, one is Bai Xiaowen, the other is Heiwa. Bai Xiaowen became stronger from weakness after suffering from famine, thanks to his words from Uncle Lu. He has stepped out of his original docile, regular and indecisive character and become rebellious, eager for quick success and instant benefit. However, the character of Heiwa has twists and turns. First, she was timid and shy when she was young, then she was brave and fierce, and finally she learned to be a good person. In fact, the relationship between personality and environment is dialectical. The environment shapes someone's certain personality, and someone reshapes the environment with a certain personality.

As the work of the Contradiction Literature Award, White Deer Plain vividly shows us a picture of the life of a plain and a ethnic group. Reading it, we seem to be in the scene. Sad as the characters are sad, and happy as the characters are happy. We are often infected by the characters in the novel, which is probably the power of the realism in the master's pen!

The life in the book has ups and downs, but what about ours?

We hope to break the waves of life with the enthusiasm of youth struggle, and build our own unknown future with our hands and wisdom~