Inspirational video impressions
Off key Uncle
2023-11-16 08:43:48
third year in high school
impressions of after reading

Comments on the documentary Senior Three
"The laughter reminded me that my flowers were quietly blooming for me in every corner of my life. I thought I would always stay by his side. Today we are leaving in the vast sea of people. Are they old? Where are they? Let's divide the world in this way..." Listen to the melody of Pu Shu's "Those Flowers", Knock down the following words with feeling
The scene flows in consciousness, and the documentary awakens the memory that has been hidden for two years. Suddenly, I felt that those days were extremely precious. I had to write down the words that choked my throat when I graduated. It's not about the impressions of this documentary called "Senior Three", but about the senior three days we really experienced and the "flowers" we had in our youth.
"Senior Three", from its shooting skills, there is no very unique shooting skills, this is just an ordinary documentary. The reason why it won the prize may be that it is a unique work for each of us who has experienced the college entrance examination. It brings us too many extraordinary thoughts. Let's even pay more attention to his humanistic and social values. I have always admired the director of documentaries. Because this is a group of people who are sincerely speaking. From these people, we can see a kind of concern, a spirit of in-depth discussion on performance. Now, because of the acceleration of the rhythm, a variety of things have confused our eyes, and we lack the understanding of the real social existence buried underneath or somewhere else, which I think is quite valuable.
This film is about the intense campus life of the students in Class 7, Grade 3, Grade 7, Grade 1, Wuping High School, a key middle school in Wuping County, Fujian Province, under the leadership of Wang Jinchun, the head teacher. From the 94 minute documentary, the whole person was in a tense atmosphere, and it seemed to bring him back to the hot era of senior three. A true and impeccable image inscription reflects the most simple life state of junior high school students in small towns. Every detail of the film makes me have an indescribable throb about the time two years ago. At the beginning of the film, we were shown a scene where the head teacher scolded the truant students in the dilapidated dormitory. The light was very dark, and the metaphor montage was used, suggesting that senior three was definitely a dark year for "Chinese students". From the third year of senior high school, I immediately switched to the scene of military training when I was just entering school, and used the flash back montage to tell us that the terrible senior high school students are in constant rebirth. Eighteen year old green diary shows us with successive montages. At the parent meeting, the author used a close-up of parents' faces and a montage of comparison between teachers and parents to show us a group of farmers' parents' ignorance and helplessness in education. The psychological montage of student Jia Yan has appeared many times. The author combines her monologue with some pictures with special clips to produce the effect of separation of sound and painting. The author also filmed three meetings of activists for joining the Party in a metaphorical montage, trying to show what kind of ideological education Chinese students are under! A little ironic! For the performance of the learning atmosphere in the classroom, the author uses overhead and repeated montages to show the pressure of students' learning for many times. In this documentary, the author interviewed four students and their parents mainly in a participatory and interactive way, and repeatedly used cross montages, switching montages, and continuous montages to express the selfless love of parents for their children. The few separate scenes of parents in the film can reflect parents' expectations and care for their children. The tuition fee of senior three students in a key middle school is more than 2000 yuan, which may be the savings of parents for several years, but parents are firmly supporting their children to go to school. As long as their children are willing to learn, and as long as their children can go out, these parents are willing to smash pots and sell iron and become buyers, probably the general situation in China's backward countryside! Parents place their unfulfilled ideals or aspirations on their children, or even the expectations of the whole family on their children. Can children be free from pressure? Therefore, some of the students in the film are tired of school and plan to quit school under pressure, or the self pressure is too great, the high field mood is nervous, and the play is abnormal. In the final analysis, all this is because the college entrance examination has a huge impact on the life of Chinese people. The film also involves some common problems on campus, such as students' puppy love, students' addiction to Internet cafes, students' smoking and other life habits. The school still tries to educate and save them. These backward students, whether the school or the head teacher, are trying to help them, which makes me very moved. In fact, they can only focus on the promotion rate and give up those students who have no hope of going to college. In the film, Wang Jinchun, the head teacher of Class 7, Grade 3, worked hard from the beginning to the end. Spare no effort to make plans and exam arrangements for students. He and his colleagues worked very hard and were very dedicated. This industry moved me very much and reminded me of my class teacher in senior three. In the film, Mr. Wang, as the head teacher, not only has his own teaching task (he also takes the Chinese class of Senior Three), but also always pays attention to the students' life and learning dynamics in his class, and also helps students solve learning and psychological problems in a timely manner. For backward students, Mr. Wang also does his best not to abandon them, Even when the final entrance examination is coming. In the film, Mr. Wang is a class teacher with rich experience in the third year of senior high school. From the mobilization for students and parents at the beginning of school, he tightens the strings in the minds of students and parents - the most important event of the year is to prepare for the college entrance examination. On the eve of the college entrance examination, it depresses the students and reminds them that the college entrance examination is only a necessary way of life. It uses the way of accumulating montage to show Mr. Wang's teaching skills and rich teaching experience. He is an excellent people's teacher and a people's teacher worthy of students' respect. In short, I think Zhou Hao (the director of the film) has a profound understanding of the college entrance examination, Zhang Xingwang, Zhong Shengming, Lin Jiayan, Mo Xiaolan... and the teacher Wang Jinchun.
However, what "Senior Three" presents to us is not only to arouse our memories of Senior Three, but also to give us a reflection on whether China's education system is consistent with the current era. Wang Jinchun, the head teacher in Senior Three, said at the beginning: if we are insiders in middle school education, they will certainly understand our approach, but those experts and scholars may have views on us. But we still insist on this kind of education, because if we do not do so, we will be sorry for students and parents. Because in the magnetic field of education, teachers, students and parents are attracted: teachers are for the promotion rate, students are for the future, and parents are for the happiness of their children. Is the teacher wrong? Is the student wrong? Is the parent wrong? Nothing wrong. So, is our education wrong? The answer is: education is not wrong, but inconsistent with the pace of the times. Teachers preach and teach, students are eager to learn, and parents respect teachers and value education - Let's face the hard facts directly: the sword of Damocles with the enrollment rate hangs above teachers' heads, and students face the harsh fact that they either study and become favored children, or become farmers, workers, migrant workers or "social idlers" like their parents, We should change the fate of a family (even generations) through our children. It is this great era that bears such a heavy burden. In other words, the burden of education is the epitome of the burden of this era. The students' achievements are the teachers' "life price", and their entrance rate determines everything; The future of students is the "life price" of parents. They have to work hard to afford the present and future tuition fees of students. What is the sound of reading and the enrollment rate? This is sad. Therefore, the collective struggle of this group of people in the senior three of "China" has a sense of sadness and desolation. I remember that people around me, including myself, knew very little about the college entrance examination. Apart from the college dream instilled by the school and parents at the beginning, there was nothing else. Looking at these vivid pictures, students tell that their ideals are not pure, and they bear too much responsibility. It can be imagined that there are many farmers, Chinese students and tickets to universities in China. However, it is hard for farmers to send them to Tianzhi University to train a college student. It is not easy for Chinese examinees. Many times they are not themselves. In Chinese education, students have no personality. I really want to ask: When will the "Senior Three" school year leave every Chinese a painful experience?
A "Senior Three" presents the most authentic story in front of the audience, leaving the audience with the opportunity to think. I'm not surprised that "Senior Three" has won many awards. It is surprising that in such an ordinary country, some ordinary people are struggling in an extraordinary period of life. What they do, in the eyes of others, is the most extraordinary in their heart. In the collision between the ordinary and the extraordinary, what falls is the helpless spark of humanistic care.
In addition, this "Senior Three" taught me a lot of life philosophy: love life, I don't want to think about whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen the distance, I only care about the wind and rain; I don't want to think about whether I can win love. Since I love roses, I will bravely reveal my sincerity; I don't want to think about whether there will be cold wind and cold rain behind me. Since the goal is the horizon, the only thing left to the world is the back; I don't want to think about whether the future is flat or muddy. As long as I love life, everything is expected. There is another sentence: What am I afraid of when I am disappointed?