Reflections on Heroes of Fire Fan Wen Excellent Reflections on Heroes of Fire
The right way in the world is vicissitudes
2023-06-09 11:07:28

Wen/Fang Zihao

Today, my father and mother took time out of their busy schedule to accompany me to see a movie about the story of firefighters fighting the fire - "Fire Heroes".

The cinema has just started. First, the third floor of the hotpot shop was on fire. The firefighters felt the scene was on fire. Jiang Liwei, the team leader, led the team into the hotpot shop to put out the fire, and then asked a firefighter to take a recruit to clean up the scene. Unexpectedly, the recruits were inexperienced and opened the room with gas tanks, which happened a second time, Jiang Liwei and one of the firefighters who went in were injured, but the nearest recruit died on the spot. Due to the negligence of Captain Jiang Liwei, which led to the sacrifice of new soldiers, Jiang Liwei was sentenced to be removed from the position of captain. It also gave him a psychological shadow, and even made him possible to retire.

In the process of extinguishing the fire, three scenes moved me and left me with tears of deep feeling.

The first is Jiang Liwei. Because of the concealment of the person in charge of the oil region, the oil keeps flowing into the strongest part of the fire without power cut, which will cause chemical tanks around and affect the safety of many cities around. Because the fire was so big that it needed to close the gate manually, Jiang Liwei and another firefighter stepped forward. They thought they could close the power switch in 45 minutes, but they were deceived by the head of the oil area. Finally, they learned that it would take 8000 turns to close a gate. They risked their lives and kept turning the gate. Even if their gloves were burned and their hands burned, they didn't give up. At last, Jiang Liwei closed the switch at the last moment before the shock wave of the fire, completed the task and sacrificed himself.

His wish, the illusion of "just want to go home", deeply moved me. They are also members of an ordinary family. The child lost his father, the wife lost her husband, and the white haired person wanted to send the black haired person away. I couldn't help shedding tears when I thought of these.

Zheng Zhi, a veteran who is about to retire. His sacrifice was to rescue the team members protecting the chemical tank farm, because the team members were surrounded by fire to protect the chemical tank farm. Zheng Zhi didn't run away when he saw it. Instead, he took the water gun and rushed into the fire to save the team members. As soon as he saved the team members, the burning fire frame fell down and hit him. Because the fire was too big for the team members to rescue Zheng Zhi, at the last moment of sacrifice, Zheng Zhi threw out his helmet and said "give it to my mother", thus sacrificing himself.

Xu Xiaobin's original mission was the least dangerous. He was in the rear, responsible for ensuring the smooth flow of remote water supply. However, because the water inlet of the equipment is often blocked by garbage in the water, the front line has a shortage of water, not only dangerous goods are in danger, but also the lives of firefighters and soldiers are directly threatened. In order to eliminate the danger, he rushed into the water, kept removing garbage, and finally a water column spewed out of the hose. However, Comrade Xiaobin died tragically and heroically because of being trapped in the water for a long time. He and his wife had just got married one day. Seeing Yang Zi lying on him, we all cried.

Heroes in the past wars make us admire them, but firemen in modern life are such heroes that we love and respect! This positive energy needs us, the flowers of our motherland, to continue to pass on, and their families deserve our better treatment. Let us be proud to have such "sons", "fathers" and "lovers"!

Firefighters are a great, dangerous and important profession. This spirit of sticking to the post and completing the task makes us admire! Such spirit is worth learning for each of us!